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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 Dribble2716 Look, we want a port and we want the Oil. The Libyan civilians are just an excuse. He said out loud that he will cause us no end of grief as long as he is left alive. He has threatened everybody with his usual dire-est the way Arabs do even when they cant. Rivers of blood,blah blah blah. Nobody wants him and he hasnt got anyplace to go. He's got an entourage around him who are "reaching out"...Yeah? He cant take BenGhazi, we can probably organize someone to take charge there and arm them with enough stuff to retake the local Oil facilities. Now, dont tell me everybody in the US govt and half of the queers in EUroweenie cant figure out that we have to Kill this Arab monkey. His entourage is right there, all we need is to know where KaDaffy will BE tonite for beddy-bye. We dont need his butler to do the deed, or his cousin or the Chef and the security squad on the night shift. All we need is his location at 9:00PM. There is good money in it for any al-Goombah who can give us that little piece of the franchise. So WHO in his entourage wants to make a few million? Call this number on your cellphone. Get it right or we dont pay you a dime. But if you deliver THEN we get you the Ferrari and the suitcase full of Cash. You can move to France and Fifi will keep licking your face. Obama wont do that? He wont make that happen? And Hillary? She has squeamish qualms? The Military wants to thunder through the skys and mind its own business saluting the bookends all day? The French cant seem to find their way clear from the chilled potato soup and the Pom d'frits ? There must be someone on the payroll who can take the call and hold up the bag of cash on this? What, we have here is a government with not a single soul who can smile and shove the knife in past the handle? Come on , Priscilla, get off those roller skates. Tell the world you "did it for the children." You want the Oil? Well, what DID you want? You either get rid of this Moslem monkey or go wank, Bosco. 2011-03-23 05:34