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2017-02-15 Fifth Column
Intelligence community have gone rogue and are not under the control of the democratically elected government. "This is like a spy novel."
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Posted by Herb McCoy7309 2017-02-15 00:16|| || Front Page|| [9659 views ]  Top

#1 The Kucinich analysis is spot on. The "Gone Rogue" lineage goes a bit deeper however. How about rolling the 'Regime Change' tape all the way back to Apr 17, 1961 – Apr 19, 1961 and the Bay of Pigs.

As Kucinich obliquely alludes, political turmoil and regime change is a business development imperative. DJT's 'America First' and 'Stay Home and Stay Out of Other People's Business' is an anathema to these people. 'Drain the Swamp' is definately not on their menu.

The 'Trump Revolution' is perhaps more of a 'revolution' than many realize.
Posted by Besoeker 2017-02-15 06:14||   2017-02-15 06:14|| Front Page Top

#2 ...I grew up in Cleveland - knew the Kucinich family - and I NEVER thought I'd look at Dennis and think, "My God, he's right..."

Posted by Mike Kozlowski 2017-02-15 07:04||   2017-02-15 07:04|| Front Page Top

#3 wow spot on

and WHY are the Deep State trying to resurrect the cold war?

They must be in the pay of the Saudis starting with John Brennan who spent his formative years as station chief in Riyadh

saudis got their claws in

Saudis and Euros are the only ones who want us to be in a cold war situation with russia

and i don't think it's the euros, because... syria and yemen.
Posted by anon1 2017-02-15 07:33||   2017-02-15 07:33|| Front Page Top

#4 Trump needs to get out ahead of the intelligence community and drain the swamp faster. There are people left over from Obama's administration and the Clinton administration who can and will do harm to a DJT administration. The MSM will applaud this shadow government and any problems created for Trump.
Posted by JohnQC 2017-02-15 08:22||   2017-02-15 08:22|| Front Page Top

#5 In the Southern States, the selling of mules, horses, teams and wagons to Great Britain was quite lucrative during the period 1900-1902. So much so that prices were driven up here at home and domestic availability had not fully recovered at our entry into WWI.

Anyone want to venture a guess as to where those commodities ended up ?

Ike knew what he was talking about when he warned us of the "military-industrial complex."
Posted by Besoeker 2017-02-15 08:33||   2017-02-15 08:33|| Front Page Top

#6 Sounds like somebody needs to have their budget zeroed out.
Posted by DarthVader 2017-02-15 09:00||   2017-02-15 09:00|| Front Page Top

#7 Sounds like somebody needs to have their budget zeroed out.

Aren't where persistent rumors that CIA is involved in Afghan poppy trade?
Posted by g(r)omgoru 2017-02-15 09:43||   2017-02-15 09:43|| Front Page Top

#8 CIA has had a poppy history going back to Burma Nationalist Armies and Vietnam.
Posted by 3dc 2017-02-15 10:24||   2017-02-15 10:24|| Front Page Top

#9 Apparently the CIA has a recording of Flynn and Russian discussing sanctions (though 'discussion' could well be a simple mention), which Flynn later denied having to VP Pence. 1) Flynn, with his history, should have known phone calls to Russians were recorded, so either he is senile (unlikely) or the discussion was so trivial as to escape memory, making his statement to Pence unremarkable and not a 'lie.' It did leave Pence out there dangling in the wind though, which is not a good thing for Flynn to have done. That shouldn't have been 'terminal,' suggesting there is more to the story.
Posted by Glenmore 2017-02-15 10:36||   2017-02-15 10:36|| Front Page Top

#10 Therefore de-funding will be hard.
Posted by g(r)omgoru 2017-02-15 10:40||   2017-02-15 10:40|| Front Page Top

#11 You gotta have open borders to get that heroin to Chicago.
Posted by Abu Uluque 2017-02-15 11:34||   2017-02-15 11:34|| Front Page Top

#12 Flynn, with his history, should have known phone calls to Russians were recorded, so either he is senile (unlikely) or the discussion was so trivial as to escape memory

Yes, w/o the transcripts, I'll go with 'trivial' for now. And yes, there's very likely 'more to this story.' One of the 'more's' is Flynn is fully aware of the Klingon MO and was/is giving DJT the daily dump. Former Congressman Mike Rogers wasn't quietly dumped form the DJT campaign effort due to bad breath. Pompeo was on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He and Gowdy both knew of Rogers' poo pooing of the Benghazi affair and his wife's connections. Flynn was likely awares also. Pompeo is the clean-up hitter. I hope and pray he is successful.
Posted by Besoeker 2017-02-15 11:58||   2017-02-15 11:58|| Front Page Top

#13 Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.

