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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 g(r)omgoru Hillary is a bitch, but an intelligent one---Miss Rice is a poster girl for the Klan. 2009-01-07 11:36
2 Spanky Crung3527 The primary reason for the chaos and the constant fighting is ISRAEL and those jews in D.C that are more loyal to Israel than to America. The whole world is witnessing mass killings of children who you say “are being used as human shields!!!” how stupid and inconsiderate, when the children are being killed in their homes. Families of 8, 9 or more are being decentegraded into ashes because of the Israeli bombardment (Just like the 1000’s that were killed in Lebanon in 2006…if your empty head remembers!). As I was saying, America is the only country objecting resolutions condemning Israelis for their cruel murders, and that, my friend (enemy), what makes America is the Biggest supporter of terror in the world. The PAlestinians, since the creation of this zionist country, negotiated down to more than %85 of their original land. You, Israelis, are the ones that are never happy and keep building illegal settlements and violate ALL of the UN resolutions that call for removal of those settlements that are the source of true terrorism. Israel has proven to be a BAD NEIGHBOR for the past 100 years and was the source of most of the “true holocausts” in the world. They have earned the title of “children killers,” Today, the death toll in Gaza stands at 690, 1/3 of which are children under 10. How do you justfy that? Other than the Evilness and the disreguard for human lives and humanity. Yeah, we do hate Israel more than anything, and thats because we’ve been their neighbors for a very long time and we know their “truth” more than anyone else. Their truth is that to them a non-jew is not worth a dime and is called a “goim”. Do you think they care how many children they behead? their agenda is to dominate the world (by leaching on the super power, USA) and make everyone their servant. They succeeded in America and most of Europe(proof: you can doubt the existance of God but you can’t doubt the existance of the holocausts….lol), but not in our terrirories! Death to the Zionists! 2009-01-07 11:25
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