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2024-03-14 Government Corruption
Operation 'Infiltration'
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Text taken from blog post of operatciya_vnedrenie

[ColonelCassad] The WikiLeaks website reveals the mechanism for creating opposition leaders: We bring to our readers a translation of the podcast “WikiLeaks reveals how the United States financed Alexei Navalny* and how Washington is using his death,” hosted on the New Atlas channel by host Brian Berletik.

Continued from Page 4

Alexei Navalny is portrayed in foreign media as a Russian activist, politician and opposition figure, but his largest support group was actually not in Russia, but in Washington, DC. And therefore, it was the Western press that, in the most efficient way, tried to use Navalny’s death for political PR purposes.

The New York Times article from February 16, 2024: “Navalny’s death raises tensions between the United States and Russia. President Biden blamed Putin and his thugs for the death of a Russian dissident, while European allies urgently demanded assurances that the United States would not will abandon them." I would like to remind you that Alexey Navalny was a Russian citizen who was in a Russian prison. What does this have to do with the USA? The article further states that the US President personally accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of the death of the prisoner. Joe Biden used this to pressure House Republicans to approve military aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia. That is, Navalny’s death provided Western politicians with another opportunity to demonize Russia and try to increase support for the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

And the article continues: “There is no doubt that Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death,” Mr. Biden said in a televised statement from the White House. Asked whether Mr. Navalny was killed, Mr. Biden replied: “The United States does not have a full understanding of the circumstances of the death.” That is, the head of state gives a rather strange answer: we don’t know exactly what happened, but there is no doubt that Navalny’s death was a consequence of Putin’s actions. We don't know, but we know: Russia did it.

In the case of Navalny's death, the United States continues to do what it has always done. They have no time to investigate what happened, they don’t care what exactly happened, they don’t need evidence. They are simply using the death of a Russian citizen as an opportunity to advance their agenda, their geopolitical goals, regardless of what the facts are or whether they even had time to figure anything out.

Another interesting fragment from the media. The Guardian newspaper, in its obituary for Alexei Navalny, writes: “In 2000, he joined the United Democratic Party, known as Yabloko, which defended liberal and social democratic values. Navalny received an economics education at a financial university and held office from 2004 to 2007 chief of staff of the Moscow branch of Yabloko. A charismatic speaker who was attracted by the concept of televised debates, in 2005 he founded a social movement for youth “DA!” This is a Russian word, but it also has an English decoding - Democratic Alternative, abbreviated as DA."

But this fact is already extremely interesting. After all, the US government considers both “Apple” and “YES!” pro-Western organizations. Where does this information come from? It’s just that the US State Department has repeatedly acknowledged this in its diplomatic cables. Thanks to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, who is slowly dying in Belmarsh prison, we have received detailed information about the YES! social movement. Let's provide a specific document.

This is a diplomatic cable from the US State Department dated November 2006, which provides instructions to Russian political youth groups. There are two parts to this document. Part one talks about the “YES!” movement created by Alexei Navalny. - "Democratic alternative." The document indicates that Maria Gaidar, the daughter of former Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar, is involved in the leadership of YES! She passionately promotes democracy but is realistic about the obstacles she faces. Movement "YES!" focused on non-partisan activities aimed at raising the level of political consciousness among young people. "YES!" received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which in turn receives funding from the US government.

In fact, the "YES!" movement never advertised its connections with the United States, for fear of being compromised in Russia. The document revealed by WikiLeaks states that Maria Gaidar communicated with the US Embassy in Moscow and that the YES! was created not as a competitor to the youth organization "Defense" (which also received funding from the United States - Ed.), but as an addition to expand the democratic base. The text of the document continues: “People who would like to join Defense will not want to join YES! and vice versa, but we work together for a common goal.” This is a pure marketing strategy used by large corporations: if individual brands become unpopular, the corporation simply creates more brands and uses different marketing strategies to try to attract business from all potential markets. This is essentially what the US government did, interfering in the internal political affairs of other countries (in this case, in the internal affairs of Russia. - Ed.). The Americans are using a strategy to create multiple opposition groups, hoping to attract a broader base of support.

