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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 112.
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1 Snomble Chomosing6303 BTW, why was there no police protection for a place where representatives of Norway's political leadership visited almost daily. The Foreign Minister was on the island the day before and the PM was scheduled to visit the island less than 24 hours after the shootings. Why was there a total absence of basic security precautions, especially at a time when Norway is waging war on a state sponsor of terrorism? And how did Breivik find out about this lapse? 2011-07-30 17:50
2 Snomble Chomosing6303 At the A few days before the start of NATO's desultory bombing campaign, the French and the British were demanding that Gadhafi be removed from power, leave Libya and be put on trial at the Hague the President of the United States solemnly declared that 'They (the Taliban) will hand over the terrorists, or they will share in their fate.' Last week Less than a month later, they the administration subtly modified their position: He can remain in Libya, but he definitely has to step down from power. They can remain in Afghanistan and they can continue to wield political power. Steyn's right, however the rot set in much earlier and it is not limited to Europe. And Afghanistan is a war where, unlike Libya, NATO and the US can't really afford any outcome short of a decisive victory. 2011-07-30 17:14
3 Frank G at least comments are still wor 2011-07-30 17:06
4 Frank G Thorbjørn Jagland needs to try and preach Christianity in Pakistan. Welcome to "Diversity!" 2011-07-30 17:05
5 tu3031 Good luck. See you on the other side. 2011-07-30 16:56
6 PBMcL No longer?? When was he ever? 2011-07-30 16:54
7 PBMcL Needs some sort of Big Brother/Newspeak graphic. 2011-07-30 16:40
8 Frozen Al This is what people should do: Apple has more cash on hand than US government. People should own stock in companies that don't borrow alot. 2011-07-30 15:39
9 Water Modem Besoeker has the right of it! Stop their pay checks. 2011-07-30 15:27
10 Injun Whagum2048 interesting to see that the Brits no longer get top billing in the "usual suspects" category. 2011-07-30 15:27
11 Fred Used that one back in the day -- 2006, when I first started doing the bloid. I try not to repeat too many. 2011-07-30 15:27
12 Thumper Scourge of the Heathen Rus9194 Pappy__ you ARE referring to tje picture, right? 2011-07-30 15:25
13 badanov The coupon for the treasurys go up, and the federal government pays more for interest costs than before. No one is not going to loan to the federal government; buyers will just want some guarantees they will get their money back; raising the coupons for existing and new treasuries will go a long way towards calming those fears. 2011-07-30 15:22
14 Blinky Creans2803 Gondor wanes, you say. But Gondor stands, and even the end of its strength is still very strong. 2011-07-30 15:19
15 Redneck Jim Pray for sepsis. 2011-07-30 15:16
16 Redneck Jim Yay the more assholes dead the better. 2011-07-30 15:15
17 Redneck Jim Bad guys Blowing themselves up, what's not to like. 2011-07-30 15:13
18 Beavis It makes him look as if he weren't serious This is something new for him? 2011-07-30 15:11
19 trailing wife Sopeople, what happens if they don,t make it? The thing is, as I understand it, raising the debt limit has nothing to do with the government defaulting. In fact, increasing our ability to borrow unconnected to reducing spending actually increases the probability that we will default. As long as we can have funds on hand, or can sell something to raise funds -- like drilling and mining permits, public land and buildings (there's been talk of Greece selling some of the smallest islands, in a similar situation), there is no reason for the government to be unable to pay bills coming due. And in fact, more money is coming in than expected, so we should be covered by cash flow through August 14th or so without having to make any decisions all all. But unless the budget is reduced to something considerably closer to balanced, the AAA rating will fall to AAa even if the debt ceiling is raised. Raising the ceiling is like getting a bigger line of credit -- one can borrow more, but it says nothing about ability to repay. To address that, the House Republicans, led by John Boehner, will no doubt pull together a short-term, small ceiling increase that will allow the government to go for a month or two -- and couple it with spending cuts, because the situation is so urgent. And