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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 de Medici3489 Does the Sheikh have any comments to explain why some 60 Moslem countries are almost totally autocracies and dictatorships and WHY most are backward economic bungholes which cant manufacture even their own ball point pens? And why is it the Moslem just cant seem to find his "respect" in the rest of the modern world? Its all the fault of the Jewwzzz. Right? Who DOES respect the Arab? Would YOU like to be an Arab and live like an Arab, and imbibe the nectar of their culture? Go ask your sister or your mother what she thinks of Arab Culture? And how many of your friends are friendly Palestinians and when is the last time you invited any of them over for dinner? And if I get to go to the sink-trap for my comments why do you post pictures that show witless dick-nosed Arabs with bad teeth? Could it possibly be true you feel the same way I do about the Moslem culture? No? You respect Moslems (in principle)? Tell me true. If you stepped in some Arab would you stop and wipe it off your shoe with a stick? So would I. Have a nice day. 2011-05-12 07:16
2 de Medici3489 Slow dance music. To the tune of" Every single Syrian killed is a Moslem and none of them were your friends." 2011-05-12 06:58
3 de Medici3489 Obama figures that if anyone wants to spit on a US Senator and call his mother names in Urdu it might just as well be Kerry. And Kerry is so squealing desperate for coverage in the media that he will do everything (ANYTHING!) he can to get noticed (if not respected). As long as the American public doesnt have to watch and hear Kerry roll around in snot and spittle and urine then Obama can hand Kerry off for a few turns to give the Pakis a little vent so that they can calm down after having had their sovereignty screwed like a little puppy. You have to remember who and what Kerry really is. He's the guy who chose Edwards as his vice President and we all know what Edwards is really like. Kerry (all things considered) is something that drips from the same hole....only bigger. 2011-05-12 06:48