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2022-06-30 Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: June 29th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:45 As a result of today's shelling of the Belopolskaya, Krasnopolskaya and Velykopisarevskaya communities of the Sumy region, two people were killed, eight were injured, said the head of the OVA Dmitry Zhivitsky.

23:38 Putin said that the goals of the "special operation" have not changed, but "tactics can be different." The ultimate goals, according to him, are the "liberation" of the Donbass and "guarantees of the security of Russia itself." He also commented on the missile attack on Kremenchug, saying that "there is no terrorist attack there, the Russian army does not strike at any civilian targets."

Commenting on statements in the West that the war in Ukraine should be ended on the battlefield, Putin said that "we must treat this as a fact," and for Moscow "it was not a surprise that they had been preparing since 2014." He also stressed that Western calls to continue hostilities "confirm our assumptions that the good of Ukraine is not a goal, but a means of protecting their interests."

As for the membership of Finland and Sweden in NATO, then, according to the Russian president, if NATO military infrastructure is deployed in these countries, "the Russian Federation will have to respond in a mirror manner."

23:33 Zelensky announced sanctions against Syria: “Russia nevertheless squeezed out from Syria messages about the alleged recognition of the occupation structures in Donbas as supposedly states. This is an insignificant story. And in this case, there will be no more relations between Ukraine and Syria, and sanctions pressure against Syria On the contrary, there will be even more.

23:30 Zelensky said in an evening video message that the "transport visa-free" signed today removes barriers for Ukrainian carriers in the EU: "This is precisely the task of our state now - not to lose a single week in relations with the European Union. We will always be, despite this war, despite all the difficulties, to do what brings us closer to full membership in the European Union."

23:14 Branson shared his thoughts after visiting Ukraine: "I would like to convey what I think many of us feel in the West: every day Ukrainians fight and die for the entire free world. The least that the rest of the world can do is - is to give our unwavering and unconditional support until the last Russian soldier leaves the territory of Ukraine. Anything else would be a defeat - a defeat not only of Ukraine's right to freely choose its own destiny, but also of the rule of law and the sovereignty of peoples."

22:49 Ukraine has received $1.3 billion in grant aid from the United States as part of a $7.5 billion budget financing package, Shmyhal said.

22:10 Beijing called on the G7 to stop attacks and slander against China, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said. According to him, the G7 inflates the rhetoric in the spirit of "democracy against autocracy" and provokes confrontation, fully proving that the Group of Seven does not intend to conduct dialogue and cooperation on the basis of equality and respect.

21:58 Podolyak commented on the results of the NATO summit: “Giving heavy weapons to Ukraine, our partners can not be afraid of the “Russian military machine” at all. According to a well-known tradition, any machine made in Russia quickly breaks down, stalls and turns into scrap metal. ".

21:47 NATO has been preparing for a confrontation with Russia since 2014, Stoltenberg said in Madrid: "NATO has been preparing for this for a long time, not that on February 24 we realized that Russia is dangerous. The reality is that we have been preparing for this since 2014 Therefore, we have increased our military presence in the east of the alliance, and NATO has begun to invest more money in defense."

21:29 Fighting is going on in the vicinity of Lisichansk, the Russians are trying to storm the city, the head of the Lugansk OVA, Sergei Gaidai, said on the air of the telethon. According to him, 15,000 people remain in Lisichansk, and the "quiet" evacuation continues. Due to shelling, the Lisichansk-Bakhmut highway is not passable, so alternative routes are used.

21:20 If the fact of sending a message about the work of the Amstor shopping center during an air raid is confirmed, it will be a fact of official negligence, Yury Belousov, head of the war department of the Office of the Prosecutor General, said on the air of the telethon: "Their actions led to such grave consequences. These people must be punished, accordingly, they will be held accountable."

20:59 Putin has not abandoned plans to seize most of the territory of Ukraine by military means, said Avril Gaines, Director of National Intelligence of the United States: "We are still in a situation where we consider Putin and believe that he has essentially the same political goals that were before, that is, he wants to capture most of Ukraine."

According to Gaines, American intelligence has developed three possible scenarios for the further development of the war in the short term. She considers the scenario of a “mired” conflict to be the most probable, in which the Russian Federation will achieve only minor gains. Other scenarios are a large-scale Russian breakthrough or successful stabilization of the front line by Ukrainian forces, with possible but insignificant successes in the Kherson region and other settlements in southern Ukraine.

"In short, the situation looks pretty bleak," summed up the US Director of National Intelligence.