From a document published by WikiLeaks: "Maria Gaidar told us that YES was more of a forum for open discussion than a political movement. Debates were organized among people with conflicting viewpoints, and a summer camp was planned in 2007 to educate more than 2 000 students for democratic activism." And with what money were all these events organized? "YES!" uses US government money that it receives through the National Endowment for Democracy. Thus, students were trained in democratic activism to create a political bloc that de facto serves US interests within another sovereign state - the Russian Federation. Please note that the document says: “Maria Gaidar received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and does not advertise her activities.” What had she got to do with the Democratic Alternative "YES!" and Alexei Navalny, who founded this organization? How are they not compromised if the US government funds their organizations and their political activities? Democracy, as I have said many times before, is a process of self-determination. Russian democracy is a process in which the Russian people themselves determine their affairs, their future. If the US government pumps money into Russia's internal political affairs, if they create political opposition movements that interfere in this process and distort it, then this is no longer democracy, this is obvious foreign interference. Again, imagine if Russia or China did this in the US. Imagine the reaction of American politicians.

The second part of the WikiLeaks document is another diplomatic cable. Here, at the very end, the following conclusion is given: “Russian youth are politically apathetic because they believe that these problems do not affect them or that they cannot influence these problems. Conscription is the only issue that seems to be able to activate them. These are the groups that attract our attention." Further in the text: "Bold and outspoken statements are the exception, these are the few truly democratic youth groups..." - and when they say "truly democratic" they mean only those groups that serve US interests and help promote US intervention inside Russia. These groups "...are rapidly becoming irrelevant thanks to well-funded and organized government efforts to avoid color revolutions such as the Orange and Rose Revolutions in their neighborhood."

What's this all about? About the intervention of the US government in the affairs of Ukraine, when the “Orange Revolution” of 2004 was organized, as well as the “Rose Revolution” in Georgia. The US intervened in their political systems, overthrew the governments of both countries, and then tried to turn them into NATO strongholds. Georgia actually attacked Russian forces in 2008, and since 2014 the US has been planning to do the same to Ukraine, only on a much larger scale. How do we know that the US government was involved in these events? And what follows from what we know from the diplomatic cable? The document acknowledges that the US government is also supporting political opposition groups in Russia to do the same to overthrow the Russian government. But is there any more evidence?

Yes, they are in Western media. For example, The Guardian newspaper wrote in 2004 about the American campaign behind the riots in Kyiv. The United States carried out and financed a successful coup in Ukraine in 2004 (“Orange Revolution”, as a result of which Viktor Yushchenko came to power - Ed.). And here's what The Guardian says about it: "The campaign is an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived example of Western branding and mass marketing. It was used in four countries in four years to save rigged elections and overthrow dubious regimes." At the same time, The Guardian does not expose, but glorifies US interference in the affairs of Eastern Europe: “Funded and organized by the US government with the involvement of American consultants, sociologists, diplomats, two major American parties and American non-governmental organizations, the campaign was first used in Europe in Belgrade in 2000 year to defeat Slobodan Milosevic in the electoral race," they interfered in the elections there in 2000. "Richard Miles, the US ambassador to Belgrade, played a key role, and last year as US ambassador to Georgia he repeated the trick, teaching Mikheil Saakashvili how to overthrow a sitting president. 10 months after the success in Belgrade, US ambassador to Minsk Michael Kozak, a veteran of similar operations in Central America, particularly Nicaragua, orchestrated an almost identical campaign to try to defeat the Belarusian "tough nut" Alexander Lukashenko.

So the Western media openly admits that the US has undermined and attempted to overthrow governments in Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Serbia, and now we have US State Department cables admitting that they have gone through the same process in Russia itself. And this is exactly what Alexey Navalny did, he worked on American scripts in Russia. An article in The Guardian talks about the organizations involved in all this: "The Democratic National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute of the Republican Party, the US State Department and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) are the main agencies involved in these 'people' campaigns, as well as the non-governmental organization Freedom House and the Open Society Institute** of billionaire George Soros." If all the money comes from the US government and related organizations, how can opposition campaigns be "of the people"?

