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2003-10-13 Middle East
IDF withdraws from Rafah; UN, Paleos bitch
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Posted by Frank G 2003-10-13 11:10|| || Front Page|| [10 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Next they'll be trying to smuggle in land-mines to use on the roads. Perhaps even use them to give thir bombs some extra "Zing".
Posted by Charles  2003-10-13 12:13:02 PM||   2003-10-13 12:13:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 No doubt the numbers are a result of the patented Jenin Massacre Casualty Calculator...
Posted by mjh  2003-10-13 1:00:22 PM||   2003-10-13 1:00:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Cry me a river and drown in it.
Posted by Atrus 2003-10-13 1:44:32 PM||   2003-10-13 1:44:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 The tunnels were "shut down"? I hope this means that they were destroyed-or-caved-in shut down.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2003-10-13 2:44:31 PM||   2003-10-13 2:44:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Lessee, taking their claims at face value, that's 1200 people "homeless", and 120 homes destroyed.

10 people to a house, on *average* ?! Now I see why the Paleos are such sociopaths....
Posted by Carl in NH 2003-10-13 5:07:16 PM||   2003-10-13 5:07:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 no wonder the palestinians are pissed at the israelis, I would be too if my house was demolished, expect some retaliation
Posted by Igs 2003-10-13 9:30:00 PM||   2003-10-13 9:30:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Ah, Igs, you're such a simple soul. I'd guess, from your comments, that you'd get lost in the fog from your breath on a cold morning. Better stay in and watch the game shows. Safer that way, and less confusing. Don't worry, Don Pardoe will explain everything.
Posted by .com 2003-10-13 10:13:42 PM||   2003-10-13 10:13:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 sure .com, it's easy enough to dismiss alternative views by referring to people's lack of understanding of underlying issues. While I personally don't condone suicide bombings against civiliant targets (they vulgar and barbaric), I really don't have aproblem with attacks on legitimate military targets. I have had the opportunity to experience life under a communist system as well as a western democracy (do prefer the latter) and unlike some people, I can see through the fog much more clearly than others. The current israeli strategy has achieved nothing and will achieve nothing in the future, it takes a brave men to face up to reality and confront the truth. An alternative is needed and unfortunately it won't be found with the current idiots in charge, Sharon Bush and yes, Arafat.
Posted by Igs 2003-10-13 10:40:15 PM||   2003-10-13 10:40:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 The conflict in the ME is not one of ideologies, such as democracy vs. communism. Were that the case, it would be as good as over as communism is beyond discredited - it's simply asinine.

The ME problem is one of Arab hatred of Jews, pure and simple. It is taught, indoctrinated, and inculcated from cradle to grave. Nothing in the education system misses being twisted to include it or to sharpen it. It is in the names of every street, building, and holiday. It is endlessly invoked in "prayer" every Friday. It is in the air, the water, the food, and on every tongue in almost every sentence. It is constant. It is never diminshed by concessions or acts of civility or kindness. It saturates every act and thought and deed. It is the core of the Arab culture. It is the core of Islam. If you do not understand this - fully - then you do not understand the Arabs nor the situation on the ground in the ME.

Factually speaking, until the Arabs or the Israelis are effectively wiped out, there will be no peace. Period. If you don't see this, then you haven't been paying attention. This has been going on for a long long time and there is more than sufficient history available to make a concrete case for what I'm saying - assuming you are willing to read it all - not just the bits that suit your notions and biases. Yes, it's sad and deplorable. Yes, it is insane.

But there it is, nonetheless. Without US support, which allows us some measure of pressure to demand constraint, long ago Israel probably would have depopulated the territory around their border to deny the murderous Arabs the staging areas and firing positions they use to attack Israeli civilians.

Ask yourself why the following timeline of events occurred... Immediately after the Oslo Accords were signed (one of many peace processes, if you'll recall) the world was eating out of Araft's hand - and he had a Nobel Prize in the other. Barak was trying to negotiate land for peace - precisely what had been demanded by the Paleos. It looked like there might be an end to the insanity. Arab funding was high and so were Western hopes.

Then Arafat declared the intefada. As the violence grew, Barak lost credibility and office. The Israeli public elected Sharon in response - because he promised to deal with the killers. He has. The current campaign to kill the terrorist group leaders is in progress - and has proven very effective in lowering the rate of the murders - do the math. It is not finished. Nor is the fence / wall, which might help as well.

Everything hasn't yet been tried - especially all of the military options Israel can bring to bear - mainly due to US pressure. Should Israel give up on the US - or should the US give up on the Paleos, then you'll see what Israel can do to end this bloody stupid stalemate. The "truth" you want someone to confront is appeasement - and since you don't understand or won't accept that it has already been tried (more than once) and is only viewed as weakness by the Arabs - and invites renewed violence - then you obviously don't get it.

The real truth is that Israel, if it is to survive, must make that possible through violence, massive and ferocious. Hot war with the gloves off - no more trying to be careful in their targeting to minimize civilian deaths. Were the Arabs 1/100th as concerned with the rules that you and others of your ilk demand of Israel, then there would be hope. But that won't happen for it is beyond the Arabs - they are simply blind in their hatred and all Jews are equal targets, children, old women, soldiers, and pregnant mothers alike.

I don't give a shit whether you agree with this or not. I have lived in the ME and come to know this is the reality they face. I don't hate the Arabs, but it would be fair to say that I hate hatred - particular their blind variety. I hope Israel is unleashed soon so they may save themselves from the sub-human Paleo cretins. The Israeli people have gone the extra mile more than enough times to deserve a chance at peace. Sadly, the only options left to them are these:
1) give up and leave Israel
2) destroy, not hold at bay, destroy their enemies

And there you have it as it stands today, in my not even remotely humble opinion.
Posted by .com 2003-10-13 11:25:27 PM||   2003-10-13 11:25:27 PM|| Front Page Top

18:46 Anonymous
09:25 Raptor
05:38 Bulldog
03:40 B
03:21 B
03:08 B
23:59 Not Mike Moore
23:47 Not Mike Moore
23:33 .com
23:25 .com
23:22 Not Mike Moore
23:07 Not Mike Moore
23:04 Not Mike Moore
23:03 Jennie Taliaferro
23:03 Bomb-a-rama
23:01 RussSchultz
22:58 Jennie Taliaferro
22:58 Not Mike Moore
22:54 Not Mike Moore
22:40 Igs
22:37 Anonymous
22:13 .com
22:07 Frank G
21:43 Ptah

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