20:46 The EU political community proposed by Macron should include not only Europe, but also the countries of North Africa, Johnson said in Madrid. In his opinion, such a community should become a kind of modern likeness of the Roman Empire.

Earlier, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said that London would not join the new community.

20:44 The Czech Republic plans to transfer two Bivoj drones of its own production to Ukraine, the ČTK news agency reported. The Bivoj UAV is designed for reconnaissance, it is equipped with a high-precision video surveillance camera, and can also be used to correct artillery fire.

20:42 As a result of the NATO summit in Madrid, Ukraine will receive more non-lethal weapons through trust funds in the amount of up to $300 million, Yegor Chernev, chairman of the permanent delegation of Ukraine to the NATO PA, said on the air of the telethon. He called the recognition of the Russian Federation a threat (for which the eastern flank is being deployed) and the rearmament of Ukraine in accordance with NATO standards as other important decisions. Commenting on today's start of the meeting between the presidents of the United States and Turkey, Chernev suggested that a compromise would be found on Syria.

20:40 Zelensky met with Branson: "The visit of British businessman Richard Branson to Ukraine is another reminder that the world and famous people continue to support us. We talked about maintaining world attention to the war in Ukraine, as well as about the prospects for cooperation in post-war reconstruction."

20:16 Indonesian President Joko Widodo offered to convey Zelensky's message to Putin, Sky News reports. After meeting with Zelenskiy, who is now on his way to Moscow, he said he would urge the Russian President to agree to a ceasefire: "Despite the fact that this is very difficult to achieve, I expressed the importance of a peaceful solution ... I offered to convey the message of President Zelensky to the President Putin, whom I will meet soon.

20:11 Johnson urged Western colleagues not to boycott the G20 summit in Indonesia if Putin visits it: "If you miss events like the G20, you risk giving others propaganda opportunities." The British prime minister also added that he would be "genuinely surprised" if Putin came in person.

20:05 The occupation "administration" of Kherson, together with employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and a local collaborator, seized individual facilities that belong to Khersonoblenergo and provide electricity to the residents of the region, the company said. Thus, Khersonoblenergo partially lost control over the maintenance of the power grids of the Kherson region. The occupying authorities are now putting pressure on workers and forcing them to cooperate with the Russians. During the seizure of the enterprise, the invaders introduced a new "leader" by the name of Zhakhanovich.

19:53 The Armed Forces of Ukraine neutralized Russian DRGs in two directions, the Russian army continues to try to blockade Lisichansk, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said in the evening summary .

19:22 In the village of Demidov, Kiev region, as a result of a lightning strike and detonation of an explosive device, a bridge over the Irpen River was destroyed, traffic was impossible. The Kyiv regional military administration reported one dead and two wounded.

19:16 The European Commission is discussing the possibility of excluding the Kaliningrad region from the sanctions regime, which provides for the restriction of transit through Lithuania, so as not to provoke an escalation with Moscow, writes Reuters.

18:59 Since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, more than 5.5 million displaced persons out of 11.7 million have returned to their homes, the International Organization for Migration reported.

18:57 The Ministry of Infrastructure signed an agreement with the EU on the liberalization of road transport. Thanks to it, Ukrainian carriers will not need permits to carry out bilateral and transit traffic across the EU countries and will be able to freely deliver goods to European markets, the agency said.

18:46 One of the outcomes of the G7 meeting was an agreement on the introduction of a price ceiling for Russian oil, which, according to the leaders of the G7, will reduce the possibility of financing Russia's war against Ukraine. A similar initiative is being discussed with respect to Russian gas. About what this means - in the material G7 introduces a ceiling on oil prices in the Russian Federation .

18:20 NATO has officially started the process of Finland and Sweden joining the alliance. This was preceded by long negotiations with Turkey, which slowed down the process of integration of the Scandinavian countries. As a result, Turkey, Sweden and Finland reached special agreements. About what Ankara managed to bargain for - in the material NATO Expansion .

18:18 Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Igor Zhovkva, who heads the Ukrainian delegation at the NATO summit, said in Madrid that Ukraine is already compatible with the standards of the alliance: "Today, during the war, it is difficult to say that Ukraine does not meet NATO standards - this applies strategies or tactics of military operations. Ukraine is at war, if not with the second army in the world, but not with the weakest. And we prove that every day we are mutually compatible with NATO standards." Zhovkva stressed that NATO membership remains the best security guarantee for Ukraine.

18:04 The father of a Moroccan "sentenced" to death in the "DPR" turned to Putin with a request to help pardon him, Russian media report.

18:02 Ukraine and Indonesia have agreed to introduce a visa-free regime between the countries , Zelensky said.

