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2011-09-18 -Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Lemon seed removed from woman's ear
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Posted by Fred 2011-09-18 00:00|| || Front Page|| [9649 views ]  Top

#1 Uh, yeah. I don't think a seed's going to sprout. It'll just die. Bizarre fascination by the author.
Posted by gromky 2011-09-18 01:12||   2011-09-18 01:12|| Front Page Top

#2 Perhaps I'll check the warm lemonade ear douche off my list of homopathics.
Posted by Besoeker 2011-09-18 01:40||   2011-09-18 01:40|| Front Page Top

#3 ...'cause everyone knows things grow really good without sunlight!

Or... maybe this gal's brain gives off solar radiation like nobody's business.
Posted by Scooter McGruder 2011-09-18 03:47||   2011-09-18 03:47|| Front Page Top

#4 Seeds don't need light to sprout. They're planted underground, remember?

They do need water and the right temperature, though. Seeds don't do well at body temperature.
Posted by gromky 2011-09-18 03:52||   2011-09-18 03:52|| Front Page Top

#5 Asking the unasked obvious question: How the hell did she get a lemon seed stuck in her ear canal?

Inquiring minds, etc. ....
Posted by Barbara 2011-09-18 09:00||   2011-09-18 09:00|| Front Page Top

#6 When the world hands you lemon seeds . . . . . . .
Posted by Canuckistan sniper 2011-09-18 09:07||   2011-09-18 09:07|| Front Page Top

#7 Barbara: She had no other choice, she had no room left for lemon seeds in her nostrils.
Posted by Anonymoose 2011-09-18 09:15||   2011-09-18 09:15|| Front Page Top

#8 'moose, you're probably right - but eeeeewwwwww.
Posted by Barbara 2011-09-18 09:16||   2011-09-18 09:16|| Front Page Top

#9 Anything can happen with the ear canal. Things do get caught. A single piece of hair can touch the eardrum and cause quite a bother of noise. Inner city youth I have been told can get cockroaches in the ear(wax is to keep most insects out). Some animals love the smell of ear wax. Dogs will go after a hearing aid first chance you give them. Ear wax can accumulate and block canal causing a 30db loss of hearing. Like putting a finger in the ear. Your doctor will advise an elbow. Pacific WW11 vets would get a green fungus, like a green carpet, all around the canal walls. It must be treated but it never seems to totally go away for a lifetime. The ear and hearing is a marvel, you hear and interpret what you have heard in an instant.
Posted by Dale 2011-09-18 09:56||   2011-09-18 09:56|| Front Page Top

#10 "Anything can happen with the ear canal. Things do get caught."

Perhaps I'm lacking in imagination, Dale, but I can't think of any way for a lemon seed to get in the ear canal (short of actually putting one in there, and I can't imagine why any sane adult would), let alone stuck.

"Inner city youth I have been told can get cockroaches in the ear"

It's not just inner cities, it's places that are crawling with cockroaches. I once took a woman to the hospital (yes, by ambulance - the rescue squad can't really say no) who had a cockroach stuck in her ear. She had them on her clothes, too - and I don't want to even describe the house she lived in. (Suffice it to say we didn't sit down inside the house or set our equipment bags down, and stamped our feet good and hard when we got back outside.) We cleaned out the ambulance really, really well after that transport. :-(
Posted by Barbara 2011-09-18 14:23||   2011-09-18 14:23|| Front Page Top

#11 So they removed a lemon seed. What a magnificent modern marvel!
Posted by newc 2011-09-18 15:14||   2011-09-18 15:14|| Front Page Top

#12 Barbara: Lemons can be pretty sneaky.

Years ago, a medical magazine had an annual year-end round-up of unusual cases found in emergency rooms. After a time, they noticed an odd statistic. For three years running, there were a dozen reports of the same accident.

12 men were allegedly "taking a shower, slipped and fell and landed on a lemon", so had to go to the ER.

Not 11, not 13. Nationwide, 12 and only 12. So for the next year, there was intense interest in tracking that one statistic. The magazine even had an office pool for the next years numbers. 7...8...9...10... The tension mounted as December approached. When the 11th case for that year was phoned in, the office practically broke out in cheers.

But they missed it by one. The streak was broken.
Posted by Anonymoose 2011-09-18 18:35||   2011-09-18 18:35|| Front Page Top

#13 shrug

Or she was holding a squirmy toddler who had a lemon wedge .....

Posted by lotp 2011-09-18 19:53||   2011-09-18 19:53|| Front Page Top

#14 My mom had my father go get his hearing checked. The ENT pulled a pencil erasure out of his ear. When he called to tell me I told him if they pulled a set of keys out I would disown his redneck ass.
Posted by Beavis 2011-09-18 20:23||   2011-09-18 20:23|| Front Page Top

#15 LOL - actually
Posted by Frank G 2011-09-18 21:01||   2011-09-18 21:01|| Front Page Top

22:07 Frank G
22:03 Thing From Snowy Mountain
22:03 Dale
22:03 Thing From Snowy Mountain
21:18 tu3031
21:01 Frank G
21:00 Frank G
20:23 Beavis
20:16 JosephMendiola
20:13 SteveS
19:55 gromky
19:53 lotp
19:53 trailing wife
19:44 SteveS
19:19 Pappy
19:16 Bobby
19:13 Dale
19:13 Pappy
19:08 Pappy
19:00 Bobby
18:42 gromky
18:38 Thing From Snowy Mountain
18:35 Anonymoose
18:26 Frank G

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