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2005-01-02 -Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Important Lessons From The South Asian Tsunami (It's All Allahs Fault)
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Posted by tipper 2005-01-02 11:25|| || Front Page|| [2 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 This ayah is for those Muslims left behind in Aceh and elsewhere. Allaah has asked you to stay patient during this time, to continue your struggle to bring back Islam (as a complete ideology) to that part of the world, and has promised you on that patience a great victory, Allaah willing.

Along side the fact that these governments are actively fighting Islam and Muslims on a national and international scale, their peoples are also involved in wide scale Shirk (polytheism - associating partners alongside Allaah in either his names, attributes, or functions). The whole South Asian region is characterized by Shirk (polytheism). In Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, the Shirk is in the form of setting up rivals (andaad) besides Allaah (in his Ruboobiyyah, Lordship). We see the many Buddhist statues and idols that the people have created out of their own hands as illustration of this fact e.g. the golden statues of Buddha, Hanuman, Ganesh, Gandhi etc etc. In Indonesia, the Shirk is more subtle, and takes the form of setting up laws and constitutions in parliament based on Kufr. The Shirk of ruling by man-made laws as opposed to the Sharee'ah (is in direct contradiction to the Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah).

No matter what the form of Shirk, one thing is certain, the punishment of Allaah (swt) for this crime.

... In conclusion then, the earthquake of South Asia is a warning from Allaah (swt), not only to the people of that region, but rather to the whole of humanity, and to the Muslims in particular, that they may return back to their Lord and their Deen. Many of the Muslims today have gathered many sins, some of those sins are so great (kabaa'ir), that it has taken them outside the fold of Islam, while others are on the verge of the Kufr. We see those who delay and neglect prayers, eat haram foods e.g. food that is stunned before being slaughtered, deal with riba (interest), do not fulfill their trusts (covenants), order the evil (munkar) and forbid the good (ma'roof), rule by Kufr laws, uphold and make excuses for the apostate rulers and their governments in the Muslim lands, associate partners with Allaah in his names, attributes and functions, indulge in free mixing, display their awrah, listen to music and songs, smoke and have abandoned the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. All these exist in our society.

Let us fear Allaah (swt) and take warning from the events of this week. Allaah (swt) gives us a chance but is not neglectful. What has happened to the previous nations and some of the current ones will happen to us (one by one) if we obey the Shaytan and go far from the path of the Most Merciful. These are the sunan of Allaah that will never change.

... Let us pause and ask ourselves what has been the tangible impact on us since we have heard and seen this earthquake. The happy one is one who learns from the calamity of others, and the sad one is by whom these calamities pass while he takes no lesson from them. It is unfortunate that the explanation offered for these events is that they are normal natural disasters, and that they do not link it to what happens to people due to their wrongdoing, both as a nation (collectively) and as individuals. Theirs is clearly an incorrect interpretation.

This wanker gets so close:

"In conclusion then, the earthquake of South Asia is a warning from Allaah (swt), not only to the people of that region, but rather to the whole of humanity, and to the Muslims in particular, that they may return back to their Lord and their Deen.

I'm still waiting for some spittle flecked imam to come out with the usual;

"This disaster is Allah's way of punishing Muslims for insufficiently resisting the evil influences of American secular mentality."

Fear not, it'll be spouted by some fundamentalist goon soon enough.
Posted by Zenster 2005-01-02 7:57:22 PM||   2005-01-02 7:57:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 If there was any justice in the world the hardest areas would be those that are the most fundementalist
Posted by Cheaderhead 2005-01-02 8:54:32 PM||   2005-01-02 8:54:32 PM|| Front Page Top

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