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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 2.
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1 TRUTH IS BACK-oh yeah Howdy losers and minority! Firstly, I would like to say that President Obama is doing quite a good job. But he needs to move against the Rantburger cum jew cum WASP cum fascist cum redneck cum bible thumper loser minority, and more vigorously at that. Dear Mr. Obama, please understand that jews and their supporters (hint, hint-the Rantburgers of today) have ALWAYS caused the destruction of every great empire. Every civilization has hated jews- WHAT? Was every civilization in the history of mankind WRONG? Why have they ALL hated jews...every single one of them!!!! Unfortunately, Americans have been led to believe that hating jews is bad. Dear Mr. Obama, why don't you read Mr. Henry Ford's book, "The International Jew"? We know its banned in America but you can download it from the internet. Mr. Ford, one of the world's greatest businessmen, will tell you about the jews and their evil, sinister and wicked nature. Or just read another book, "The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare (also banned in America, but you can download it for free too). Shakespeare will infrom you how Shylock the jew treated the noble Antony. Finally please don't try to supress hatred for the jews. Its unhealthy. Hatred for jews is a natural and beautiful thing. We feel sorry that your people dont enjoy the freedoms to hate jews that we do here. And dont forget to hate the fascist Rantburgers. As the final prophet, Muhammad, may Allah bless him said, "Those who support jews are of them!" God bless America. 2009-04-02 16:00
2 KebypameRap tegaserod K who is very good at training peoples minds to achieve their wishes and dreams by reprogramming their thoughts. Exercise is another way that you can go about achieving fast weight loss. However, the subjects who consumed caffeine only showed no increase in energy expenditure or fat oxidation. Speak to a Consultant - FREE! Your time is valuable, so learn all you need to know the easy way – a free, live phone consultation. As a result, up to 30% of ingested fat is not absorbed by the body. 2009-04-02 14:44