quite possibly either the Senate will not pass it or President Obama will veto it, at which point he will start to own the problem.nnRinse and repeat, this can go on until the scheduled election next November, keeping the issue of spending in front of voters. President Obama cannot sack members of Congress, nor can they escape the process by going to early elections. They're all going to suffer the front page headlines until next November, unless they come up with a solution that both passes and works to fix the debt problem by significantly reducing spending. As an aside, as this process has gone on, President Obama's ratings have continued to drop, and he lost some 36,000 Twitter followers. Although why he is taking the time to tweet when Civilization As We Know It is in danger is beyond me. It makes him look as if he weren't serious. 2011-07-30 15:03
20 Besoeker The FIRST paychecks that should be STOPPED should be that of Obama and the Congress. Perhaps we could get some meaningful legislation passed then. 2011-07-30 15:02
21 Besoeker In effect, if the F-35B goes into service and the production run is what was promised, we just got ourselves 8 light carriers with strike capabilities. Posted by Zhang Fei I am thoroughly confused. I thought we needed new advanced airplanes for the Marine Corps, not more Marine light aircraft carriers. Which is it? Don't the Marine carriers we have in the inventory, have a "strike" capbability? 2011-07-30 14:59
22 Deacon Blues Reid and the rest of the dimwits are fillibustering their own bill. And the accuse the Republicans of obstruction. Throw the whole lot out! 2011-07-30 14:59
23 Thing From Snowy Mountain I guess it takes one loser to know another. 2011-07-30 14:58
24 Thing From Snowy Mountain The "A" and "C" models are working out a lot better than the "B" models, S. It's responsible for the vast majority of the problems the overall program is suffering. 2011-07-30 14:56
25 S Zhang Fe speaks the truth, however, you can learn much by observing for what the F-35 program is going to end up costing could buy a couple of new Fords ---- the real deal and stock them full of lawn darts . I mean by now we gotta be getting a quantity discount on those things. tl;dr Effective yes, but at what price? Frankly I'd bite the bullet and cancel A and C and buy F-35Bz for the Marine Corps and reopen the F-22 line. Yes, I know the B is the cost over-run leader, but it actually brings something to the table. 2011-07-30 14:17
26 tipper Update: 3 journalists killed in NATO strike on Libyan TV station Three people were killed Saturday and 15 others injured in an NATO strike on Tripoli's television station. NATO confirmed targeting three state-run stations in the Libyan capital. (AFP) 2011-07-30 14:15
27 Gruting Thraimble4094 To hell with Peggy, Buckley's idiot son and the rest of them. She knew what The One was and she still shilled for him. 2011-07-30 14:15
28 trailing wife Eventually there will be pocket DNA test kits as there are now tablet computers. At that point the argument will be whether voters should be tested to prove they are indeed themselves...and eventually the testing proponents will win. Voter photo id. is only the first step down that road. JFM, I believe several tea party groups have dedicated themselves to cleaning up the voter rolls, generally in opposition to the state officials responsible for it. They've been developing methods that will overcome objections to the status quo, after which the effort will expand natonally. This will go more easily as Republicans are elected to replace Democrats, and as Republicans beholden to the tea parties replace the old-style country club set. 2011-07-30 14:06
29 S That't not a Canon crown Frank G, that ywllow number still reaks of the big box of Breeze it came in. 2011-07-30 14:06
30 Dale Annoymoose you got it "attack campaign against Republicans for December, claiming that "Republicans are trying to take away Christmas." Sorry I got torqued up. How they are able to pull off this stuff is amazing. It's like watching old reruns. 2011-07-30 14:05
31 S Man, he's a double for long name short round. 2011-07-30 13:54
32 tipper suicide bombing Besoeker, now even Afghani parents are getting pissed off at the quality of Taliban (Islamic scholar) education in Pakistan. Parents balk at 'suicide' schools 2011-07-30 13:50
33 S abu Johnny Strabler straight out of Upper Lower Holister Upazila,ready to explode in righteous anger over ummm.... hey abu Johnny Strabler what you gonna explode in righteous anger about today? 2011-07-30 13:50
