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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 de Medici3489 What was all that stuff about Maliki and the Iraqi Constitution and the purple fingers in Afghanistan? And is Jimmuh Cahtuh shuttling back and forth to DIS-courage democracy? ( or did he just pocket 12 million dollars of Saudi money to hand out sani wipes to the Palestinians and make them seem...well...decent? And what was Arafat doing in that hut all through the rainy season with Sabu the Elephant boy?) Now I admit that expecting Moslems to go against Islam's traditions of illiteracy and economic buggery and a fine long line of dictatorships and Caliphs is like expectiong Hamas and the Palestinians not to stand and wave bloody hands upraised to Allah and to wail Allahu Akbar while they dance and pass out candy as the Jewish wheelchairs burn in the evening air. But perhaps Democracy has less chance in a Moslem country of ever being a reality than Khalid Sheikh Mohammed being rehabilitated by ( I love a happy ending, dont you?) running a day care center for the kindergarten children of NPR Liberals in a suburb in Carmel, California. But you never know. 2011-05-13 03:17