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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 ArisKa.tsaris "You are unwanted here, yet you don't have the class or intelligence to stay away." Indeed. But my lack of class is likewise less interesting to me than Palin's lack of stated foreign policy views. Since nobody brought up the point, I therefore had to ask. And I had to ask in a Republican forum, because it's here where people will actually be interested in defending her. Not much point in making such a question in DailyKos or MyDD. 2008-09-02 07:41
2 ArisKa.tsaris Frank, I don't care that you don't care, haven't you figured it out yet? You've made your point as much as it's in your capacity to make it, Frank. You've never been genuinely interested in politics anyway, nor have you ever been able to offer a rebuttal above the kindergarten level. So don't tire yourself out, it's futile. 2008-09-02 07:03
3 ArisKa.tsaris Ok, more significant issues: Sarah Palin on Foreign Policy -No issue stance yet recorded by Sarah Palin on Immigration -No issue stance yet recorded by I have no problem believing that Sarah Palin is as qualified to make foreign policy as anyone. I just have absolutely no idea what sort of foreign policy she'd be making. Do you? Is she sympathetic or opposed to Russia? What does she think about the Iraq war? What's her stance on Darfur? On China? On NATO expansion? 2008-09-02 05:47