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3dc- 04/19/2024 01:57
At this point it’s being claimed that it’s limited shit, badanov. I’ve stacked a number of other things under your article, so we’ll see how things develop overnight.
trailing wife- 04/18/2024 23:55
Sh*t has hit the fan.
badanov- 04/18/2024 23:40
badanov- 04/18/2024 01:43
This article was wonky, badanov. It turns out that when i edited it, one of my highlighted in-lines was missing an opening angle bracket. Upon adding it, the problem went away.

I’m just going to sit here for a bit being shocked that I found and fixed it. Possibly the world is about to end.

trailing wife- 04/18/2024 00:43
Can't tell what is breaking Page 2
badanov- 04/18/2024 00:29
The Hoover was working for me last I looked. I've been fiddling with it all day.
Fred- 04/17/2024 22:59
As of this moment Hoover is behaving the way it's supposed to. No guarantees for after I go to bed.
Fred- 04/16/2024 23:03
Maybe take a break and let your subconscious work on the problem while you do something entirely separate like go sit outside in the fresh air and sunshine?
trailing wife- 04/16/2024 21:52
You're getting frustrated.

Whatever you do don't touch the internals. Stick with your programming. If you need additional additions to the server lemme know.
badanov- 04/16/2024 21:03
Besoeker- 04/16/2024 18:32
Good. Rantburg has decided it hates me. It waits until I'm not looking and breaks. Hoover is working but now it's such a kludge I have no idea how.
Fred- 04/16/2024 10:27
Fred: Got the new FreeBSD backup server (internal one @ home) done. It'll take a coupla days to get it tweaked where it is usable, and it can begin its work.
badanov- 04/16/2024 01:07
Home. Will polish what’s in the hopper, then see if there’s anything left to add. ;-)
trailing wife- 04/14/2024 23:39
Having spent the entire day cursing, I'm going to knock off. Sorry some things are still busted. I don't een understand why they are...
Fred- 04/14/2024 23:29
It's posted.
badanov- 04/14/2024 23:18
I give up trying to post.

Biden has declared a DRAFT of 20 year olds!
UNREAL: "To combat Russia and Iran, the recommended way forward will be to invoke the Selective Service Act"

"The first to be called will be men and women who's 20th birthday falls during calendar year 2023"

A preview of things to come

3dc- 04/14/2024 22:51
I'd say Qom, with everyone in it.
Fred- 04/14/2024 22:33
Give the mullahs five days to get everyone out of Tehran, then level it.
Besoeker- 04/14/2024 20:04
Out on an actual date with Mr. Wife — the daughters are babysitting my mother. I have articles ready to do when we get home, and three Somalia articles already waiting in Hoover.
trailing wife- 04/14/2024 19:04
I did that and couldn't post
3dc- 04/14/2024 13:04
I got multiples of articles I worked on today, then could neither insert them to Poster nor delete anything. I ended up copying and pasting everything directly into Poster.

But so long as I can actually publish somehow, I’m content. It’s a process that will continue to frustrate until suddenly it works beautifully.
trailing wife- 04/14/2024 00:48
Hoover kinda sorta works now. It's still crawling with bugs, but it works.

Most of the time.
Fred- 04/13/2024 20:07
Korrespondent.net has a similar summary of the war between Iran and Israel, similar to their Russian invasion summaries they have published since the start of the Russo-NATO war of 2022.
badanov- 04/13/2024 19:37
None of the bold button in pgcontinued.php doesn't work
badanov- 04/13/2024 01:52
1 articles    Editor  O Club  Whois 
    Man Threatened With Arrest At pro-Paleo Rally For "Looking Jewish"-Unbelievable (3)

In the Hoover...

Man Threatened With Arrest At pro-Paleo Rally For "Looking Jewish"-Unbelievable
Posted by: NoMoreBS   2024-04-19  13:01  Edit    Publish   Preview   1 words   Top  ePoster
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