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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 4.
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1 Besoeker For phuechs sake! Why could he not have been quail hunting with Jesse Jackson, Ray Nagin, or Ted Kennedy? 2006-02-13 16:48
2 Jomble Glavimp6138 There are some advantages to "faith based" initiatives. Rock charity organizer, Bob Geldof (a leftist) found that religious groups are better at getting food aid to the poor on short notice, and he has built influential contacts in the Bush White House. Bush has major differences with other evangelicals - and not just Jimmie Carter - because he has embraced the pan-Abrahamic notion of Judaism-Christianity-Islam, as brother faiths. Franklin Graham, Gerry Vines and Jerry Falwall have no use for that, given the Muslim claims that the other faith's texts are distorted by "satan." Hopefully, Southern Baptists and other evangelicals can convince the President that Muslims are the scum of the earth who deserve to be crushed like bugs. If not,then public opinion might force Bush to pull the switch on Mecca and Medina, as fast as he facilitated the executions of mentally retarded black men when he governed Texas. Daniel Pipes has posted a de-classified 1946 document which contains 1o pages on the dangers of Wahabist Islam. Why doesn't this stuff get to the President? Muslims are crap; flush them. Charcoal is a bad symbol; make Mecca charcoal. 2006-02-13 16:36
3 Explain This THE WEST IS JUSTIFIED IN ITS HATRED OF ISLAM Samuel Huntington, the Havard Professor, has revealed the real reason for the Western hatred of Islam. The West thinks arrogantly that its culture is the best in the world and expects all other cultures to bow before it. Rich cultures such as Japanese and Indian do submit to it. For example, the Indians living in the West become Westernised very easily with their women donning first the maxis and then the minis which they never did at home in India. But not so the Muslims, because unlike the Indian, Japanese, Chinese cultures which are traditional, Islamic culture is ordained by Allah and as long as Muslims remain God-Fearing, they will not abandon their culture whatever the west says, especially because they are able to observe that Western culture itself is defective with the soaring rates of divorce, depression, crime, etc. Secondly, the culture with which the Western culture has the widest divergence, is Islam - not Japanese, Chinese or Indian. While the West cannot live without alcohol, Islam hates it. Whereas the west undresses people, Islam dresses them up. While the West considers sex to be fun, Islam considers it to be an intimate relationship reserved only for the spouse. Whereas the West assigns similar roles to the two sexes, Islam assigns them different roles. Whereas relationships are loose in the west, it is strong in Islam. Usury, the foundation of Western economics, is banned outright by Islam. Therefore, the west has no other option but to hate Islam and try to eradicate it from earth. 2006-02-13 16:24
4 Explain This January 25, 2006 "Evangelical Hatred of Islam Influencing America" Many Muslims, both in America and elsewhere in the world, are concerned about the power and influence of evangelical Christians who have a clear and unambiguous hatred for Islam. Even though President Bush says many things about tolerance for Islam and how Islam is a religion of peace, he has long to provided support for those who say the opposite. Hussein Shobokshi wrote in the Arab News a couple of years ago: The problem with this group is not just their ideas and their hate mongering but the fact that they have a following large enough to influence the outcomes in American elections. By virtue of their votes and their fund-raising capabilities they exercise more power over Congress and the president than the sheikhs of Saudi Arabia over the decisions of their king. Furthermore, the close relationship between the president himself and Rev. Franklin Graham and some members of his administration like [former] Attorney-General Ashcroft is extremely disturbing. Is it possible that the very purpose of the Federal initiative to support faith-based programs is to allow these groups to influence their operations with those of the federal government? Their involvement in postwar Iraq further strengthens these notions. Muslims recognize that most Christian groups aren’t a problem because they don’t spread hate and misinformation; those that do, however, have way too much power and influence. Thus, they ask: to what extent will America’s future and American foreign policy be determined by those anti-Islam ideas? They have a right to be concerned, and so should we all. John Ashcroft is no longer with the administration, but that doesn’t mean that things haven’t changed since Shobokshi wrote his article. If anything, the push for faith-based initiatives and the funding of religious organizations has only increased. Extremist rhetoric from religious conservatives like Pat Robertson proceeds without interruption and we hear nothing from Bush. 2006-02-13 16:18