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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 Grins Oppressor of the Pixies4430 b>Pappy Thank G-d you're not in charge. You'd get me and my Marines killed just as easily due to your anger and stupidity and blindness as any it's-our-fault-leftist would. I already suggested to you if you don't like it here, go elsewhere. Now I'm telling you. Posted by Pappy 2008-09-11 23:20 I am callin you out, cowboy. I just read you didn't like my view on the promoting of Islam on 9/11 here at Rantburg by an over seas "bloke". This is a sacred day to honor our martyrs, both civilian and military and many, many other days to post “promotional material for the Islamite. What are "your"(?) marines going to do about jihad in Britain, in Spain, in France, in Belgium. With innumerable imams like this one in Britain, around the world demanding death to our freedoms, the marines can't do a damn thing in so many places. And thank God the Marine command and the President is smart enough to know that and not you so don't try to imply YOU are in charge. I appreciate your service but this has to be recognized. This is a ideological/theological war more than it is military war at this time. That is the root of the sinister and vicious evil force in our midst. "Now run off" is not in my job description, chump. 2008-09-13 17:31