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2003-08-08 Middle East
Israeli commando killed in Nablus raid. 2 Hamas Boomers snuffed
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Posted by Frank G 2003-08-08 11:59:14 AM|| || Front Page|| [6 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Read Krauthammer and weep, folks. Could it be rumors of Powell leaving State is because he's having trouble changing its culture as much as any ideological problems with W and DOD re Iraq/WOT? I mentioned earlier a Wash. Times article from a couple of months ago on DOState wusses with deragatory (SP?) caricatures of W. As much as I wonder about Newt's criticism of State (maybe he should stick to domestic stuff), you can't get away from the fact that State is spineless. What the hell, even Dennis Ross knows it. Was he able to express these opinions when he was a State employee?
Posted by Michael 2003-8-8 12:28:09 PM||   2003-8-8 12:28:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Michael - I was shocked! Shocked! I tell you, when I read about the Dubya caricatures at State... /sarcasm.

I think you and Frank G are spot-on with your comments. You can add the prisoner release demands to Krauthammer's observation that the fence isn't in the road map. None of the Pal crap is - nor was it true of Oslo or Camp David (I, II, III, etc) or any other good-faith attempt to save these shitheads from themselves when they decided to force a restart. Uh oh, I feel a rant a'coming...

It's all obfuscation and diversion from the fact that they never do anything, not one fucking thing, of what they agree to - as I've pointed out numerous times in the past in comments. This is the Arab game. Pressure, twist the truth, distract, wheedle, lie, cheat, murder - whatever it takes to gain concessions - all without moving toward fulfilling any of their own obligations. They could not achieve this without our mindless Pal Symp World Press, which lives in their pocket - for reasons beyond my ken. Then, when they gain some concessions - given in gestures of good will - they want to restart negoations all over, except this time, it's with your fresh concessions in their stack of chips - and you gained zilch for having offered them. They force a restart (can you say intefada?)... Repeat until the other side tires and quits - sues for peace. Then they usually attack. I have nothing good to say about Arabs, nothing, nor the source of their guiding "principals", Islam, nor their incredibly corrupt society. Everyone here, in their heart of hearts, knows that it won't end, ever, until either they or the Jews are gone. Utterly. Take that exactly as written. Up close and personal, they're even worse than they seem from afar.

Our State Dept, INS, Education Dept, and other Govt bureaucracies, our Unversities, our myriad taxpayer-funded education oversight bodies, all of the places where Arab and Pal and Islamic sympathizers hide and use our taxes and their positions of influence against us must, eventually, be burned out. Gutted. Just like the West Bank and Gaza - and Riyadh and Cairo and Teheran and Damascus and Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur and... WW-IV. Just a thought, I don't have any strong opinions on the issue. ;->
Posted by Â·com 2003-8-8 1:27:01 PM||   2003-8-8 1:27:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 C'mon dot com, stop playing moderate, let us know how you REALLY feel. :)
Posted by liberalhawk 2003-8-8 3:20:34 PM||   2003-8-8 3:20:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 LH - Grins. I really feel like moving to Israel, y'know what I mean? Sitting here on my hands in Thailand amongst the friendliest people on the planet, snarfing great food, chasing some amazingly beautiful wymyns (who let you catch them), surfing the net - it's all just so wearing, y'know? In Israel, I could prolly get my own AR-50 ( or something and pick critters off The Fence. Varmint hunting. Sigh - so many choices... ;->
Posted by Â·com 2003-8-8 4:42:07 PM||   2003-8-8 4:42:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Well put, Enough is enough--it's extremely clear who the good guys are in this situation, and why anyone and any organization tries to pretend that that its any other way is beyond me.
Posted by Flaming Sword 2003-8-8 6:57:07 PM||   2003-8-8 6:57:07 PM|| Front Page Top

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