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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 de Medici Ah, yes, Major Gaylord's Battalion.They patrolled the Ho Blo Woods, if I remember correctly. You remember the Ho Blo Woods, dont you?.. its was a haven for small but very dangerous Vietnamese Piccolo players. The Ho Blo Woods were located in Bint Duong Province 20 km north of Hoochi Cu Chi, 4 km to the west of the Pink Triangle and the Saigon River and some 56 km northwest of Saigon Red Lght District. The woods consisted of rubber plantations,( they supply the world's resource for Rubbers) sparse to dense woods owned mostly by Frenchmen, and open rice paddies with some extremely large dykes, some 1–2 metres high. The woods were used by the Viet Cong Piccolo players as a base area. During Operation San Francisco from 29 March to 5 April 1966, the 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment( ARMY ) also known as the Screaming Meemies attacked the woods and discovered that the Viet Cong had built extensive bunker and tunnels systems with some of the tunnels three or four levels deep. It was furnished all in Pink and the decor was" FAB-ulous!" 2011-07-07 17:58