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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 2.
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1 Oscar Spineck3066 And we lure your girls with Hersey bars and nylon pantyhose. Suck it. 2011-03-21 11:24
2 Dribble2716 When the time comes the human shields will be irrelevant. KaDaffy isnt going to make it. It might as well be signed and delivered already. And he cant run away now. Its too late for him for that. There is no place he can go. Oh, what IS our Exit strategy? Does any sentient Democrat know? Ask Nancy. Get Harry Reid on the phone. War is never the answer: who said that? And it may be rhetorical to ask but IF someone were to hit KaDaffy's barracks with all of his military's families in there....who would miss them afterwards? Do you know ( or care) any single one of them by name? What would Sherman do? Or Zhukov for that matter. When you play the game how does it end? Somebody wins and somebody loses. And no one really remembers or misses the chumps who lose. Why? They dont get to write the history books. They get forgotten. Happens. Pull the trigger, nothing can stop how this is all going to end. And the dead dont complain. Death is the most ordinary thing there is. 2011-03-21 08:08