18:00 Zelensky said at a joint briefing with Indonesian President Joko Widodo that Ukraine's participation in the G20 summit in Indonesia would depend on the situation in Ukraine and on the composition of the summit participants: "I am grateful to you, Mr. President, for the personal invitation to take part in the Group's summit twenty. And, of course, I accept this invitation. Ukraine's participation will depend on the situation in Ukraine and on the composition of the summit participants."

17:58 Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdan said that the signed memorandum with Finland and Sweden "does not mean at all that the process of the two Scandinavian countries joining the Alliance is completed." According to him, Turkey "will continue its struggle for these countries to stop being a base for terrorist organizations, and also for them to return the terrorists that Turkey wants." In particular, now Ankara will demand the extradition of 33 terrorist suspects by Sweden and Finland.

17:47 The prosecutor's office announced the suspicion of the "head of the commission" appointed by the Russians in Kherson to hold a "referendum" on the region's joining the Russian Federation. According to the Office of the Prosecutor General, the collaborator has repeatedly participated in election processes under Ukrainian law and headed the Kherson city election commission. And in May-June, she agreed to cooperate with the "authorities" appointed by the Russian Federation and voluntarily took the position of "chairman of the commission" for holding a "referendum" in the Kherson region.

17:33 During the next exchange of prisoners of war, 144 Ukrainian defenders returned home - this is the largest exchange since the beginning of a full-scale Russian invasion. Of the 144 released - 95 defenders of Azovstal , including 43 servicemen of the Azov regiment, said the Coordinating Headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war.

In total, 59 fighters of the National Guard, 30 - of the Naval Forces, 28 - of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 17 - of the State Border Service, 9 - of the Territorial Defense, 1 - of the National Police were released. Of these, 23 officers and 69 military sergeants and petty officers. Most of the liberated Ukrainians have severe injuries: gunshot and shrapnel wounds, explosive injuries, burns, fractures, limb amputations.

17:28 Arakhamia said that he had discussed with Branson the issue of building a new Mriya aircraft and the prospects for cooperation in the space sector. According to him, Branson "expressed his willingness to help in any way he can, was pleasantly stunned by our optimism and the fact that even in such difficult times we are thinking about how to make a leap in aerospace construction."

17:22 Podolyak said that the victory of Ukraine is the unconditional goal of the West: "Every day I communicate with advisers, members of parliament and representatives of Western countries and I can say one thing. The fact that Putin should shamefully lose this war is the absolute consensus of the leaders of the civilized world. I emphasize once again: the loss of the Russian Federation is the unconditional goal of the civilized world for the sake of the progressive development of mankind, and not a return to the Soviet camps and cold wars ... There is no question of concessions and compromises. There is a question of specific areas that must be worked on for the sake of victory. "

The adviser to the head of the Presidential Office emphasized that Ukraine would return the temporarily occupied territories by military means: "This is not a 'soothing mantra' and not a political slogan, this is pure mathematics and military calculation. All that is needed for this is a specific number of positions of specific heavy equipment to form parity weapons. We are working on this."

17:14 466 people were deported from Mariupol to Russia with the active participation of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Piotr Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of the city, said. According to him, the house at Blvd. Meotida, 8, was completely destroyed by Russian artillery and aircraft, and the surviving 466 Mariupol residents were deported by the Russians to Novoazovsk during March 25 - April 10. Later, all of them were taken from Novoazovsk to the Chuvash Republic of the Russian Federation - with the active participation of the ICRC. In time, this coincides with the announcement of the opening of the ICRC camp for refugees from Ukraine in the Rostov region.

16:52 Summons to the army through the Diya application are not issued and will not be issued, Fedorov said and urged not to believe the Russian propaganda.

16:39 Stoltenberg said that NATO is now focused on supporting Ukraine: “Now we are focused on supporting Ukraine. This war, like most other wars, will someday end at the negotiating table. But it is important that Ukraine be able to agree on its own terms. And so we know that there is a very strong connection between what they can achieve at the negotiating table and their strength on the battlefield."

16:36 For two days across Nikolaev 19 rockets were let out. Today, the situation in the city and the region is even more dangerous than three weeks ago - the region is shelled every day "many times more", said the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim. On June 28, the Russians fired 11 missiles in the region, on June 29 - eight. There were hits on residential buildings, a stadium, a market, a garage cooperative, and infrastructure facilities. According to Kim, the Russian army is shelling the region "to intimidate the local population and demoralize our military."

