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2004-06-27 Home Front: WoT
2 Muslims provided assistance to 9/11 hijackers
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Posted by Dan Darling 2004-06-27 2:12:06 PM|| || Front Page|| [6 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 The FBI long has contended that not a single al-Qaeda operative in the United States collaborated with the 19 hijackers in the Sept. 11 attacks. Yet the commission investigating the attacks has identified two Muslim men who may have had advance knowledge of the plot. The commission found that two hijackers got substantial help from Mohdar Abdullah and Anwar Aulaqi after settling in California in 2000. The FBI is seeking to find and interview Aulaqi about his contacts with al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar. It is unclear if U.S. officials know where Aulaqi is. FBI spokesman Mike Kortan said the Sept. 11 investigation is "ongoing and active" and that any new evidence will be examined closely...The bureau did have Abdullah deported to Yemen in May.
Let me get this straight...Mohdar Abdullah got deported by the FBI[bye, bye see you, have a nice flight!]even though an inmate wrote Homeland Security about Abdullah bragging that he was a terrorist enabler and Anwar Aulaqi is now being investigated 3 years after 9/11. Mueller should be the next guy joining the unemployment line, right behind Tenet.
Posted by rex 2004-06-27 11:00:17 PM||   2004-06-27 11:00:17 PM|| Front Page Top

The FBI could not corroborate the inmate’s story, she told the commission during its public hearing two weeks ago. "Another inmate gave another story and the details differed quite significantly," Maguire said.

And a third inmate told yet another contradictory story, I heard an FBI official testify to the Senate committee.

Basically, the FBI decided the prison informant's story was not trustworthy. The prison informant was being deported and had a strong motive to concoct a story that might allow him to stay in the USA.
Posted by Mike Sylwester 2004-06-28 12:16:20 AM||   2004-06-28 12:16:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 No, #2, I'd err on the side of caution/suspicion re: Abdullah, rather than letting that slimeball get on the big silver jet to Yemen, where he will get recycled into the terrorist circuit. And what about letting Aulaqi disappear into the woodwork? The both of them should have been thrown into the Guantanamo slammer to let them cool their heels for a while. I suspect there are too many affirmative action hires in the FBI who may have poor judgement.
Posted by rex 2004-06-28 2:06:42 AM||   2004-06-28 2:06:42 AM|| Front Page Top

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