34 Sgt. Mom I did like the discription of Press Secretary Carney as 'standing there looking like a ferret with flop-sweat'. 2011-07-30 13:45
35 Matt I inadvertently used the same title as Ed Driscoll at Pajamas Media. Sorry Ed. 2011-07-30 13:32
36 Thing From Snowy Mountain Big question, though, who gave him the idea that the cocktail of chemicals he was taking was a good idea? 2011-07-30 13:30
37 JFM That is something a foreigner like me doesn't undeerstand: you have the best political system in the world and one of the most truly democratic, light yeasr ahead of the so-called democracies in Europe and you manage to spouil everything by not paying attention to "details" like ensuring that voters are who they pretend to be, that they vote only ione and last but not least that counting is done fairly (we use good old paper ballots and manage to count them in a few hours) or that ballot boxes don't appear from nowhere (in Europe ballots must be sealed and kept under custody and if Al Franken had tried the trick of the ballot box "found" in a car hood he would be now sleeping in jail) 2011-07-30 13:13
38 Pappy Too overused. 2011-07-30 13:05
39 Frank G "veers rightward"?? Robert's a miniature fool 2011-07-30 13:03
40 Rambler in Virginia Fred, you should have used this picture of Christine. 2011-07-30 12:58
41 OldSpook It was the Kurds. Convenient way for the Turks to kill 2 birds with one stone: rid themselves of a politically troublesome connection until later (and extract more Iranian money in security fees), and a new excuse to crack down harder in that non-Turk region of Turkey. And best of all the idiot Iranians will loudly blame the Jews so that the Turks don't have to say (or do) a thing. Never forget to ask: cui bono? 2011-07-30 12:56
42 Redneck Jim My ex-daughter's Husband has 5 months to Live, he's 35, and just got out of prison for METH, so revenge is sweet, good riddance meth-head. 2011-07-30 12:52
43 badanov Ah, yes. I can see the book and the movie: Anders Behring Breivik: The Personal Journey of a Meathead and a Methhead The vacations, the Belarus contacts and the booty calls are irrelevant. The only issue is the toxic cocktails of chemical this guy took, which probably fried his last logical node left in his brain. The obverse makes for some fine journalism, but ultimately chemicals are the only issue here. 2011-07-30 12:37
44 Glenmore All any government can REALLY do for an economy is keep it transparent and following contracts and laws (none of which has been done consistently for a while.) As long as money doesn't just sit under a mattress it is making the economy go. It either gets spent - employing people building aircraft, or it gets saved - allowing other people to borrow it to spend on aircraft, for instance. 2011-07-30 12:21
45 Thing From Snowy Mountain I've been waiting for something like this to be reported. Ties to Russia..... CHECK. 2011-07-30 12:18
46 Barbara "'US, Israeli mercenaries' blow up Iran-Turkey gas line" Otherwise known as "Kurds." "in the pay of Israel" Bullshit. If the Israels were involved, it would look like an unfortunate accident. Them Juices are smarter than you. 2011-07-30 12:14
47 Glenmore Now Anonymoose, we know that's not you, it's Anonycaribou. 2011-07-30 12:11
48 Barbara Perhaps he thought it wasn't necessary, RJ. Particularly considering the end of his last sentence. 2011-07-30 12:07
49 Iblis Peggy would know. First hand. 2011-07-30 12:02
50 Bill Griling5080 As a Judge of Election I have had 'The Party's' Precinct Workers bring in men pretending to be women, Hispanics pretending to be Poles, People who could not read, write, speak or understand English (a requirement for citizenship) and my favorite someone pretending to be ME! All in Chicago and it is getting worse by the election. This should be a FEDERAL REQUIREMENT 2011-07-30 11:42
51 Excalibur Zhang Fei has it exactly. Assuming these are deployed to Marine carriers as planned, the United States adds the equivalent of every non-US carrier on Earth the existing Nimitz fleet. 2011-07-30 11:31
52 Redneck Jim "mercenaries" in the pay of Israel and the United States, Bullshit, so they really have no idea whodunit. 2011-07-30 11:18
53 Redneck Jim Glenmore, You forgot the sarc Tag. 2011-07-30 11:11
54 Steve White Better idea: pass a law that prohibits requiring a photo ID to cash a check anywhere, and watch how the banks and merchants respond. 2011-07-30 11:04
55 Bobby See? There are some benefits to the corporate jet subsidy contained in the Obumble stimulus plan! Why don't they make this guy a poster boy for the rich who need to pay more taxes? 2011-07-30 11:01
