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2022-03-17 Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian perspective: Russian invasion of Ukraine, March 17th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 21:40 An An-124 (Ruslan) cargo plane of the Volga-Dnepr airline was arrested in Canada, writes ZN.UA. It is planned that now it will be used to deliver military cargo from the US and Canada to Ukraine.

21:38 About the possible consequences of Russia's exclusion from the Council of Europe - in the article Russians are going to be executed?

21:35 The Ministry of Defense of Poland presented NATO with a project to create a peacekeeping mission in Ukraine, writes UP. At the same time, the US State Department, in response to this proposal, stated that the presence of American soldiers on the territory of Ukraine would only prolong the war.

21:30 Slovakia tentatively agreed to provide Ukraine with the S-300 air defense system on the condition that NATO countries replace these systems with it, writes CNN. Germany and the Netherlands said they were ready to provide Slovakia with an American Patriot air defense system in return. There are no official decisions on this yet.

21:24 Kuleba admits that Russia may not comply with the decision of the International Court of Justice, which ordered it to immediately stop hostilities in Ukraine. According to him, "this will negatively affect the final decision of the court in this case, in particular, in the context of determining by the court the amount of compensation that Ukraine should receive."

"And the second important point - legal and political: now anyone who wants to say that there is no Russian aggression, or that Russia is doing everything right - these arguments will be smashed against the decision of the International Court of Justice, which we received today."

21:22 In the Vinnytsia Regional Council, following the Kherson City Council, the local faction of the Opposition Platform for Life has dissolved itself. The Servant of the People party also called on other local deputies from the Opposition Platform for Life to join this flash mob.

21:20 The UN commented on Russia's complaints about widespread Russophobia: "Problems with Russophobia will disappear when a ceasefire in Ukraine is achieved."

21:19 Ukraine and the IAEA are preparing an agreement on security guarantees for nuclear facilities, Energoatom President Petr Kotin said.

21:17 In Italy, the assets of Alisher Usmanov, who fell under the sanctions, have been frozen for 66 million euros, the media write.

21:16 Biden personally stated that he considers Putin a war criminal.

20:54 The SBU commented on a new fake from the Russian Defense Ministry that the Security Service of Ukraine "with the support of Western countries is preparing a provocation with the use of toxic substances against civilians."

"The SBU, even in theory, cannot prepare any provocations with toxic substances. Because we do not act by the methods of the occupiers," the SBU said.

20:49 In Mariupol, the Russians attacked not only the Drama Theater, but also the Neptune pool, in which people were also hiding. While it is impossible to get information about the victims and victims, said the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration Pavel Kirilenko.

20:23 In the temporarily occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, in connection with the forced mobilization of men, a critical situation has developed, bringing the region closer to a humanitarian catastrophe, the General Staff reports.

20:04 When dismantling the structures of a hostel in Chernihiv, rescuers found the bodies of five dead, including three children.

20:02 British Defense Minister Ben Wallace confirmed that Ukraine will receive portable Starstreak MANPADS, which can shoot down air targets at a distance of up to 5000 meters. Currently, they are in service only in Britain and South Africa.

19:56 The Russians are not planning to attack Nikolaev in the near future, the city will be in the rear. The invaders are moving beyond Kherson, said the head of the Nikolaev Regional State Administration Vitaly Kim.

19:29 Kiev again came under enemy fire in the evening. According to the Kyiv City State Administration, the shells hit several private houses in the Podolsk region. Rescuers and paramedics are on the scene and no one has been injured yet.

The low-pressure gas pipeline was also damaged, and the accident is being eliminated by gas service specialists.

19:26 Before the attack on the Drama Theater in Mariupol, the Russian media wrote that the building was "crammed with civilians" who were allegedly "guarded by 12 militants of the Azov regiment."

19:18 Biden announced that the United States will transfer $1 billion worth of defense assistance to Ukraine this week. It includes 800 air defense systems and 9 thousand anti-tank systems, drones, 7 thousand small arms, 20 million ammunition.

19:15 Medinsky said that the negotiations of the Ukrainian and Russian delegations are ongoing, they involve lawyers, international affairs and the military. "Literally every number and every letter," he said, is discussed carefully, because it should be "an agreement for generations to come."