16:17 The families of the victims and those injured as a result of the shelling of the Amstor shopping center in Kremenchuk will be paid material assistance, Mayor Vitaliy Maletsky said. Families of each deceased will receive 50,000 hryvnias, 25,000 hryvnias will be allocated to each victim who is on inpatient treatment, and 10,000 hryvnias to everyone who is treated on an outpatient basis and seeks medical help.

16:14 Syria has decided to recognize the independence and sovereignty of the "DPR" and "LPR", Russian media report, citing the Syrian Foreign Ministry.

16:10 The NATO summit decided to strengthen the military force, increasing the eight battalion groups in the east to brigades and response forces from 40 to 300 thousand.

16:08 NATO leaders left the strategic nuclear forces of the alliance as the highest guarantee of the security of the allies. At the same time, NATO believes that circumstances in which the alliance may have to use nuclear weapons are extremely unlikely.

16:06 NATO's new strategic concept says that the alliance wants to maintain channels of communication with Russia to reduce risks, but no longer considers Moscow its partner. It also states that NATO does not seek confrontation and does not pose a threat to the Russian Federation, but is strengthening its capabilities to contain it. At the same time, the rapprochement between China and Russia is contrary to the interests of NATO, the document says.

16:03 The United States, together with its allies, blocked and froze $330 billion worth of Russian assets in 100 days, the US Treasury said.

16:01 Madrid became the first Spanish sister city of Kiev, the corresponding memorandum was signed by the mayors of the cities, Klitschko said.

15:59 The NATO summit communiqué also says that "China is challenging our interests, security and values ​​and is seeking to undermine the rules-based international order."

15:43 Zelensky, in an address to the NATO summit, said that the real goal of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is to seize and enslave countries that were previously in Moscow's zone of influence: "She wants to swallow, city after city, everyone in Europe whom the Russian leadership considers their property, not independent states. This is Russia's true goal. The question is who is next for her? Moldova? The Baltic States? Poland? The answer is all of them. Russia's goals are known. They are obvious. The Russian leadership sees the world differently. Not the way you "They look at Lithuania, for example - not as a member of your alliance, but as a republic of the Soviet Union. For us, it is a former republic of the USSR, for us it is the past, but they see it as a possible future, they want to enslave it again."

15:39 NATO leaders approved a new strategic concept for the alliance until 2030. In the summit declaration, Russia was called the most significant and direct threat to the security of the alliance.

Also, NATO countries officially invited Sweden and Finland to join the alliance and approved an assistance package for Ukraine , including accelerating the supply of non-lethal equipment, strengthening cyber defenses and modernizing the defense industry.

15:24 This morning, as a result of enemy shelling in the Izyum district, one person was killed, another was injured. During the day, four civilians were injured in the Chuguevsky district, among them an 11-year-old girl, Kharkiv OVA reports.

15:19 Severodonetsk thermal power plant has been almost completely destroyed by Russian troops, Energoatom reports.

15:07 The Russians fired a rocket at the Odessa region, it was shot down by air defense forces, reports the Operational Command Pivden. The Kh-22 missile was fired from a Tu-22 aircraft from the Black Sea. Air defense shot it down over the fields of the Odessa region, no damage or casualties.

14:52 NATO is ready to return to considering the issue of Ukraine's entry after its victory in the war with Russia, an alliance representative said during a summit in Madrid: "Now the focus of the Ukrainian government is to win the war. And this is what we fully support. And when Ukraine wants to talk again about the next steps, we will return to this issue. Now the focus of all of us is to make the greatest contribution that would help Ukraine on the battlefield against the Russian invaders. And when Ukraine is ready to return to the issue of time gaps ... And, again It's up to Ukraine to decide, but the focus now is to win the war."

14:47 The founder of Virgin Galactic Richard Branson visited Gostomel, the head of the local village administration Taras Dumenko reports. The billionaire was interested in the Antonov airfield and the possibility of restoring it.

14:44 The Russians are preparing a provocation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant - they want to accuse Ukrainian nuclear scientists of storing weapons on the territory of the plant, Energoatom said. Thus, the occupiers detained several workers and tortured them to "confess" that in March they dropped some kind of weapon into the concrete bowls of the cooling pools at the ZNPP.

The Russians insist the cooling pools need to be drained to check the bowls and to stop the sediments supplying water to the safety systems of the power units. Energoatom says that during the "test" the Russians can throw explosives, non-detonating shells and other weapons into concrete bowls, and then blame ZNPP workers for this.

14:40 The ECHR accepted for consideration the claim of Ukraine against Russia received on June 23. The head of the ECHR, Robert Spano, referred the case to the fourth section of the court and informed Russia about this. This case was preceded by four other submissions by Ukraine and some 8,500 individual complaints. Ukraine accuses Russia of violating a number of rights enshrined in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

14:37 Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Russia, in response to the strengthening of the US military presence in Europe, "will take compensatory measures, we have opportunities and resources."