56 Redneck Jim Why do poor folks have more children? ARE YOU NUTS It's cheap and FUN to screw.(Payment((Babies)) comes MUCH later) 2011-07-30 10:58
57 Bobby Sometimes one finds jewels where you'd least expect, like this Obumble quote: "You know the two losing wars and the economic collapse we've been dealing with? I won't do that. I'm not Bush." Someone should remind him what he said. 2011-07-30 10:56
58 Anguper Hupomosing9418 Quick summary: If Breivik’s intended purpose was to spark a militant European revival against Muslim immigration, his actions will go far to ensure the West instead adopts an even more utterly supine posture. He has hung a big red target on anyone warning against the Islamic danger and will further serve to discredit any criticism of Islam, starting with those named in his manifesto. 2011-07-30 10:41
59 swksvolFF "Cowboys predicted to win Stanley Cup, Romo hits for the cycle." 2011-07-30 10:29
60 swksvolFF Just pisses me off. Brave Australians fighting off suicide bombers in mid asia, and our pols do not have to fortitude to pass a balanced budget ammendment. Class warfare? I'll tell ya the ultimate elitist class is government who literally makes its own money, does not go broke, and has its thugs already in line. DC, getchashit together, phoney balogna presidential harumphs indeed. Congress is an abstract, the president in concrete, guess who gets the blame with a capital Oh. 2011-07-30 10:25
61 Anonymoose Someone discovered that Democrats are already assuming that the cap will be raised until December, when it will need to be raised again. So they are already preparing an attack campaign against Republicans for December, claiming that "Republicans are trying to take away Christmas." To which some wit immediately replied: "What do they care? They're atheists!" 2011-07-30 10:23
62 swksvolFF Too much unpleasant to say. Balance the damned books you sumsabitches. 2011-07-30 10:21
63 Anonymoose Some wit remarked that if they had voter ID in Illinois, the state would lose three representatives. 2011-07-30 10:18
64 Anonymoose The article messes things up, because the reporter made the deadly error of trying to elaborate on the limited data he had been given, with speculation and opinion as to why. This invariably screws up what could have otherwise been a ground breaking, if short, news piece. 2011-07-30 10:15
65 Zhang Fei This is a real increase in capabilities. A Marine carrier with 20 Harriers can barely protect itself, but one with 20 F-35's can mount strike missions. In effect, if the F-35B goes into service and the production run is what was promised, we just got ourselves 8 light carriers with strike capabilities. 2011-07-30 10:14
66 Besoeker They would establish Madrassas for all the extra children, all that was required was that they teach Wahhabism. The hundreds of Islamic Madrasses in Chaman and Quetta Pakistan also offer courses in IED making, suicide bombing, home made explosives production, small arms tactics, and Jihad 101-105. Transportation and meals are oftentimes provided. 2011-07-30 10:04
67 Anonymoose That photo was obviously shopped. I was nowhere near there during the day. 2011-07-30 10:03
68 tipper The 800 lb gorilla in the Pakistani Jihad room is a mild mannered, Nobel Prize winner and father of the Green Revolution, Norman Borlaug. His story in Pakistan is a classic study of unintended consequences. His compassionated nature led him to addressing Pakistan's food problem, where famine was ravaging the population. Nevertheless, Borlaug and many local scientists who were his former trainees in Mexico planted the first crop of dwarf wheat on the subcontinent, sometimes working within sight of artillery flashes. Sowed late, that crop germinated poorly, yet yields still rose 70 percent... Owing to wartime emergency, Borlaug was given the go-ahead to circumvent the parastatals. “Within a few hours of that decision I had all the seed contracts signed and a much larger planting effort in place,” he says. “If it hadn’t been for the war, I might never have been given true freedom to test these ideas.” The next harvest “was beautiful, a 98 percent improvement.” By 1968 Pakistan was self-sufficient in wheat production. India required only a few years longer. This is where facts become important. In 1963 the population of Pakistan was around 50 million, by 2010 it's over 170 million. The government was faced with a baby boom and the problem with educating the children became an issue. But our good friends, the Soddies came to the rescue and generously offered to take on the responsibility, with just a few strings attached. They would establish Madrassas for all the extra children, all that was required was that they teach Wahhabism. The basis of this was rote learning of the Koran without the need of reading and writing in the native tongue, Arabic will do. Suddenly millions of illiterate students of the Wahhabi sausage factory started flooding the country. Some of the problems caused by this are alluded to in the article 2011-07-30 09:58
