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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 play4keeps In just 3 years Obama has been so much more successful in keeping this country safe than Bush was in 8, and at a much, MUCH lower cost to the American taxpayer. Yet the GOP are loath to give Obama any credit. If they were people of honor and truly put the nation first, they’d give credit where credit was do. But they are not and they don’t. They make a big deal of it when Bush landed on the aircraft carrier adorned with the banner “Mission Accomplished,” which was nothing but an embarrassing farce, but when real, substantive accomplishments are achieved, all they do is criticize. How does the GOP still get people to vote for them? Must explain all the voter suppression laws that the GOP are passing to make it harder for blacks, Hispanics, elderly, and college students to vote. Gaddafi would be proud. 2011-10-21 00:22