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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 Dribble2716 And that is one million IRAQIS. Plus there is a good bet every single one of them was a Moslem. Let's do it again. No really. 2011-03-04 03:38
2 Dribble2716 What if we had groups like this in the United States? Would we address their pain? Would we sit down and "dialogue" with them? Would we have John Kerry and perhaps a man of high moral standing like ( sex-tape) Edwards lead us to a better understanding of Islamic Values? These were the finest men the Democratic Party had to help us through Iraq against the evil Halliburtan Chimpanzee who won that war. Think of how beneficial it would have been for the United States to have a staunch and courageous President Kerry and a really moral Vice President like Edwards. Or for that matter wouldnt the United States have been BLESSED to have had Al Gore as President. Now there is a man of deep integrity and far seeing vision. And you can really tell a man's character at its essence when they feel sympathy for the plight of the "oppressed" Palestinians. Remember to Kill the Jewwzzz and keep a song in your heart. And stand for things like "Hope" and "Change" and other Where's Waldo unambiguous policies. That's what America is all about. And where is the Bund in American politics today? Does anyone here remember the Bund? Someday we will remember the "Palestinians" just about as well. Try to remember the basics,"Somebody wins and somebody loses". And try to remember that in every fight there is that moment when you are both exhausted but the man who wins is the one who holds steady and goes for the eyes and then the guts and doesnt quit until its finished and done. When the going gets rough you can depend on some people....but something tells me it wont be a Democrat. 2011-03-04 03:21
3 Dribble2716 You are listening to the Arab Soul pulsing with Moslem Values. Inspiring isnt it? 2011-03-04 02:50