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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 Angiting Snore1647 Don’t let the Libya episode die in the mud keep pushing it the so called chink in the armour of lies, deceit and greed! Before they threw the Presidential chair party in 2009 I caught a person in full Muslim dress walking the power lines by where I live and it’s hooked into wind farms. Before that they had a listening post set up out where I live and got into everyone’s personal stuff watched it firsthand (short wave etc)! Any way the CIA have done tons of testing into altering sound in magnetic fields from analog to digital etc and they have somehow managed to brain wash the networks and themselves with their hearts and minds crap why do you think they handle all the Muslim crap with kid gloves like the shooter that gunned all those people down ! The chair, Obama the fake President and their control over the Media check into psyop unit that was at the networks and the shooting at Fort Bragg probably part of their in country operation! They have screwed themselves ! Libya will undo all of their lies and crap keep pushing it! False flag ops are really happening in country except they have even screwed themselves this time! There are articles and scientific documentation about the magnetic fields and altering signal in them scientific from the CIA on the internet, green movement Iran and green movement here both a useless lie! 2012-10-08 07:00