14:32 Great Britain imposed sanctions against 12 Russians and eight companies. Among them are the oligarch Vladimir Potanin, the head of the main operational department of the Russian General Staff, Sergei Rudskoy, and the Moscow Industrial Bank.

14:29 Mayor of Nikolaev Alexander Senkevich published a video of the consequences of a morning missile attack on a five-story building. A rocket hit in one of the entrances destroyed apartments from the third to the fifth floor. Nearby residential buildings were also damaged from the shock wave and debris.

14:27 Odesa OVA from June 30, 2022 prohibits the use and sale in the territory of Odessa and the region of pyrotechnics, including fireworks, salutes and firecrackers, regardless of class. It is also prohibited to operate vehicles used in unauthorized auto and motorcycle competitions.

14:14 Zelensky, in his address to the NATO summit, urged "to find a place" for Ukraine in the common security space: "NATO's open door policy should not resemble the old Kiev metro turnstiles: they are open, and when you come up, the turnstiles close until you pay. Is Ukraine still little paid? Is our contribution to the defense of Europe and the whole of civilization still insufficient? So what else is needed? "

14:07 Norway will remove from storage and transfer three MLRS M270 installations to Ukraine, the country's Ministry of Defense said.

13:43 Zelensky addressed the participants of the NATO summit in Madrid: "To help Ukraine now end this war with a victory on the battlefield, that is, to give a really strong response to Russia's actions - this is what we need, and each of your states, and everything alliance, the entire Euro-Atlantic community. If you really define Russia as your main threat, you must fully support its main, first target. This is not a war of Russia only against Ukraine, this is a war for the right to dictate terms in Europe. For what the future world order will be Therefore, to support Ukraine in particular now with weapons, finances and politically such sanctions against Russia that will stop its ability to pay for the war is an absolute necessity.

The goals of Ukraine absolutely coincide with the goals of the alliance. We are interested in security and stability on the European continent, in the world. We are interested that the life of peoples be determined not by the notorious Munich speech of one leader, but by international law. We are interested in ensuring that there are no "gray" zones and territories of total war, where nothing remains but ruins. NATO is also interested in this."

13:17 To compensate for the refusal of Russian gas supplies, the EU countries will need at least three years, according to a Fitch Ratings report. The most dependent on Russian gas are Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic, analysts say.

13:03 NATO will supply weapons to Ukraine for as long as necessary, Scholz said in Madrid. In addition to weapons, the members of the alliance will continue to supply Kyiv with financial and humanitarian aid.

12:53 Russian troops fired at least 11 missiles across Nikolaev in the morning, Anna Zamazeeva, head of the regional council, said. According to preliminary information, as a result of falling into a high-rise building, four people died and five were injured. The rescue operation continues, people remain under the rubble.

12:49 Oleksandr Babich, the Golopristan mayor, and Ivan Samoylenko, the village head of Stanislav, were returned from Russian captivity, the Association of Ukrainian Cities reported. Alexander Babich was abducted by the invaders on March 28, Ivan Samoylenko - on June 24. Four more mayors remain in captivity, their fate is unknown.

12:43 The US has imposed sanctions against five Chinese companies for supporting the Russian army. As Deputy Secretary of Commerce Alan Esteves said, this decision "sends a powerful signal to businesses and individuals around the world: if they try to support Russia, the US will cut them off from its market."

12:41 It is becoming increasingly difficult to train recruits for the front or reserves on the territory of Ukraine due to Russian shelling, Arestovich said: “There are no safe places in Ukraine. Russian cruise missiles always fly - it’s impossible to shoot them all down. attacks on training centers.

Therefore, according to the adviser to the head of the OP, it is difficult to simultaneously concentrate a large number of military personnel in training centers. Britain has offered to train 10,000 men, but basic standard quality infantry training takes four months.

12:37 Collaborator of the occupiers of the Kherson region Kirill Stremousov announced the start of preparations for a "referendum" on joining Russia: "Yes, we are preparing for a referendum, and we will hold it. And, oddly enough, the Kherson region will make a decision and join the Russian Federation, becomes a full-fledged entity. At the same time, the representative of the occupying "authority" did not name the date of the "voting".

12:24 Biden announced his intention to create a permanent headquarters of one of the US army corps in Poland.

