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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 18.
 Posted byTextDate/TimeIP
1 I.M.A. Free American and your mom like it! 2008-07-08 12:49
2 I.M.A. Free American who said I was leaving dork 2008-07-08 12:49
3 I.M.A. Free American One more comment: I didn't know I was in a jewish chat room. Semper Fi! 2008-07-08 12:41
4 I.M.A. Free American I served, did you? I doubt it. It's been fun girls, but . . . 2008-07-08 12:38
5 I.M.A. Free American Procopius2k: I don't care about wisdon, dork. like i said: I only care about America and not Israel. Too bad for you that I do. And I hope the Iranians kick butt on the Zionist pigs in occupied Palestine if they should attack. I say you are either an American or your not. Which are you? 2008-07-08 12:34
6 I.M.A. Free American Old Spook & Ed: Are you Fred or Frank, or Besoeker? Don't be playa-haters. Which is it: Bomb Iran or shut up? 2008-07-08 12:26
7 I.M.A. Free American swksvolFF: but is ok to let the zionest pigs in occupied Palestine to have atomic bombs and to use them to threaten everyone else in the Middle East. At what point will you begin to criticize the Zionist thugs in occupied Palestine?? Do they not do nothing wrong? I can list hundreds of incidents to support what I say. What's wrong with your sense of balance and justice. Or are you another zionist pig? 2008-07-08 12:23
8 I.M.A. Free American Procopius2k: take the advice I gave to JFM. Except its double for you. You can dish it but you can't take it. Sissy bitch that you are. 2008-07-08 12:18
9 I.M.A. Free American Tu: Letting the AIPAC dictate our foreign policy is what losing control is all about. That is why Doo-Doo heads like JFM leave comments that advocate bombing Iran or supporting the Zionist thugs who occupy Palestine with U.S. taxpayers footing the bill. 2008-07-08 12:15
10 I.M.A. Free American JFM: I was going to say thins: You have no punch bitch. Just give me your mom's phone number. I know she can appreciate a real man. Instead, I am saying this: fuck off! 2008-07-08 12:04
11 I.M.A. Free American Just know this tu: I like all people. I just hate the poliitics of those selfish people who put their interests before everybody else. Sometimes people take me wrong, but most of the times I mean what I say and say what I mean and most people understand me. What is your problem? Re-read my comments. Not once did I say I have a problem with black or gay people. Should I have said to dork-head Besoeker: If I'm evil then you're stupid? Heck, if I would have said that, I would have gotten more stupid people like you making stupid comments like yours. 2008-07-08 11:57
12 I.M.A. Free American Oh no, it not tu. Tu esta dorka? 2008-07-08 11:50
13 I.M.A. Free American Darth Vader: Your'e sick and I am sure you are delusional. Let me see: You are a plain white ass. You can't dance and have no sense of rhythm . . . right? Then how can you be expected to think straight! I bet you're a Reagan Baby. 2008-07-08 11:37
14 I.M.A. Free American Darth Vader: You forgot to mention you are 1/10 African-American too! Yeah, right. Besoeker: If I am evil, then your'e gay! JFM: AKA Mr. Zionist Pig - If you are so concerned about Africa, then why are you so eager to bomb Iran? Whis is it: Are you a decent human being or are you just selfish and want the world to back your zionist ambitions? 2008-07-08 11:25
15 I.M.A. Free American Hey dork-head Procopius2k, I am a Native American and I am not asking China to help me come kick your ass, take your land and kill your children, because I want your land because it once belonged to my ancestors. Mojo: u are so dumb. I just wonder when you'll put out that big kosher winnie out of your ass, so you can see you are getting screwed by AIPAC. Jews who label anyone critizing the jews who occupy Palestine as anti-semetic are lame. Can no one critize evil people? When is it ok with jews to critize the political crap that comes out of the Zionists in occupied Palestine? 2008-07-08 11:11
16 I.M.A. Free American JFM: I only hate what the Zionist pigs are doing to the world. Let me see, JFM is jewish and if he's like most of them, then he agrees with the following: "The only good Arab is a dead Arab." Is that right JFM? How many user names are you using to submit numerous comments? Are you an American or just a jewish zionist? I have no problem with jews practicing their faith, but I do have a problem with foreigners lobbing in the USA to finance their taking of other peoples land and then using the media to distort the facts. Remember this, more people are waking up to what is going on with our foreign policy that favors Israel. I want Iran to win any conflict with jewish pig zionists who are occupying Palenstine. David Ben-Gurion said it best in 1948: "We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Also know this, Zionist is now the new Nazism! You can't hide the truth!!! 2008-07-08 10:50
17 I.M.A. Free American I say Allah Hate Me, Frank G., Dead Fred, and every other Jew on this blog: go fight the Iranians. Hope you foreigners come back in a box. Let me ask: Are you guys Americans or are you just jews with 2 citizenships: One American and the other Israeli? How come you guys are so tough to stand up for Israel? Zionist thugs, that's what you are. Keep all your hate to yourselves. Too bad the Nazis didn't finish the job. How come a bunch of ex-Communists from Eastern Europe can claim land that was never their? Let the Chinese back the old Philistines claim that lands in the Middle East belongs to them. See if China can't back them up, like the messed-up govt. in the U.S. has been backing up the Zionist pigs in occupied Palestine forfor 60 years. Actually, I want the Jews to use their atomic bombs on the innocent people in the Middle East. Do you think, they'll survive the aftermath. The rest of the surviving people of the Middle East would hunt what ever is left of Jews in the Middle East and would kill every one of them. Jews will never win in the end and I hope it happens soon. I don't care about Jews! I only care about keeping foreign lobbies out of our national policies. If you are an American, act like one. Your jewishness is showing dorks. 2008-07-08 09:52
18 I.M.A. Free American I hope the Iranians kick ass on the Jews in occupied Palestine. Jews will lose and soon their control over the U.S. will end. Who says only the Jews in occupied Palestine can have nukes? What crap! 2008-07-08 08:08