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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 A.ris Katsaris Your side's suggested two options would be The left's preferred option is birth control actually. Sarah Palin opposes all birth control, all sex-ed, and all abortion (even in the case of rape). Her own daughter ended up the victim of her mother's failure to talk to her about birth control. There's nothing morally wrong with what her kid did. I feel sorry for the girl that ends up under the spotlight against her will. But the repercussions of Palin's failure to teach her own daughter about birth control should have taught the governor the stupidity of relying on abstinence-only education. 2008-09-01 21:39
2 ArisK.atsaris Because it was MacCain who was elected in the primaries. Yes, you elected someone without executive experience. Same as the Democrats did. My point exactly, thank you for agreeing. 2008-09-01 05:39
3 ArisK.atsaris Palin, having been the Governor of a state (that borders 2 other countries) is more able to 'take over the presidency' then Obama OR Biden. Then, honestly, why not make it a Palin/McCain ticket, if Palin's more ready than McCain with that logic? 2008-09-01 04:07