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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 maconyang 1998 technology taken report institute [url=]article studies 1800s beta[/url] 2010-04-07 08:38
2 Grising McGurque4957 #4 I would have used the word niggardly instead of stingy, but I don't think the trolls could take it, especially when talking about the chosen one. Posted by: Cheresh Black7582 2010-04-07 01:56 And is this what rantburg stands for????? If not condone this type of talk really plain and simple. 2010-04-07 02:30
3 Cheresh Black7582 I would have used the word niggardly instead of stingy, but I don't think the trolls could take it, especially when talking about the chosen one. 2010-04-07 01:56