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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 9.
 Posted byTextDate/TimeIP
1 Saveababykillademocrat deny...fuck I wrote that. Hey FRank fuck face!!Shove whatever it is you got in your hand right now up your ass, I hope it's your keyboard fuckface 2007-03-28 23:45
2 Saveababykillademocrat AQ deserves credit for this, hungry poor war torn nation why not kill the innocent it just leaves more for for the militants...whoever they are.. 2007-03-28 23:30
3 Saveababykillademocrat FUCK YOU PAPPY you fucking moron!!! Out of all the dolts that write on this site you have got to be the stupidest most ignorant muther fucker walking. A broken clock is right at least 2 times a day, but you idiot can't even collect that. What a fucken moron. Do you know how stupid you are. Is your IQ you shoe sure seems that way. 2007-03-28 23:28
4 Saveababykillademocrat Hey these bitches deserved this!!!! What the hell were they thinking to begin with... dumb bitches...besides this adds to the virgin population...where ever muslims go when they die. 2007-03-28 23:26
5 Saveababykillademocrat com'on let's see some throat slicing...don't you miss it? Kill the limy bastards. Cowards...Basara..pffff...the The Swiss could have held Basara... 2007-03-28 23:24
6 Saveababykillademocrat It's a build up alright, of escape containers to get out of there before the Irainians kick the fuck out of the USA. Com'on Sink a carrier or two..don't worry the USA have about five or six more.... 2007-03-28 23:22
7 Saveababykillademocrat they denie it cause they are cowards and are afaid to deal with the mighty Iranian Navy.. Americans what a bunch of Pussies...... 2007-03-28 23:18
8 Saveababykillademocrat US Military couldn't hold a shit hole town like Baghdad and AP expects me to believe that the US Military actually foiled an attack. Bullshit I don't believe it... 2007-03-28 23:17
9 Saveababykillademocrat The USA is and has gone to shit. No leadership, cowards running the country. Afraid to set things right. It's so frustrating watching what bushy does...which is nothing. Bushy doesn't matter anymore. I should have voted for Kerry, at least all the BS would be over. Some real attacks on US soil would happen again and more US citizens die and nothing will be done about it except for the most important thing, trying to understand why they hate us. Let's just let it happen again, buy a Muslim a gun. Let's start helping their cause. I can start beating my wife for no good reason and do any chicks I want...and if they don't like the way I do them I can beat them to. Let's just give up and let them have their way. Give the left what they want. 2007-03-28 23:13