12:23 Reznikov said that he had a telephone conversation with the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin: "On the eve of the NATO summit, I had a telephone conversation with my friend Lloyd Austin III. He confirmed NATO's strong support for Ukraine's struggle for freedom and independence. We also discussed another package military assistance to Ukraine from NATO member countries. To be continued".

12:17 Zelensky said in an interview with NBC that the atrocities of the Russian troops are a consequence of the information policy of the Russian Federation: "The leadership influenced this. These people are not free. They do not choose what to watch, what to read. They live in the information forest, deaf and dark. "And they don't even understand how civilization develops. And they are told that they are a super-nation. The same that the Nazis had. All the rest are second, third, fifth grade, like in a butcher's shop. Information policy always comes from the leadership. The leader does not tells them - go, rape. The leaders have made of them those people who are capable of these terrible steps. "

11:50 SBU interrogated a Russian sailor who, after the crash of the cruiser Moskva, joined the infantry. He participated in an attempt to rescue the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in April: “There were a lot of corpses and, basically, the rescue was very sad. The ship was lost, it sank, they couldn’t tow it ... I had seen enough of what was in Moscow, and did not want to see further "You die in the middle of the sea. It's very scary. And I refused."

11:47 Zelensky said in an interview with NBC that, despite the growing war weariness of the world, the civilized world cannot afford to let Ukraine lose: "We have no right to lose ... If we lose, whoever and whatever said, then democracy will lose, which means the United States will lose. European states that declare the values ​​that we all talk about so much will lose."

"The war will definitely end. I am sure that it will end with the victory of Ukraine. Whatever it is. No matter how hard it is. We must oust the occupiers from our land. And how else can the war end? This is the only way," the President stressed and urged more allies to support Ukraine, because "we cannot win alone."

11:43 Biden said the United States will send two additional squadrons of fifth-generation F-35 fighters to Britain, strengthen air defense forces in Germany and Italy, and increase the number of destroyers based in Spain from four to six.

11:28 Zelensky, in an interview with the American NBC television channel, said that where Ukraine loses one tank, Russia loses five: "We need to understand that not only we are losing. Where we are losing one tank, they are losing five. That's how we "We fight, but it's difficult for us. Because, again, the numbers are different. They have ten tanks for one of our tanks, ten of their soldiers for one of our soldiers. There are ten times more of them, and it's very difficult."

11:26 British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said in Madred that peace talks with Russia are possible only after her defeat in Ukraine: "We need to ensure Russia's defeat in Ukraine. This is necessary for European security, freedom and democracy. This is the only way we can achieve lasting peace in Europe."

She stressed that she does not consider it possible to negotiate with the Russian Federation while its troops remain in Ukraine: “There are people who say that there are opportunities for negotiations now, while Russia is still in Ukraine. But I think that this will bring a false peace. This will lead to further aggression in the future. We must learn the lessons of the past - the mistakes of the Minsk protocol, for example, which failed to ensure lasting peace in the region."

11:21 The occupiers are collecting personal data of Mariupol residents and are trying to recruit evacuated citizens. According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, in order to collect data, an acceptance of applications for damaged property has been organized. In applications, citizens must indicate without fail that property was allegedly damaged as a result of shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It is also necessary to list all owners of housing and citizens registered there and provide information about the place of their current residence. If the citizens registered in the house left for the territory controlled by Ukraine or abroad (except for the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus), then the people who filed applications are summoned for interrogation and further required to establish contact with those who left and try to force them to cooperate with the occupiers.

At the same time, the process of restoring residential premises has not yet begun, no compensation has been paid, and options for relocation to other housing have not been provided. Those who lost their homes are offered to move to the housing of local residents who have left the city.

11:14 The death toll as a result of a rocket attack on a residential building in Nikolaev has increased to four people , the State Emergency Service reported.

11:12 Ukraine does not give up the idea of ​​joining NATO, Kuleba said in an interview with the French radio station RFI: "Why not? The issue of joining NATO is spelled out in the Constitution. In addition, the structure of the alliance is the most effective security mechanism in the European space."

11:11 Briton Sean Pinner, "sentenced" to death in the "DPR", filed a cassation appeal against this decision, Yulia Tserkovnikova, the prisoner of war's lawyer, said: "We filed a cassation appeal, the consideration period is two months. If it is rejected, we will write a petition for pardon. The client asks, I am obliged."

11:09 Poland has included the anti-war survival simulator This War of Mine in the extracurricular program. A detailed plan of lectures has already been prepared for teachers, the country's Ministry of Education and Science said. This War of Mine was released in 2014 and is based on the siege of Sarajevo during the war in Yugoslavia. Users play for the civilian population, which is trying to survive in the fighting.