Discussed, in particular, the neutral status of Ukraine, demilitarization and everything related to the size of the Ukrainian army, as well as the status of Crimea and Donbass, denazification, the rights of the Russian-speaking population, said the head of the Russian delegation.

Negotiations, according to him, "go hard and slowly." "Russia needs a peaceful, free and independent Ukraine - a friend and a neighbor," he explained.

19:11 The mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov , who was kidnapped on March 11 by the Russian occupiers , has been released , deputy head of the Presidential Office Kirill Timoshenko said. Later, a video appeared on the network in which Zelensky communicates with Fedorov on the phone.

About the kidnapping of the heads of Ukrainian cities - in the article Theft of mayors .

19:08 Stoltenberg said that by unleashing a war against Ukraine, Putin underestimated the Ukrainians. At the same time, the NATO Secretary General warned that the Kremlin's ability to "continue this war with brutal methods" should not be underestimated.

“Russia is a nuclear force and we have seen them threaten with nuclear rhetoric – both – NATO allies and Ukraine. We should not underestimate the danger of Russia’s military capabilities, including their desire to use force to destroy others,” he stressed.

18:55 Podolyak said that the information published by the Financial Times about the Ukrainian-Russian negotiations is "a draft demonstrating the request of the Russian side - and no more."

"The Ukrainian side has its own positions. The only thing we confirm at this stage is a ceasefire, the withdrawal of Russian troops and security guarantees from a number of states."

18:47 Medvedchuk's 92-meter yacht Royal Romance, which was moored in the city of Rijeka, was arrested in Croatia, local media write. This is one of the five largest yachts in the world, used exclusively for the needs of the owners. The annual maintenance, repair and fuel costs of such a yacht range from 15 to 20 million dollars.

18:34 Western media write about serious progress in the negotiations between Kiev and Moscow. Read more about this in the article Neutral status of Ukraine. What is discussed with the Russian Federation .

18:32 Statement by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on Twitter: "We will return Crimea and every piece of our land temporarily occupied by Russia, and hold Russia and its leadership responsible for all the crimes committed by it in Ukraine."

18:15 Kuleba said that today's decision of the International Court of Justice is "exactly what Ukraine demanded." He explained that now the fact of Russia's invasion has been ascertained at the highest legal level.

This decision also means that the court did not find any evidence for Russia's allegations of genocide on the territory of Ukraine.

The decision was supported by 13 judges, only two were against - Russia and China, "this is a powerful result that gives weight to the decision."

The court's decision is legally binding in accordance with the norms of international law and will become a starting point for other legal and political assessments of Russian aggression.

"International legal responsibility takes time, and the consideration of the case will continue, but the responsibility of Russia is inevitable. At the last stage of the consideration of the case, the issue of reparations will be decided. I have no doubt that we will win here too, and in the end Russia will also pay with money. Today's decision is an act of justice against the Ukrainian people," Kuleba said.

18:13 In Mariupol, the Russians dropped a super-powerful bomb on the Drama Theater, where thousands of citizens were hiding. Because of the shelling, they cannot dismantle the rubble, according to Sergey Taruta.

18:04 Zelensky said that Ukraine "won a complete victory in the case against Russia in the International Court of Justice."

The court has ordered Russia to immediately stop its invasion of Ukraine, and the order is binding under international law. "Ignoring the decision will drive the Russian Federation into even greater isolation," the president stressed.

18:02 The American embassy in Ukraine on the anniversary of the Crimean "referendum" stated that "Crimea is Ukraine, and the United States will never recognize the illegal occupation of the territory of Ukraine by Russia."

17:58 As a result of the shelling of a column of refugees in the area of ​​​​the village of Stepnogorsk near Zaporozhye, five people were injured, among them one child in serious condition.

17:40 NATO next week will consider the long-term consequences of Russia's attack on Ukraine for the defense of the alliance, said Stoltenberg.

The Secretary General also stressed that the NATO countries will continue to provide military and financial assistance to Ukraine, but the alliance forces will not be present on the territory or in the airspace of Ukraine.

Stoltenberg added that NATO should review the measures of collective deterrence, increase forces in the eastern part of the alliance.

17:35 The International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled that Russia should stop hostilities in Ukraine.

17:17 The morning explosion in the area of ​​the Kiev zoo is the result of the work of the Ukrainian air defense forces, which shot down the Kalibr cruise missile, Gerashchenko said. The fragments of the rocket caught the attic and the upper floors of one of the houses on the street. Gavrylyshyn.

