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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 Slereck Slairt1837 Ha ha ha ! Die evil scum ! Meanwhile in my country , Canada The Superior , we wave flags (not like when The Yanks wave flags , its inferior/wrong/etc when " they " do it ) and shed tears for our Glorious Warriors who die in accidents and combat , o wait , i forgot , we don't do that combat thing , we are PEACEKEEPERS ! . And The Yanks are murderers , at least thats what i hear on the " Canadian Street " . Note that when Canadians raped , tortured and murdered multiple people in Somalia and (former) Yugoslavia and other areas we actualy blamed America . When we bombed a civillian train and caused other " collateral damage " in Yugo and elsewhere , guess whos fault it was ? (hint , not ours) 2006-05-13 15:25