Senator Charles Schumer 01/2017

Green Light
Posted by Depot guys  2017-02-15 12:34||   2017-02-15 12:34|| Front Page Top

#14 Out source to military intel and private sector intelligence groups who should report to the VP, because the rot is just too deep at the moment.
Posted by Nero White 3083 2017-02-15 12:36||   2017-02-15 12:36|| Front Page Top

#15 The MDW/CONUS Institutional IC has atrophied and become irrelevant over the past two decades. I am not sure they can find their way back...this is a horrible culture that wraps itself around the successes of the operational which they are way too timid to take part in...because you know, careers and things (cowards).

Intel folks at the operational level, however, make a difference on a daily basis. The gulf between the institutional and operational is huge.

Retire the beltway IC folks that haven't deployed and replace them with operators (who know their requirements) and operational IC folks (who know how to get it done). There is a war to win, we don't have time for this political foolishness.

Posted by Tennessee 2017-02-15 12:46||   2017-02-15 12:46|| Front Page Top

#16 .....this is a horrible culture that wraps itself around the successes of the operational which they are way too timid to take part in...because you know, careers and things (cowards).

Why 'take part' when you can simply control the mission, the COP (Common Operational Picture) and selectively exploit whatever tactical intelligence people turn up ?

"No, don't send Muktar to Parwan. Yes, we know he's a pos, but we have other plans for him which we are not at liberty to discuss. Do you need further verification from the country team? Ok then, see you at the weekly update."
Posted by Besoeker 2017-02-15 15:05||   2017-02-15 15:05|| Front Page Top

#17 suggesting there is more to the story.

The story is Flynn has a history of shaking up the powers that be. He also has a history of being right.

The first thing he did was increase the capabilities of the DIA (which he headed) to the point that 40% of the President's daily briefing was DIA material, even though the DIA was only 20% the size of the CIA.

The next thing he did was try to set up an organization very similar to the CIA's Special Activities Division. These would report to the commanders of the various Area Commands and be area specialists. The CIA went volcanic; especially since one of the duties was to "validate intelligence coming from the CIA." As far as the CIA was concerned, "We don't need no stinking validation!"

This effort was sharply curtailed, but Gen. Flynn now had a target on his back.

The next problem occurred when some WH dweeb noticed the DIA needed fewer permissions to do an operation than either the CIA or FBI. Thus the DIA could get thing done more quickly and discretely than other agencies. The other agencies saw this "invading their turf" and "unfair competition." This put Flynn in the crosshairs of more Federal agencies.

Finally, Flynn warned Obama that Daesh was a dangerous new terrorist organization. Flynn warned they could be a major threat unless stopped. This warning went against the "current truth" that Obama was pushing at the time.

Even worse, Flynn had the nerve to be accurate when all Obama wants are lies. Obama relieved Flynn of command.

When Trump appointed Flynn to be National Security Advisor, he insulted Obama and waved a red flag in front of all Obama holdovers in the federal government.

People attacked Flynn to prove their loyalty to Obama, humble Donald Trump and avenge themselves on General Flynn. He had made bureaucrats look lazy and stupid. And for he has to pay.

Posted by Frozen Al 2017-02-15 15:07||   2017-02-15 15:07|| Front Page Top

#18 The next problem occurred when some WH dweeb noticed the DIA needed fewer permissions.......

Not to be a total jerk, but we're headed behind the green door with that one. Might not want to expand further.


Posted by Besoeker 2017-02-15 15:15||   2017-02-15 15:15|| Front Page Top

#19 OK very interesting to see a discussion by people who actually know about how these agencies function.