17:07 Auction houses Sotheby's and Christie's canceled the auction of Russian works of art.

17:05 Podolyak, in an interview with the American PBS channel, expressed confidence that "a ceasefire will be achieved in the coming days . " He also announced the preparation of documents for direct negotiations between Zelensky and Putin.

17:01 Peskov told RIA Novosti that the presidents of Ukraine and Russia "can and should meet not to discuss, but to fix agreements."

16:46 The "government" of the so-called "LPR" issued a "decision" according to which, from March 17, the Ukrainian hryvnia can be used throughout the "republic" in parallel with the Russian ruble. The document will remain in effect until further notice.

16:45 WHO has suspended the evaluation of the Russian coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V due to "technical difficulties caused by sanctions."

16:36 Near Zaporozhye, Russian invaders shot from Gradov a convoy of cars that was moving from Mariupol to Zaporozhye. There are dead and wounded, reports Ukraine 24.

In total, more than 1,565 cars arrived from Mariupol to Zaporozhye - 4,329 people were evacuated, including 1,033 children. Now they are getting the help they need.

16:35 Ukraine has captured about a thousand Russian servicemen, Zelensky told the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Karim Khan.

16:34 Speaker of the Rada Stefanchuk said that the law on collaborationism has come into force.

16:33 The HLE faction in the Kherson city council has dissolved itself: nine deputies included in it wrote a statement about their withdrawal and condemned Russia's aggression, writes Gerashchenko.

16:28 Podolyak says that Ukraine's position in negotiations with Russia is legally verified security guarantees, a ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian troops. All this, according to him, is possible only with a direct dialogue between Zelensky and Putin.

16:25 Putin said that if the Russian troops stopped at the borders of the "LDNR", "this would not be the final decision, it would not remove the threat to Russia."

He added that "in the foreseeable future, the pro-Nazi regime in Kyiv could get nuclear weapons, the target would be Russia."

16:24 CNN reports that the US and NATO countries are sending Ukraine several anti-aircraft missile systems - in particular, Soviet-era air defense systems SA-8, SA-10, SA-12 and SA-14. These systems have a longer range than the Stingers, giving them the ability to hit cruise missiles.

16:03 Ukraine has become a member of the energy European Union - the unification of the Ukrainian and European energy systems has been completed . "Now our electricity flows to Europe, and European electricity to Ukraine," Zelensky wrote on Twitter and thanked Ukraine's partners.

Today Ukraine will start synchronization with ENTSO-E.

15:52 The Serbian airline Air Serbia, under pressure from public opinion, supported Western sanctions and canceled flights to Russia.

15:39 In Strasbourg, in front of the building of the Council of Europe, the Russian flag was removed from the flagpole. The Russian Federation became the first country in the history of the Council of Europe, which was expelled from the organization.

15:38 Putin said that the tactics of the Russian Defense Ministry in Ukraine have fully justified themselves: "everything is being done to avoid losses among the civilian population."

15:34 Russian conscripts who were sent to fight in Ukraine are forced to sign contracts after the fact, the SBU reports, referring to the intercepted conversations of the invaders.

15:32 Zelensky said that "now it is not enough to be the leader of the country, now you need to be the leader of the world, such a leader strives for peace." According to him, today the Ukrainian people are fighting for values ​​in Europe and the world.

15:26 Zelensky called for the creation of a new international structure - the Union of Responsible Countries. According to him, the institutions created after the last war did not work.

“We propose to create a Union of Responsible Countries, capable of immediately reacting and doing everything to quickly achieve peace. Such an alliance will be able to help those who are also experiencing natural disasters, who have become victims of epidemics. Remember how difficult it was for the world to create vaccines to protect against a pandemic. If such an alliance existed, we could save thousands of lives in our country and countries where people suffer," Zelensky argued.

15:24 Zelensky asked the US Congress to provide Ukraine with air defense systems, including the S-300, and also to provide a humanitarian no-fly zone over Ukraine.

15:21 Zelensky called for the closure of American ports for Russian goods and other measures to stop the Russian Federation: "We must create new rapid response tools and stop a full-scale Russian invasion. It will be fair if the evil is punished in the next 24 hours."