11:07 France will give Ukraine six more self-propelled artillery mounts Caesar, said the Minister of the armed forces of the country, Sebastien Lecornu. At the same time, he did not specify the delivery time. The self-propelled guns will come in addition to the 12 howitzers that were delivered earlier.

11:03 British intelligence reports that Russian troops continue to gradually advance and are trying to cordon off Lisichansk. Since June 25, they have advanced another 2 km in the area of ​​the Lisichansk oil refinery to the south of the city. Analysts believe that Russia will continue to strike and will try to prevent the Ukrainian military from resupplying. The lack of modern high-precision strike weapons in the Russian Federation is likely to lead to the fact that there will be new victims among the civilian population.

10:56 German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock confirmed media reports that Berlin does not want to abandon the Russia-NATO Founding Act of 1997: "We have a new strategic concept here at the NATO summit, which we will adopt. We are facing this new the bitter reality that we should now be able to defend ourselves against the Russian Federation if this happens ... But we have always made it clear, as the federal government of Germany, that we, for example, do not want to denounce the Russia-NATO Founding Act" .

10:52 Stoltenberg confirmed that Russia in the new Strategic Concept of the alliance will be called the main threat to security, and the concept itself "will become a blueprint for how to lead the alliance into a future more competitive and dangerous world and how to ensure the security of NATO and almost a billion of its citizens in it."

The Secretary General also said that the expansion of NATO response forces from 40 to 300 thousand will take place next year. These forces will be paid for and organized by their NATO countries, they will be deployed in their countries, but will be dedicated to the defense of specific territories. In addition, a large number of heavy weapons and equipment will be placed, as well as warehouses in these territories.

10:48 Johnson said in an interview with ZDF that Putin's actions towards Ukraine are "a perfect example of toxic masculinity."

10:46 NATO told Zelensky that Russia needs to be defeated militarily, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Cros said at the summit of the alliance in Madrid: "We had the opportunity to talk with President Zelensky ... We made it clear: this war can only be won by battlefield, and we must continue to support President Zelensky and the Ukrainian population as much as possible to win on the battlefield against Russian aggression."

10:43 Andrey Klishas, ​​head of the constitutional committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, said that Norwegian sovereignty over Svalbard is "a big question" after the refusal to let Russian cargo go there. The day before, the Norwegian government announced that it had joined the fifth package of EU sanctions against Russia and closed the border with the Russian Federation for land transport and its ports. For trucks and cars from Russia, the only checkpoint on the Russian-Norwegian border, Storskog, will be closed.

Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Konstantin Kosachev said that Oslo violated the Paris Treaty of 1920, according to which the parties, including Norway and Russia, recognize Norway's sovereignty over Svalbard on the condition that the import of goods from countries participating in the agreement will not be subject to restrictions.

10:29 In Dnipro, as a result of yesterday's missile attack, seven people were injured, among them a six-year-old boy - he was hit by a fragment from a broken window glass, said the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko.

10:26 In Kremenchug, rescuers examined and dismantled the debris of building structures on 75% of the total area of ​​the shopping center destroyed by the Russian missile. As a result of the shelling of the Amstor shopping center, 18 people were killed (one of whom died in the hospital), eight fragments of human bodies were found during the rubble, the State Emergency Service reports. 61 people applied for medical help, 26 of them were hospitalized.

10:17 Kuleba urged partners to disconnect Gazprombank from SWIFT, which Russia uses both to receive payments for oil and gas and to pay salaries to its military.

09:54 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the provision of new assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 151.7 million Canadian dollars (about 117.7 million US dollars). Canada will also provide a $200 million loan to Ukraine through the IMF. The funds will be used for humanitarian aid, agricultural solutions, demining, as well as establishing accountability for human rights violations.

09:49 NATO today at the summit in Madrid will take Sweden and Finland into an alliance , Stoltenberg said.

09:47 The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, said that Azovstal fighters who had surrendered would not be exchanged: “We decided not to give them up, we agreed where it was supposed to. in a pre-trial detention center. Now there are two thousand such fighters who arrived yesterday. We are working with them in detail and thoroughly."

09:28 In Kharkiv, the Russians fired at the Industrial, Shevchenkovsky and Sloboda districts, six people were injured, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said. In the region, during the day, the Russian army fired at Izyumsky, Chuguevsky, Kharkov, Bogodukhovsky districts - two people were killed, three were injured.

09:10 Indonesian President Joko Widodo announced that he was already on a train to Kiev. One of the main topics that Widodo and Zelensky will discuss will be the November G20 summit.

09:07 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of June 29. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Bakhmut direction.

