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2004-05-18 Afghanistan/South Asia
Pak Islamic alliance vows to maintain religious laws
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Posted by TS(vice girl) 2004-05-18 7:49:51 AM|| || Front Page|| [1 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Come on-how many rapes are committed in front of 4 witnesses? Muslim Pakistan's rape "laws" are just one more example of current day Islam's propensity for condoning psychopathic behavior. Instead of holding criminals accountable for their sexual weakness and apostatic crimes (I don't imagine the Quran advocates rape), Islam saddles rape victims with the culpability. What a bunch of cowardly degenerates they are. Ironic that they are hiding behind women’s (torn) skirts.
Posted by jules 187 2004-05-18 11:31:32 AM||   2004-05-18 11:31:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 And ironically, Mohammed made made up the Four Witnesses Law to protect one of his wives from stoning for adultery. Well, did he realize that it would make the ban on rape unenforceable unless the rapist was a Darwin-Award-level dumb crook?
Posted by Korora  2004-05-18 11:45:30 AM|| []  2004-05-18 11:45:30 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 It is un-islamic to rape a woman with four piuos male witnesses Jules.

About those blasphemy laws though. How you going to keep them down on the farm without them?
Posted by Lucky 2004-05-18 11:58:52 AM||   2004-05-18 11:58:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#4  "Pakistan's rape "laws" are just one more example of current day Islam's propensity for condoning psychopathic behavior." Thanks jules 187!

. . ."the so-called Hudood Ordinance states that a woman must have four pious male Muslim witnesses to prove a rape"

WTF! If four Islamic ass-holes are standing by (i.e., "witnesses"? WTF?!) as they watch (bet they love that!) a woman get raped, they are still considered "pious"?

Okay. So, Islamic guys are considered "pious" if they watch a woman get raped. Too much.

Witness 1: "Yes, by Allah, I saw the penetration, but was distracted by her screaming, so I can't be sure our cousin did it."
Judge: You are a defender of Islam. May Allah bless you.

Witness 2: "Yes, by Allah, I saw the penetration, and though I was not distracted by her screaming, her flailing arm hit me in the eye during my observation at four inches distance from the act, and when I hit her back, the act was over, so I can't be sure our cousin did it."
Judge: You are a defender of Islam. May Allah bless you.

Witness 3: "Yes, by Allah, I saw the penetration, but because I wanted her first, I was talking to the other three witnesses in order to organize the situation, but then our cousin had her down before I could manage my trousers, so I can't be sure our cousin did it."
Judge: You are a defender of Islam. May Allah bless you.

Witness 4: "Yes, by Allah, I saw the penetration, and as I was encouraging her through her tears to stop provoking men to rape her, she vomited, and the vomit go on my shoes, so I can't be sure our cousin did it."
Judge: You are a defender of Islam. May Allah bless you. Throw her in prison! She is a loose woman and a slur againt holy Islam! And she must make restitution for insulting the shoes of a defender of Islam . . . Next!

No wonder the rate of rape in Pakistan register about 1 per hour! Unbelievable. And they say "We will not allow the American agenda to be imposed on 140 million Muslims.”

This is another one of the many reasons why I keep saying that all Islamic pseudo-men must die.
Posted by ex-lib 2004-05-18 1:52:51 PM||   2004-05-18 1:52:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Dog Bites Trolls TROLL 2004-05-18 9:33:11 PM||   2004-05-18 9:33:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 "By Allah, we demand to retain the right to discriminate against women and non-Muslims!"

Disgusting. It's just one more example of the depravity that exists in the Islamic world.

Although I just had an interesting thought. I was thinking how this can only change through a mass movement from the bottom - since those mullahs aren't going to let go of the power that comes from their "interpretations" - and despairing because I had remembered that the education system is one of the things that keeps the masses from realizing the lunacy in which they live - and yet, I says to myself, most of the worst terrorists are Western-trained. There are numerous examples throughout Muslim history which I'm too lazy to look up now (though I easily could) where a Muslim would come to the West to become educated, and during the course of his travels would undergo a transformation into a jihadi. And I wonder: could it be that they like the power that they see in the West, and knowing that they're better-educated and suited, that they go back actually intending to push ignorance on others who aren't as fortunate?

What disturbs me about this little theory is that it goes with the lifestyle of the Arabs, with the tribalism and the constant struggle to get yourself to the top, to conspire to benefit only yourself.
Posted by The Doctor 2004-05-18 9:58:04 PM||   2004-05-18 9:58:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Dog Bites Trolls 2004-05-18 9:33:11 PM||   2004-05-18 9:33:11 PM|| Front Page Top

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