15:10 Zelensky speaks in the US Congress:

15:01 In Kharkiv, the market was shelled, there are dead and wounded, Suspіlna reported, citing data from the emergency medical center.

14:45 The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe finally excluded Russia from its membership.

14:34 The Italian Finguardia has arrested the real estate of Russian businessman Pyotr Aven in Sardinia for four million euros, Russian media write.

14:27 The mayor of Skadovsk, Alexander Yakovlev, said that the invaders had released him, and asked people not to panic.

14:24 A deepfake from the Russian occupiers appeared on the network, in which Zelensky allegedly declares surrender:

14:21 In Skadovsk, the invaders opened fire and used tear gas on people who were standing on the square in front of the City Council.

14:10 Switzerland has included more than 200 individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation in the sanctions list. Thus, now it completely repeats the EU sanctions list.

13:54 Ukraine has attracted the best lawyers in the world in order to obtain reparations and indemnities from Russia, Oksana Zolotareva, director of the international law department of the Foreign Ministry, said at a hearing at the International Court of Justice.

13:52 The spring session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly was moved from Kiev to Vilnius. It will take place at the end of May, informs the Baltic Times.

13:48 Another Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber, which bombed the city, was shot down over Chernihiv. The pilots landed, they are being searched for, OK Pivnich reported.

13:45 The Buchansk City Council reported that the hostages who were taken by the invaders today are alive and well, they were released, they returned to their families. Everyone's SIM cards were taken away, so they are not in touch now.

13:41 Zelensky announced his speech to Congress today - it will be an important speech "from all of us," he said.

The President recalled that today is the anniversary of the “referendum” in Crimea: “If the world had reacted at least half the way it should react now, I am sure that there would be no invasion and eight years of war in Donbas. All this evil was born from the occupation of Crimea, our weakness, brutal actions of the Russian Federation. Now we are stronger."

13:39 In Chernihiv, the invaders fired at people who were standing in line for bread. At least ten people died, Anton Gerashchenko said.

13:32 Russia showed top-secret weapons in Ukraine, previously unknown to Western military experts. According to the New York Times, we are talking about false targets for deceiving air defenses, which are fired by the Iskander-M missile system. After detecting decoys, Western missile defense systems can be adapted to recognize such projectiles.

"The Russians, by demonstrating these projectiles, jeopardized their ability to penetrate NATO and US missile defense systems with them," said Geoffrey Lewis, an arms expert at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies.

13:27 Every morning at 09:00 throughout Ukraine there will be a nationwide minute of silence in memory of all Ukrainians who died in our Patriotic War, Zelensky said.

13:26 Zelensky: "The world is already beginning to understand that without recognizing Russia as a terrorist state, it will be impossible to restore justice in relation to Ukraine."

The President also said that he spoke with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, who arrived in Ukraine. An investigative group of the International Criminal Court has started its work in Ukraine.

13:07 According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, the invaders do not pay compensation for the killed mobilized from the "LDNR" and burn the bodies. Relatives of the victims are given only a death certificate and a burial permit - and no documents about where and under what circumstances they died. Relatives are also explained that no payments are provided even if they have a Russian passport.

Forced recruitment of invaders into the 1st Army Corps also continues in ORDLO. The vast majority of "recruits" are sent to the hottest spots without preparation. Losses among them reach 70-80%.

To hide the real number of dead, the occupiers use the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant to burn corpses.

13:03 Zelensky commented on the hacking of the Ukrainian TV channel and the appearance of a fake message of surrender: "I can only offer to lay down their arms to the Russian military. And we are at home, we are defending our country. We are not going to lay down any weapons - until our victory."

12:59 In Chernobyl, the invaders robbed all the offices of enterprises - they centrally take out system units, office equipment, workwear. Vehicles left on the territory of the enterprises were destroyed. There is no light in Chernobyl, in total there are about 300 people left in the city, said the head of the Public Council under the State Agency of Ukraine for the management of the exclusion zone Oleksandr Syrota.

12:52 On the air of the TV channel Ukraine 24 today they launched a running line with a fake appeal by Zelensky, who allegedly calls on the Armed Forces of Ukraine to lay down their arms. The channel itself said that this was a hacker attack, and urged not to believe the fakes.

