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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 10.
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1 Laura Secord "But that someone using that monicker should show up to comment for the very first time about how aaawwwfuul we are being to a certain shaky individual but that we aren't banning some Italian guy enough (when he's the other most banned person currently on the site) is a big coincidence, IMHO." I don't know what you are implying...I was just making a small point about racists and the ban-hammer. Have a marvelous evening... 2011-08-21 18:47
2 Laura Secord Shakey gets banned because he's a little bit of a troll, but in the end, keeps it clean, while de Medici spews nothing but racist vitriol in every post...what is wrong with this pictute? 2011-08-21 17:07
3 de Medici SO, Obama is "giving a lickin' to the chickens and a razzin' to the rats"? Congress as a whole may tend to remember that Obama spit on their bald heads..... I thought Politics was diplomatic along the line that what goes around comes around. bad move to spit on the guys who may not like playing dog to your stick. But Obama cant blame himself, now can he, and he doesnt know God's address or he would blame it on Him. Its hard to distinguish tragedy from farce with Obama. Obama couldn't kill all thirty two Owls in a burlap bag if he stuck a shotgun straight up the neck of the bag. Congress is like the 32 Owls. Most of them will survive and they wont be real happy about the shotgun. Bubba Barack ain't too bright. Bubba pisses in his own bath. 2011-08-21 10:16
4 de Medici Well, its apparent from the expressions of the comments AND their suppression, as well, that feelings are running high for this particular article. Is shakey steve for or against our beloved Leader? Poor skinny Obama. He's what he always was if you had just looked around Bernadine Dohr's Left ear or even smelled your fingers. Amazing as a monkey on a bicycle in a frilly tu-tu. OH, and they always put the monkey in a diaper "just in case." I remember being in a bar as a kid and Kukla Fran and Ollie ( remember that old television show?) had a real live guest skunk do its "business" on the puppets and Buffalo Bob once.( Early TV was a "learning experience" as Obama would be the first to tell 'ya, he knows all about it). My dad used to let me have a "taste" of his Beer. Everybody was laughing so hard I just finished the glass. I think Obama rates right up there with that. 2011-08-21 10:01
5 de Medici Yeah, and look on the bright side: We have two women and Jesus in a Cowboy hat. OH, and some midgets. Don't underestimate the midgets. All that against a monkey on a small red bicycle. Bugler, sound the charge. 2011-08-21 09:31
6 Shakey Steve EXCELLENT! Everything is working according to The Master Plan (tm) 2011-08-21 09:07
7 Shakey Steve Clearly Tea-Sackers can't... 2011-08-21 08:07
8 de Medici A "rumor" from NBC? That sounds as good as gold.Yeah? Get back to us when its confirmed by someone we trust. Uganda? Nobody takes a bribe like an African. Mildew on the wall and fat people with their sweaty hand out. BUT the monkey stew is delicious. 2011-08-21 07:46
9 Shakey Steve "They INTENTIONALLY and WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF THE RESULTS drove the economy into the tank. They have been working on it for DECADES. The housing bubble - their intentional creation." No, that would be the Illuminati, not the Democrats.... 2011-08-21 07:45
10 Shakey Steve "Shourd, a teacher, writer and women's rights activist, met Bauer, a fluent Arabic-speaking freelance journalist, while helping to organise demonstrations in the US against the war in Iraq. The two moved to Damascus together in 2008" Something smells fishy here... 2011-08-21 07:27