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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 Guillibaldo Omiper2248 A very great many Americans elected Obama...they knew what he was...there's no excuse for being a fool. Try saying it, " a great many Americans are chickensh8t fools". there are a whole generation of Liberal chubbies and PC American fools, suburban twinkies who will allow a fat Mullah to hike up his skirt and flop his balls on their noses while he wee-wees in their ear. And most Americans have never served their country and spit on the men who have. They send somebody else to die and build a Mosque over their graves and sip cappuchino. Only six men in a hundred will fight in this country and the rest have earrings and watch CNN. Allow me to tell you something about Human Nature. Only six men out of a hundred will pull the trigger and shoot you in the face, the rest will make noises and fire in the air. Five of those six dont like to do it...but one of the six DOES. You dont know who he is, even he didnt know it until he did it the first time. Stay away from that man. Those are the men you need to take care of your Mosque for you. In a country of 330 million there are enough of them...and they can take you anytime they please. Dont motivate them. Remember Caeceuscu in Romania back in '89? What happened to him? He finally pushed the people so far that they were motivated to die rather than see him live another day.... and all over Romania men who had guns picked them up and loaded them. And the streets filled with such men in hours. They came from all directions all independent but all of them determined on the same damn thing. Yes it Can. 2010-06-12 08:46