12:45 Podolyak said that the Ukrainian model of security guarantees should be accompanied by "a tough agreement with a number of guarantor countries that assume clear legal obligations to actively prevent attacks on Ukraine."

"We understand our partners' attempt to remain the proactive side in the negotiation process. Hence the words about the Swedish or Austrian models of neutrality. But Ukraine is now in a state of direct war with the Russian Federation. Therefore, the model can only be Ukrainian and only about legally verified security guarantees. And no other models or options," the adviser to the head of the OP emphasized.

According to him, we are talking about "absolute security guarantees", not protocol or "Budapest". "And this means that the signatories of the guarantees do not stand aside in the event of an attack on Ukraine, as they do today," he explained.

In addition, according to him, "Ukraine no longer wants to depend on bureaucratic procedures that allow or do not allow closing the sky from the same cruise missiles." "We need direct and tough guarantees that the sky will definitely be closed," Podolyak stressed.

12:41 The International Energy Agency expects a drop in oil production in the Russian Federation by three million barrels per day since April due to sanctions and importers' refusals to purchase. This is approximately 35% of the volume produced in the country.

12:40 According to the Ministry of Health, the occupiers have damaged 117 hospitals since the beginning of the war, seven of them cannot be restored.

12:36 Japan has deprived Russia of the status of the most favored nation in trade, said Prime Minister Fumio Kushida.

12:35 Explosives defused more than 350 unexploded ordnance dropped by Russian invaders on Ukrainian soil, the National Police reported.

12:33 President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Peter Maurer arrived in Kiev. In his Twitter, he said that he plans to meet with the Ukrainian people and the leadership of the country.

12:18 Lavrov said that Moscow supports the initiative of Israel and Turkey to mediate in negotiations with Ukraine. At the same time, he stressed that Russia does not want to see countries that have imposed sanctions against it as mediators.

12:17 Abramovich, a few hours after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, transferred control of his assets in the US, UK and Israel to one of his business partners, The Wall Street Journal reports, citing data from financial regulators.

12:15 Two-thirds of the missiles fired by Russia hit civilian targets, "and this is probably being done deliberately," Arestovich said.

12:14 Russian invaders kidnapped the mayor of Skadovsk, Kherson region, Alexander Yakovlev, and his deputy, Yuri Paliukh, activists report.

12:13 Ukraine, in dialogue with Western partners, insists on recognizing Russia as a sponsor of terrorism, as well as on the abolition of visas issued for Russians and the closure of seaports for Russian ships, Shmyhal said.

12:11 The press service of the National Security and Defense Council published a list of senior and senior officers of the Russian army liquidated in Ukraine . At the moment it has 11 names. Among them are army commanders and commanders of regiments, divisions and brigades.

12:06 Fighting is going on in the forest near Kiev, the Russians are retreating, Gerashchenko reports.

11:58 In Ukraine, representatives of the elite of the Russian Guard - "maroon berets" - have been destroyed. According to Russian media, at least seven of them died.

11:56 Zaluzhny said that the forces of the ground forces, territorial defense, air assault troops, special operations forces and others were involved in the defense of the capital from attacks and the offensive of the Russian occupier. "Kyiv will survive!" - assured the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

11:52 More than 500 civilians have been killed in Kharkiv since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the State Emergency Service reports.

11:50 In Ukraine, the son of the deputy governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation was killed. His death was reported in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and the chairman of the Investigative Committee Bastrykin posthumously awarded him a medal.

The occupant was the deputy commander of the reconnaissance company for military-political work of the 137th regiment of the 106th Tula Guards Airborne Division.

11:47 The Armed Forces assured that no one sends unprepared people to the front line, everyone undergoes the necessary training. Thus, the training of privates and sergeants in training centers ranges from seven to 20 days, depending on the complexity of the specialty.

11:40 The head of the Russian delegation at the talks with Ukraine, Medinsky, said that there is progress on some positions. In particular, according to him, this is "the preservation and development of the neutral status of Ukraine, demilitarization, a whole range of issues related to the size of the Ukrainian army is being discussed. Ukraine offers an Austrian, Swedish version of a neutral demilitarized state ."

At the same time, he acknowledged that everything is not so simple on other issues: "The key issue for us is the status of Crimea and Donbass. A number of humanitarian issues, including denazification, the right of the Russian-speaking population and the status of the Russian language."

