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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 2.
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1 Angleton9 I AM a "Cracker". I give you permission to call me one. I am a Georgia Cracker. Forsyth County Georgia. A lot of my kin are Brooks County Crackers (sawgrass, big snakes and Fox Squirrels)and Lumpkin County Crackers ( Hill billys north Georgia mountains). There are more of us scattered through Quitman and Pavo and Camilla( its still 1920 somewhere). My son is married to a Nigger and all my grandchildren are... And I aint no Liberal and that's about all I have to say about what happens to Yankees who aint from around c'here. And if you deliberately insult me, I will hurt you. And I can. But I do make good Cornbread and beans and hamhock. ( I hate sweet Cornbread, be warned..I use two eggs and a bit of salt in the dough to make it hard so you can carry some in your pocket for later) Stone Ground meal...the good stuff. Ever see the Fox in that Disney Movie about B'rer Rabbit? That was my daddy. I am the bear..but with two Master's Degrees and a pistol in the back of my belt. I own an I-talian Tractor and I have two real mean dogs. 2009-12-24 06:50
2 Angleton9 Apparently Hamas doesnt understand Cause and Effect. Borders between countries and National Sovereignty are REALITY. get some. You can sh8t in YOUR hat but not in mine. Right to movement...just as far as the Border...then you say "please", nigger. I dont HAVE to love you. I dont have to let you dance in my yard. I CAN stop you AT my border and you WILL obey me. I dont HAVE to let you piss on my lawn and you can kiss my ass if you think you have ANY say on what crosses my border including the regular delivery of your next fix. Screw your fix. I dont have to get along with you and if you dont LIKE my Border, try and cross it and see what happens. Living conditions, work , health, and education? That YOUR problem, Sambo, not mine. get right on it. You want to have better relations with me? What have you GOT that I want or need? yeah? Come back and see me when you have something I want or need. Until them welcome to Reality. And no, I dont feel sorry for you. And if you dropped dead ( do us all a favor) .... do it down wind. 2009-12-24 06:17