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2008-06-08 China-Japan-Koreas
40,000 march against US beef in South Korea over fears of BSE
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Posted by mrp 2008-06-08 14:59|| || Front Page|| [2 views ]  Top

#1 This is the most stupid thing I've ever seen. It's the left, which got their asses kicked in the last election, having finally found an issue that will get some traction and they're pushing it with all they've got.

Korea is a xenophobic society to begin with and anything anti-American rings a loud bell with them. They've long since all but forgotten our part in the Korean War. Go to any of the monuments and memorials that depict that history and it's all about the brave ROKs that defended the country in the Korean Civil War. Funny how T.R. Fehrenbach and Clay Blair, the Korean War's most noted historians, both see the ROKs as damned near useless in fighting that war. Hewers of wood and drawers of water, yes. Fighters...not so much. As an indication of how much we're appreciated over here, I have yet to meet an American in Korea who doesn't strongly wish that the U.S. would pull USFK immediately.

If you really want to know more about this, check out This guy writes a blog called "The Marmot's Hole" and he's covered this issue extensively. He's normally pretty pro-Korean but on this issue he's just calling it as it is: a bunch of racist, xenophobic garbage.

North Korea is what South Korea would be if it wasn't for the U.S. No good deed goes unpunished.
Posted by Thaimble Scourge of the Pixies4707 2008-06-08 18:07||   2008-06-08 18:07|| Front Page Top

#2 The SoKors ought to be careful what they wish for - if the US gets tired of this crap and leaves, they will be the ones that get to pay for North Korea all by themselves, once it collapses. And believe me, North Korea will collapse. The only "communist" survivor nations in the world are those that : 1) operate more like EU socialist police states; or 2) are politically valuable enough to earn the needed foreign aid from the anti-American bloc. North Korea has far too much of the Stalinist Cult of Personality running through its entire communist ideology and cadre to risk the EU police state approach, and it has lost its political value over the years.
Posted by Shieldwolf 2008-06-08 19:30||   2008-06-08 19:30|| Front Page Top

#3 Also, Korean xenophobia is not a recent occurrence - it is not for nothing that Korea was known for centuries as the Hermit Kingdom.
Posted by Shieldwolf 2008-06-08 19:32||   2008-06-08 19:32|| Front Page Top

#4 Well, SW, that's because Korea is Asia's Belgium, the crossroad of conflict between two large nations. There's a saying in Hangul [Korean], when whales fight shrimps backs are broken. For centuries its lands and people have been the collateral damage in fights between those coming from China and Japan.

And is their reaction any different than that of the American automakers and unions when fuel efficient and solidly made Japanese cars started to flood the American market in the 70s during that earlier gas 'crisis'? It's as old as Aesop's fable - depends on whose ox is being gored.

However, we should have been gone years ago leaving a Military Assistance Team for coordination and planning.
Posted by Procopius2k 2008-06-08 22:41||   2008-06-08 22:41|| Front Page Top

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