11:27 Lavrov said that in the negotiations with Ukraine "there is hope for a compromise."

11:25 Germany's largest energy concern E.ON has stopped purchasing new volumes of gas from Russian companies, writes Bloomberg.

11:24 In Vinnitsa this morning, the invaders fired at the TV tower of the Concern PRT, the State Special Communications Service reported. Broadcasting in the city temporarily does not work.

11:22 In Izyum, where a catastrophic humanitarian situation has developed, they have not been able to deliver humanitarian cargo, the work of the corridor has been disrupted, local authorities report. It was not possible to evacuate residents either.

11:19 Military physicians from Canada, the USA, Australia and the Great Britain arrived to the Nikolaev area who will train physicians in Nikolaev, the governor Vitaly Kim reported.

He also said that reserves are being restored in Nikolaev, protection is being strengthened; humanitarian cargo is sent to the liberated villages, people who have lost their homes are being evacuated. Kim added that the fighting in the area "is heavy, not without casualties."

11:13 British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss promised new sanctions against Russia: "And against more banks, and a complete SWIFT freeze for them, and new personal sanctions and restrictions for their companies, and the complete destruction of the world's dependence on their oil and gas. Britain will stop all imports by the end of the year, we will help others to reduce this dependence. The Russian Federation must lose the funds to finance its military machine."

11:10 AvtoVAZ sends employees on vacation for 20 days due to the crisis in the supply of electronic components.

11:09 Dow Jones decided to exclude bonds of Russian and Belarusian issuers from the calculated indices.

11:02 There were about a thousand Kadyrovites in Ukraine, most of them "have already gone to Allah," MP Venislavsky said.

10:53 NATO defense ministers, as well as Finland, Sweden, Georgia, Ukraine and the European Union, will hold an extraordinary meeting today to discuss "the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the long-term consequences for NATO," the British delegation said.

10:47 Rescuers have completed the analysis of the rubble at the TV tower near Rivne, where two Russian missiles hit. The death toll rose to 21, while the number of injured remained unchanged at nine.

10:43 The head of Energoatom said that the Russian invaders, following the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, tried to seize the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine stopped the offensive, and the enemy retreated.

10:21 Russian occupiers abducted six people who were in the building of the Buchansk City Council and provided assistance to residents to the last. Among the prisoners are employees of the City Council and volunteers, the press service of the City Council reported.

10:20 Fitch agency announced that it will consider Russia's coupon payments on Eurobonds in rubles as a default.

10:16 NATO will continue to supply weapons to Ukraine "in various directions," said the head of the British Ministry of Defense.

10:15 Podolyak briefly described what is happening: "What is happening right now. 1. The counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a number of operational areas. This radically changes the dispositions of the parties. 2. The flight of Russian journalists from TV channels begins. 3. The leadership of the Russian Federation is trying to find allies whose soldiers are ready to die in Ukrainian fields".

10:11 Ukraine cannot yet open humanitarian corridors, since the Red Cross has not agreed on them, Vereshchuk said.

10:08 Two Russian Su-30cm fighters tried to attack one of the villages in the Odessa region today at about five in the morning. Anti-aircraft missile unit Air Command Pivden destroyed both aircraft. The pilots ejected and after the planes fell into the Black Sea.

10:05 In Kharkiv, a school came under fire at night, one person was injured, the State Emergency Service reports.

10:00 Russian media report mass layoffs from propaganda media.

09:54 The head of the Lugansk Regional State Administration Gaidai reports that the Russian army once again wanted to capture Rubizhne, Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, but suffered significant losses and retreated. In the area of ​​Popasna, the enemy is trying to hold his positions. In Severodonetsk, Rubizhne and Lisichansk, dozens of residential buildings burned at night, and a gas pipeline was also broken in Lisichansk. In Rubizhne, one person was killed, eight adults and one child were injured.

09:45 Psaki noted that Russia has imposed sanctions against the late father of the current US president: “President Biden is Jr., so they may have imposed sanctions on his father, let him rest in peace. None of us are planning tourist trips to Russia. None of us have bank accounts that we can't access."

09:31 Blinken says that Kiev's refusal of NATO is not a concession to Russia: "In my opinion, this is only a reflection of the real state of affairs, which lies in the fact that even before the Russian aggression, Ukraine was not going to join NATO the next day."