69 Besoeker Forget the acrimonious parachute comment. The fact of the matter is, it's a tried and true business model and all about investment and survival. The more heavily the US taxpayer and DoD are invested in a program or agency, the less likely they are to cut or eliminate it. If cuts do come, high-end programs like this become buffers or "bill payers." The agency, a bit smaller ...but still kicking, lives on. The conflict in Afghanistan has been a two edged sword for the USMC. While they have done and continue to do an absolutely superb job on the ground and at a great price in terms of blood and toil, they are now seen as an extension of the Army. For the Corps and it's stated mission, this cannot be a good thing and many from the left on the Hill are looking at the Corps and saying.... "redundant, scrap it." 2011-07-30 09:53
70 Eohippus Phater7165 I gotta feeling the interrogation will start with "Yew ain’t from around here, are ya, boy?" 2011-07-30 09:51
71 Glenmore Since the bomb was meant to kill Americans, it is the Americans fault these civilians died. If Americans weren't there to be targetted, then the bomb wouldn't have been planted to mistakenly blow up civilians - different civilians would have their heads hacked off in the soccer stadium instead. 2011-07-30 09:45
72 Eohippus Phater7165 And I think that photo would make a wonder ID. Especially with the word FELON written across it. 2011-07-30 09:33
73 Besoeker Please if you would, show me a $100m dollar parachute. 2011-07-30 09:33
74 Besoeker China has had just a bit of HELP over the years. 2011-07-30 09:30
75 Pappy Anphibwarfare[sic], ship-to-shore.... last time used??? Somalia. Elements also used during the SE Asian tsunami. More recent than the last mass-paratroop drop. Doesn't mean either won't be used in the future. 2011-07-30 09:24
76 Eohippus Phater7165 Mugshot goodness 2011-07-30 09:21
77 Eohippus Phater7165 Lunch, dinner and breakfast were served up on a silver platter by those putative Americans who write the rules of the game but have never produced a product. America is fast losing her worth to China as an infrastructure vehicle. Bingo. China is moving to buy hard assets world wide, exchanging rapidly decreasing in value dollars for them. 2011-07-30 09:18
78 Eohippus Phater7165 It's worked before. In Iraq several very bad Iranian sock puppets were released from US custody when a few Brits were kidnapped. 2011-07-30 09:10
79 Skidmark I wonder what these people were doing the last 11 months to thwart this crisis, then I remember...nothing. Just what we pay them to do. 2011-07-30 09:05
80 Bobby SoChina extracted maximum value, first in trade secrets and early adoptive money, then by IRAs and 401Ks, then by stock market and home equity loans, then by 2nd mortgages and housing speculation. China monetized the massive cash flows as quickly as possible, building infrastructure and excess manufacturing capacity, while leaving America holding debt in exchange. Without any other rising asset values to borrow from, America has tapped out its debt. Having maxed its debt, America can only print money to finance its trade deficits. Without further real debt derived money extraction to give China for infrastructure investment and without a real ability to pay for low cost Chinese goods, America is fast losing her worth to China as an infrastructure vehicle. Recognizing that maximized extraction and rapid monetization of America’s wealth is nearing its end, China is now finalizing the implementation of her strategy, that of pulling out of American debt before other countries that maintain reserve currencies create a run on the dollar. We've been played? And we've lost, it seems. Now what? 2011-07-30 08:56
81 Besoeker Notice the absense of NATO casualty figures and reporting? Not even a scratch eh? Amazing. 2011-07-30 08:54
