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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 2.
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1 Lastdaywatchers This show more proof of the 100% accurateness of the May 15th prophecy which has been the only source that has been 100% right about what is happening in Iraq, Lebanon, Iran and the greater Middle East Here is a excerpt from the May 15th Prophecy post titled "The Bush Administration in Prophecy" ""A Curse on him that goes on taking that what is not his, IS WEIGHTED DOWN with the property of debtors" Last Day Watchers it is a well known fact that the Iraq invasion has cost the U.S trillions of dollars and the Iraqi people are plundering the inept government and the "rise" of the insurgency has sustain it with more kidnapping and plundering as the 7th verse describes all to well. "Will not your creditors suddenly ARISE?, Will they not wake up and make you tremble?, Then you will become their prey." Now that is the true Iraqi ARISING. Not the lie of this "awakening" being promoted by this pawn of Satan." Do a Google od the May 15th Prophecy and you will see for yourself Or just go to 2008-02-06 13:46
2 lorryuncori Hi! I'm Lorryuncori. How are you? :) 2008-02-06 03:07