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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 5.
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1 Matt K. Liberal Hawk - you can stuff your hydrocephalic marines with your cheap lies. No state sponsored violence in Ukraine against minorities? Have you ever been there? If not, I highly recommend you to visit ... Uzhgorod, where oppressed Ruthenians started to issue their own passports. Do not ask Russians about forced ukrainization - ask a Hungarian in Karpatalja, a Pole in Tarnopol or a Gagauz in Budzhak, west of Odessa(they talk about an independent republic there, too). Guess what? None of them doesn't border Russia. 2008-08-22 16:54
2 ed Nah, just the British variety homos. There are 2 kinds of humans in this world, ones who grow a pair and those who spread 'em. 2008-08-22 12:44
3 Aris.Katsaris "what part of "sold" don't you understand?" Only those letters it shares with "given". But it's Putin's understanding of territorial rights that is the issue, not my own. 2008-08-22 09:33
4 Aris.Katsaris Well - what was good for a Yugoslav goose in the nineties, will be good for Ukrainian gander, eh? I opposed Clinton's intervention in Kosovo, exactly because I felt that supporting separatisms that are merely a disguise for neighbouring imperialisms is a very bad idea. But in the case of Kosovo Clinton could atleast claim that the Serbs had started the whole circle of separatism with their support of Serb separatism in Bosnia, in Croatia, etc... Serbia back then suffered nothing more than what it attempted is several other nations: if anything it was karmic justice. Ukraine is different -- Ukraine isn't an imperialist nation. Unlike Milosevich's Yugoslavia, Ukraine hasn't been supporting separatism in neighbouring regions of other countries. Unlike Milosevich's Yugoslavia, Ukraine hasn't armed minorities in neighbouring countries. Ukraine is peaceful and is merely seeking its own independence. That's the difference between Ukraine and Milosevich's Yugoslavia. And the difference between Ukraine and Putin's Russia for that part. 2008-08-22 09:28
5 Aris.Katsaris "The Crimea was detached from Russia and given to the Ukraine by Stalin right after World War II. If Yushchenko is as smart as he thinks, give it back." And Alaska was detached from Russia and sold to the USA by some Czar. Will you suggest the same thing if Putin starts asking for Alaska back instead? It's time to stop appeasing the enemy. It's time to admit Ukraine into NATO and tell the world that we'll defend its territorial integrity, instead of asking it to hand off pieces of territory in further futile Munichs. 2008-08-22 09:22