82 Besoeker Anphib warfare, ship-to-shore.... last time used??? USMC current fight, Helmand Province, Route One, AFG. The CAS, strike, and kinetic effect platform of CHOICE! The venerable and still highly effective USAF A-10 Warthog. No expensive "Show Off" required. The hundreds of enemy Taliban dead attest to it's already proven effectiveness. 2011-07-30 08:51
83 Bobby Yeah, Besoeker - it's a good thing the US is not involved in that quagmire. What? We are? Who said? Since when? 2011-07-30 08:41
84 Bobby The smiling babe reported the aircraft is supersonic, and flies faster than the speed of sound, which is Mach 1. So I guess it's triple-redundant? But the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will be over by the time the planes are scheduled to be delivered in 2016. Libya? There's a war in Libya? Who knew? Oh, and this aircraft "would not be used in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, but countries with sophisticated air defense systems." I'll grant the Afghans didn't have much air defense, but Saddam's was one of the best in the world. As I recall. But I am much older than the babe reporter. 2011-07-30 08:39
85 Besoeker Thanks for posting Beavis. Regretably, this article pretty well sums it up. 2011-07-30 08:36
86 g(r)omgoru Nor the Pakistanis. And there'll be humanitarian aid for Norks. 2011-07-30 08:34
87 de Medici There is SO much in this article which is missing and unreported. The Swiss couple were driving around in disputed territory in a Volkswagen...from India via Pakistan and headed for Iran? Well isnt that precious? Just out for a drive, were they? Let Darwin know about this, wont you? Not husband and wife judging by their last names not being the same. Driving in Baluchistan too. Well, its a Swiss problem now. And the Swiss will get the paki in prison in the US? That should be a neat trick.Good luck with that. An "exchange"? Good luck with that too. Yeah, notify Darwin. Stupid people dont live to be old. 2011-07-30 08:32
88 Besoeker I guess they could be employed as brown shirts to provide domestic control. Posted by Dale That process began years ago. 2011-07-30 08:31
89 Bobby So Dr. Hanson has hope the world will change in 2012, when the occupant of the White House is revised? 2011-07-30 08:28
90 Frank G bet the Paleos don't miss an aid check? 2011-07-30 08:27
91 Bobby Would the Dems be so dastardly? Cutting off little Timmy's oxygen supply? They've already threatened social security every day for months, if they don't get their way - The Chicago Way. Think about it. 2011-07-30 08:13
92 anon1 places like Dadaab refugee camp are an afront to common sense. People live in there on UN grain for 20 years - people who cannot feed themselves and yet they have 11 kids. That is just irresponsible. You can have 1, you can have 2 but you really shouldn't have any more than that. It's up to people's personal choice but in places like Dadaab, free contraception should be made available with the free food to make sure that women have a choice of whether they want to make more hungry mouths or not. 2011-07-30 08:07
93 Dale 100 million each that we loan Nato. See the flags on the undercarriage. I'm glad we have it. 2011-07-30 08:01
94 g(r)omgoru It's not how many people, but what kind of people. 2011-07-30 08:00
95 Frank G twaddle, warmed over. 2011-07-30 07:55
96 Frank G nope. Babe Ruth was also a fan of Cannon Towels™ 2011-07-30 07:55
97 anon1 "The researchers estimate that Easter Island’s equilibrium population size would have been about 2,000 individuals – as it was around 1175. But by 1300 – just 125 years later – the population spiked to its peak of an estimated 7,000 individuals. Each individual requires a certain amount of natural resources. From there, it didn’t take long for the civilization to collapse. By 1225, the island had only half as many palm trees as it once had, and by 1400, there were practically none left. Consequently, the population size quickly reversed its ascent, and fell back to less than 2,000 individuals by 1600. " Planet Earth is like Easter Island - isolated. You cannot go to other planets and keep expanding. Therefore simple maths kicks in. Incorrect Rammer, millions of surplus people do not make us richer they make us poorer. They need food and shelter all of which takes natural resources. There aren't enough to go round - already fish stocks are collapsing. The planet just can't provide for a never-ending escalation of the human population. There is a limit. We can either choose to live within our means by having fewer children - which is the humane option, we all can still have kids just not 11 of them. Or we will end up killing each other over food, water and oil. 2011-07-30 07:51