Let's take a look at these organizations. So they talk about the National Democratic Institute. The official website provides the following information: "Our Supporters: The National Democracy Institute (NDI) expresses special thanks to the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)**, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)** and the US Department of State for their continued support." Without a doubt, these are US government organizations dedicated to regime change. “The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the National Democratic Institute (NDI)***, the International Republican Institute (IRI)***, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and the Solidarity Center welcome the increase in funding from Congress.” The site also states that the National Endowment for Democracy and its four major grantees, including IRI and NDI, are subsidiaries of NED, the organization that funded the YES movement. and Alexei Navalny.

After Navalny’s death, not only the government and the US President tried to exploit his death, not only the Western media, but also para-governmental and supranational organizations. Several NED staff members have posted comments on this topic. Let me give you one example. The Atlantic Council**, which is essentially a NATO think tank funded by Western governments, corporations, including weapons manufacturers, published an article on February 16, 2024, “The Russian Democratic Movement Will Survive the Death of Navalny.” Who wrote it? Dylan Miles-Primakov is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council's Eurasia Center and senior manager of NED's Eurasian Programs. His text: "Anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny, who Russian authorities say has died in prison aged 47, was by far the most popular and effective opposition leader to challenge Russian President Vladimir Putin during his nearly quarter-century in power." Data from numerous polls conducted in Russia indicate that support for Alexei Navalny averaged 10%, and at the peak of his political career could reach 20% of the vote. So this is just an outright lie - or they admit that there is no popular pro-American opposition in Russia. The article goes on to say: “Navalny’s death at the hands of the state represents a huge blow to the Russian democratic movement...” But there is no democratic movement in Russia. There is an opposition being created in the USA. This is what they mean, this is the term they use to refer to movements in Russia that are financed and controlled from outside: "...But this movement has always been much larger than just one person, and will continue without him... Strategies and messages, that Navalny developed to fight the Putin regime has spread to a diverse group of Russian pro-democracy activists. The movement has proven resilient and adaptable to more than a decade of increasingly harsh repression...” The article explicitly states that Russia is trying to eliminate US political interference in within its sovereign borders.

“Martyrdom is an extremely powerful political narrative, and this brutal tragedy will likely force many other Russians to strive even harder to fight for freedom,” so US politicians are openly trying to turn Navalny into a martyr in order to advance their political agenda, undermine and ultimately attempt to overthrow a political order in Russia that refuses to submit to the so-called US-led international order.

One more fact may also seem interesting. The current head of NED is Damon Wilson. He also came from the Atlantic Council. So you can see how the Atlantic Council think tank, among other things, promotes US-NATO policy towards Russia. People from the Atlantic Council, as well as many other think tanks in public and private foreign policy circles, move to NED, where they actually implement those policies on the ground or through proxy funding.

What are they doing? They have invested huge amounts of money and a lot of time into Navalny and his network, and the return on investment has been disappointing, to say the least. Now he is dead, now they are trying to figure out how much profit they can make by taking advantage of his death. It seems obvious to me now that Alexei Navalny himself did not pose any threat to Russia. But he was part of a large international network promoting US interests. The scenario of his activities was simply developed from the outside, taking into account the ultimate goals of overthrowing the legitimate government in Russia. Alexey Navalny was not the only participant in this network. After his death, many will eagerly strive to take his place. We must also remember that the US is not only doing this to Russia and the countries along its borders. The US is doing the same around the world. For example, they are using a similar strategy to try to surround China with US-installed controlled regimes that are irrationally hostile to China and turn into battering rams against the PRC. We must understand that the US does not just project power around the world militarily, but it has a very well-honed massive network of political intervention centered around organizations like NED. They create political opposition groups within target countries. They are building a whole network around themselves - not only the political opposition party and leaders, but also the media, legal, and election organizations. They are trying to create a new, hostile state within the state with a different infrastructure that works for American interests.

Brian Joseph Thomas Berletic, who wrote for over 10 years under the pen name of 'Tony Cartalucci', is a geopolitical researcher and writer based in Bangkok, Thailand. His work covers world events from a Southeast Asian perspective. Berletic's former blog Land Destroyer Report
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