09:26 The UN predicts the impoverishment of 90% of Ukrainians in the event of a protracted war.

09:20 The General Staff named the approximate combat losses of the enemy on the morning of March 16:

personnel - about 13,800 people,
tanks - 430,
armored combat vehicles - 1375,
artillery systems - 190,
MLRS - 70,
air defense systems - 43,
aircraft - 84,
helicopters - 108,
automotive equipment - 819,
ships/boats - 3,
tanks with fuel and lubricants - 60,
UAV operational-tactical level - 11.
special equipment - 10.

09:06 Russian troops fired from ships on the Ukrainian coast in the Odessa region near the village of Tuzla, "released a huge amount of ammunition from a long distance," Gerashchenko said.

09:05 Because of the curfew, there will be no evacuation from the Kiev region today, Vereshchuk said.

09:01 The head of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration Oleksandr Starukh reports that today civilian objects were bombed in Zaporozhye for the first time. One rocket hit the area of ​​the Zaporozhye 2 station, the second - in the area of ​​the botanical garden. According to preliminary data, there were no deaths.

08:53 Deputy Minister of Defense Anna Malyar urges Ukrainians not to believe any information about Russians allegedly loyal to Ukraine: “Do not believe in protests on the central Russian channel, the programming network of which is written in the Kremlin. about historical roots, common past, place of birth in Ukraine, etc. Do not believe during the war the public condemnation of Putin by his fellow citizens. It could be an ambush. Do not believe the opposition of an enemy country."

"Imagine that the information field is mined. And so that a delayed-action mine does not get into your mind, go only along the road of official information from Ukrainian sources and do not contact information from enemy territory," she stressed.

08:30 In certain areas, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a counteroffensive, the General Staff reports.

08:07 Zelensky signed a law banning the production and distribution of information products aimed at promoting Russia's actions.

07:50 In the Shevchenkovsky district of Kiev, as a result of enemy shelling, a collapse occurred in a residential building, the State Emergency Service reports. According to preliminary information, two people were injured, 35 were evacuated.

07:12 According to the General Staff, the enemy continues to suffer losses and retreats in separate directions; its main efforts are concentrated on securing and holding previously occupied lines and defense areas.

06:40 Funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the amount of 300 billion dollars have already been reserved for Ukraine, said presidential adviser Oleg Ustenko.

06:29 After the end of the war, Ukraine will need several years just to clear mines, Monastyrsky said.

06:20 During the 20 days of the war, the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated four major generals, three colonels and three lieutenant colonels.

05:59 Japan strengthens sanctions against Russia and Belarus and allows simplified entry for Ukrainian refugees.

05:27 Mariupol is being fired upon by Russian ships that are standing near the village of Belosarayskaya Spit, said the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, Petr Andryushchenko.

03:16 The US Senate unanimously passed a resolution demanding an investigation into Putin as a war criminal.

02:25 Danilov said that the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine has already become the beginning of World War III. And if China decides to support the Russian Federation with military assistance, then World War III will be inevitable.

01:47 Zelensky says that "positions in the negotiations already sound more realistic." Nevertheless, according to him, time is still needed "for decisions to be in the interests of Ukraine."

01:35 Blinken said that an independent Ukraine will exist "much longer" than Russian President Putin.

01:23 Zelensky invited all friends of Ukraine to visit Kiev: “It can be dangerous here, because our skies are not yet closed from Russian missiles and aircraft. The decision to strengthen our arsenal in the air has not yet been made. We have not received aircraft. But the views of all people of the world are now focused precisely on our capital, on the Ukrainians. Everyone who is with us will receive gratitude. Not only ours, but also other peoples."

00:48 According to the General Staff, the enemy has lost up to 40% of the units involved in the war - they are completely destroyed or have lost their combat capability.

00:47 The Russian military leadership has decided on the early release of cadets of higher military educational institutions in order to involve them in military operations against Ukraine, the General Staff reports.

00:08 Polish Deputy Prime Minister Yaroslav Kaczynski proposed sending a NATO peacekeeping mission to Ukraine.

00:02 The United States has allocated additional assistance in the amount of $186 million to support Ukrainian refugees and internally displaced persons.

Posted by badanov 2022-03-17 00:00|| || Front Page|| [19 views ]  Top

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