98 Dale Republican's are right in this mess also. We have been played. All this negative attention was on Boehner and the tea party. They knew how it was going to go down and what the final product will be. Patch job till 2012 then after elections the mess will be back worse than before. They are printing just as much money now as they did in 2008. The unemployment rate, tax revenue and general business decline will be historic. Youth unemployment now is bad. Minority unemployment is outrageous. These idle hands will spell trouble. I guess they could be employed as brown shirts to provide domestic control. You still need money for that. With more government more problems. Government want's sheep to manage not a free people. Look what they have done so far. They can only make things worse now. This is socialism. This is our brave new world. Cameras everywhere. TSA check points, finger prints, vein ID scans, any transmission of information(MSN only approved news source), so welcome citizen to the new world order. What's a little freedom lost if you have security. 2011-07-30 07:48
99 Besoeker The average Joe and Jane see the multiple Republican attempts at budget legislation and fiscal sanity being set aside by the Dems. Obama and the Reid are screwing themselves and guaranteeing a 2012 Pub victory. I just hope and pray they don't have another 'plan' and that we make it to the election. 2011-07-30 07:43
100 Besoeker Things really do not appear to be going well for NATO. 2011-07-30 07:32
101 Besoeker Manna strewn about everywhere after the blast? Deadly giveaway. National Iranian Gas Co. (NIGC).... I initially read it as NGIC 2011-07-30 07:30
102 Besoeker "Lone Wolf" as first reported? Possibly, but please let me take it a step further. I thought it quite interesting at the time that this young man picked, of all places, a somewhat remote holiday island to attack which was devoid of police protection or quick access. He used a deadly diversionary bomb event, a police uniform, and killed first those who might have recognized him on the ferry. He may very well have hoped to escape in the confusion, using the police diguise. Outside tactical planning assistance, training, and involvement, yes I suspect so. It will be interesting to see what his cellie contians. Norway has also supported the war effort in AFG. 2011-07-30 07:23
103 Dale "carried out by "mercenaries" in the pay of Israel and the United States". I think they could have offered a better cover story than that. I'd call that a load of bollox. 2011-07-30 07:17
104 rammer No, people are the basis of the economy. Only through human effort does a garden grow. The problem with more people is arranging that their effort grows something useful. This takes education, access to capital, laws to protect the weak from the strong, and freedom to act in your interest. Therefore, people in countries like that should have tons of kids. They will make us all richer for their being here. People in countries not like that should work to make their countries a better place for their children. 2011-07-30 07:00
105 S Oh Swat... Sultan of.... now I get it. Sheesh. 2011-07-30 06:46
106 g(r)omgoru "When you hear hoof-beets---think horses, not zebras". 2011-07-30 06:27
107 Perfesser "Oh baby, baby, Where did our love go?" 2011-07-30 05:51
108 anon1 foreign aid should never be distributed without free contraception also being made available for local women. GIven the opportunity, they often choose smaller family sizes. Give them the chance to have the implanon shot if they want it, for free, that gives them 3 years worth of birth control. No family planning centres, no aid money. For all countries. Otherwise we will run out of food, water and resources and our future will be that of Easter Island Nobody should be having more than 3 children, maximum, any more. Now we know, it's irresponsible. From here on in, let's all just have 3 or less. 2011-07-30 02:38
109 Broadhead6 "He is a loser. And this is America, where nobody loves a loser." -well, I agree w/her on that much. All though the first sentence pretty much sums up the guy in my book. 2011-07-30 01:20
110 Redneck Jim These Democrats are screwing Us royaly. 2011-07-30 00:52
111 chris GOOD 2011-07-30 00:20
112 GolfBravoUSMC Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot Jaime Pressly aka Joy Turner in "My Name Is Earl (TV)" aka Priscilla in "Not Another Teen Movie" aka Denise in "I Love You, Man" aka Tina Armstrong in "DOA: Dead or Alive" aka Tina in "Demon Island" aka China in "Torque" aka Tara in "Venus & Vegas" (age 34) 2011-07-30 00:07