It would be good if the public could know more so they can understand. Otherwise we are left grasping in the dark
Posted by anon1 2017-02-15 16:09||   2017-02-15 16:09|| Front Page Top

#20 Shut the place down, suspend all security clearances and subject everyone to intense investigation. Waterboard them if you have to. The deep state players must be hunted down and removed.
Posted by Omomort Cheager7040 2017-02-15 18:33||   2017-02-15 18:33|| Front Page Top

#21 Why 'take part' when you can simply control the mission, the COP (Common Operational Picture) and selectively exploit whatever tactical intelligence people turn up ?

I know yours is a hypothetical question...but, man it is really hard to get any type of perspective from 10k miles away...and provide real reach back support...and the spin cycle downrange can never be matched by the 9-5 types.
Posted by Tennessee 2017-02-15 18:40||   2017-02-15 18:40|| Front Page Top

#22 I know yours is a hypothetical question...but, man it is really hard to get any type of perspective from 10k miles away...and provide real reach back support...and the spin cycle downrange can never be matched by the 9-5 types.
Posted by: Tennessee

No argument there, but that "10k mile" gap is bridged fairly rapidly when people are on the ground, calling the shots in select locations. The late Mike Spann is one example.
Posted by Besoeker 2017-02-15 18:47||   2017-02-15 18:47|| Front Page Top

#23 I'm agreeing with Dennis Kucinich, will the wonders never cease.
Posted by Chantry 2017-02-15 19:07||   2017-02-15 19:07|| Front Page Top

#24 I know this sounds off the wall, but assuming Flynn is a smart and savvy man with respect to the possible tapping and recording of phone conversations, would it be possible that Trump set him up to do just that to rat out these deep state bastards? Just a thought. Could be a bit of a sting to bring the cockroaches into the light.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2017-02-15 19:45||   2017-02-15 19:45|| Front Page Top

#25 Very interesting theory AP. Very interesting indeed.
Posted by Besoeker 2017-02-15 21:12||   2017-02-15 21:12|| Front Page Top

#26 I wonder if Flynn made his own recordings, "for the record."
Posted by Anguper Hupomosing9418 2017-02-15 21:39||   2017-02-15 21:39|| Front Page Top

#27 Flynn was an arrogant ass to lie to anyone.

He should be out.

Fortunately in his hubris, he stepped on a mine Obama left there.

Now we can clear out some of their stay behind fifth columnists.
Posted by rammer 2017-02-15 22:27||   2017-02-15 22:27|| Front Page Top

#28 A complex? It couldn't be clearer:
A face and a heel, and a shearer;
The Greens or the Blues,
And which champ we should choose,
As we curse the reverse in a mirror.
Posted by Zenobia Floger6220 2017-02-15 23:19||   2017-02-15 23:19|| Front Page Top

#29 Amazing how Facebook is full of Trump is in a quagmire posts today. They have been waiting and having two guys resign in the same week just has the left filled with glee. It won't last, but it is interesting to watch.
Posted by rjschwarz 2017-02-15 23:49||   2017-02-15 23:49|| Front Page Top

#30 Now you all know what I was saying here years ago when I told you that the Intel Community, especially the CIA, needed to be disbanded then restructured and reassembled - with personnel cleaned out with a flamethrower in some cases.
Posted by OldSpook 2017-02-15 23:53||   2017-02-15 23:53|| Front Page Top

23:53 OldSpook
23:49 rjschwarz
23:19 Zenobia Floger6220
22:41 rammer
22:29 rammer
22:27 rammer
21:39 Anguper Hupomosing9418
21:34 Anguper Hupomosing9418
21:28 Chineng Smith6930
21:24 Chineng Smith6930
21:12 Besoeker
20:40 Airandee
20:38 Nero White 3083
19:45 Alaska Paul
19:42 phil_b
19:23 SteveS
19:07 Chantry
18:49 NoMoreBS
18:47 Besoeker
18:41 anon1
18:40 Tennessee
18:33 Omomort Cheager7040
18:30 Zenobia Floger6220
18:26 anon1

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