  • personnel - about 35,450 (+200) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1572 (+5),

  • armored combat vehicles - 3720 (+16),

  • artillery systems - 781 (+3),

  • MLRS - 246 (+3),

  • air defense systems - 103 (+1),

  • aircraft - 217 (+0),

  • helicopters - 185 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 640 (+4),

  • cruise missiles - 142 (+3),

  • ships/boats - 14 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 2598 (+9),

  • special equipment - 61 (+0).

09:02 More than 20 residents of Lisichansk were wounded as a result of shelling by Russian cluster shells, said the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai. Among the wounded there are children aged 14 and 15.

08:48 British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has ruled out the possibility that London will become part of the European Political Community, the creation of which was initiated by Macron. Presenting the new community as an alternative to EU membership, Macron noted that this idea could unite countries with EU-like values ​​in trade, the rule of law and freedom of movement from "the UK to Ukraine."

08:44 The main efforts of the enemy are focused on conducting military operations in the Lisichansk and Bakhmut directions with the aim of encircling Lisichansk. The enemy is advancing with partial success in the Bakhmut direction and is storming in the Slavic direction, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the morning report . Near the border of Ukraine, the Russians are deploying MLRS Grad to strike at the Sumy region.

08:36 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports that the Ukrainian defense of Severodonetsk cost the Russians dearly, despite Moscow's new tactics aimed at limiting Russian losses. Russian forces advancing in Severodonetsk will need time to recover before participating in the Lisichansk assault. At the same time, the location and number of Russian troops that captured Severodonetsk remain unclear.

Analysts believe that Ukrainian forces are likely to withdraw, which could include a withdrawal from Lysychansk and the Luhansk region in the near future. Kyiv can continue this approach until the Russian attack culminates or Ukrainian forces move into more secure positions along a straighter line dotted with fortified cities and towns.

08:32 The situation in Lisichansk is reminiscent of what happened in Severodonetsk, said the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai. He also said that now the Russian army continues its offensive in the direction of Volchoyarka - Verkhnekamenka, trying to surround Lisichansk.

08:23 The number of victims after blow on a high-rise building in Nikolaev grew to three, five people are injured , the head of OVA Vitaly Kim reported.

07:55 The Russians launched a missile attack on a residential high-rise building in Nikolaev in the morning, it is known about two dead and three wounded , the rescuer of the State Emergency Service also suffered, the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim said.

07:21 In the south of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched five airstrikes, eliminating 22 Russian soldiers, the Uragan MLRS and two ammunition depots, OK Pivden reported. According to the command, the Russians attacked the outskirts of Aleksandrovka in the Kherson region with a pair of Ka-52 attack helicopters, in response, the Armed Forces of Ukraine used aviation five times, in particular in the area of ​​​​the administrative border of the Nikolaev and Kherson regions.

07:13 In the Dnieper, under the rubble of a building of a motor transport company destroyed by an enemy missile, rescuers found two dead - a man and a woman. They were not military, there was a peaceful enterprise where peaceful people worked, stressed the head of the UVA, Valentin Rezichenko. At the scene, experts found fragments of a Caliber rocket. The day before, the enemy sent six such missiles across the Dnepropetrovsk region, four of them were shot down.

07:09 The partisan movement in Melitopol is working in close communication with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The occupiers and collaborators are afraid to leave the house and enter the entrance, said the mayor of the city Ivan Fedorov.

06:47 The leadership of Ukraine specially stores weapons supplied by the West in the centers of large cities, covering it as a shield with civilians, Russian diplomat Dmitry Polyansky said at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

01:38 The UN Security Council condemned the death of people due to a Russian missile attack on a shopping center in Kremenchug: "We strongly condemn the death of civilians as a result of these rocket attacks, in particular, the shelling of a crowded shopping center in Kremenchug, Poltava region of Ukraine. This strike was flagrant attack on civilian infrastructure and the civilian population."

The UN Security Council also condemned the intensification of Russian missile strikes on residential areas and civilian infrastructure on June 25-27. Countries stressed the need to investigate and bring to justice violators of international humanitarian law and perpetrators of war crimes.

Posted by badanov 2022-06-30 00:00|| || Front Page|| [17 views ]  Top

#1 Fly or drive. No win. The REAL reason for all the flight cancellations?

Pilots are on strike.
Posted by Black Charlie Slairt1430 2022-06-30 16:27||   2022-06-30 16:27|| Front Page Top

#2 wrong thread?
Posted by Frank G 2022-06-30 19:41||   2022-06-30 19:41|| Front Page Top

00:31 Grom the Reflective

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