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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 Dribble2716 You ever see a monkey wave a stick in the air and hoot and bob his head? What part of EUroweenie dont you inderstand? And Obama? Tell me Obama is EVER going to punch anybody in the face. Come here, honey, and bend over. The United States isnt going to spend a dime and isnt going to do anything to Daffy except call him on the phone...maybe. HIS OWN PEOPLE are the ones who are going to have to handle Daffy's guts. They hate him enough. And they know he is in Tripoli and cant run. And what do we really care what the casualties are in Libya? Shed a tear. They are all Moslems. Coca Cola can move in after its all over and we can open a Wal-Mart. Hey, McDonalds is gonna conquer the world and rock and Roll and Rap are already writing the theme songs for the Arabs. Zenga-zenga. 2011-03-01 06:02