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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 Yes Justice Yes Hello losers (remember Mcain?). There were some parts of the speech that were correct others were not. The correct parts were: "It is part of my responsibilty as President of the USA to fight negative stereotypes of Muslims whereever they may take place in America." Dear President, the "Rantburg" is one such place. Please look at all the posts since this website was established in 2004 or so. You will see tons of religious discrimination against Muslims. Infact, just look at this thread! Please arrest Frank, Steve, Railing Wife (aka Smelly and others.) The evidence is all here. Trace these people to their homes in the States and arrest them and put them in concentration camps built for fascit cum zionist terrorists. Other good parts were ,"The US government will go to court to fight for the rights of Muslim women to wear the hijab." Another good part was "Its easy to point the attacks on Israel by the Palestinians." The bad parts were 1. Your recognition of the state of Israel which goes against the bible. The bible calls these people "cursed" like the Quran does-forever displaced. 2. Using the phrase "Israeli civilian." No such noun phrase exists in the English language. All in all, a positive speech which recognizes that Muslims are a people who love peace and coexistance. Good but can improve. Thanks for coming though. May God guide you to Islam. 2009-06-05 09:26