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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 7.
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1 Mohammed was a pedophile Would it be better if we just eliminated Phagdad and rebuilt the town on the other side of ther pick a direction either way we win. Save us a lot of time blood and money...that would be the time to walk away... Are we getting our moneys worth here or does 16 cents a gallon for gas in phagdad seem unfair... $3.11 here behind the orange curtain.. 2007-04-02 01:07
2 Mohammed was a pedophile I am NOT a TROLL I AM A ANIMAL!! Don't ya think if we just killed every sheik mullah and well the rest of them we the planet would be so much better off. I know my children are going to be killing these little sheet heads in their future. Let's just do them a favor and get this over with... oh no here comes my censor...Hey Uncle Joe..sorry Mr Stalin... 2007-04-02 01:01
3 Mohammed was a phag. This shit holw site has gotten so PC.. Let's just kill them all. KillKILLKILL!!! Not enought apparently by the head lines... Wackjob is still talking and the US the UN and the Brits are in a total circle jerk. My country has gone to shit... 2007-04-02 00:49
4 Mohammed was a phag. The limeys sure are pussies these days... I mean the capt says...ah ah ah....ah...where is my tea.. I am having a stressful day...I need to sodimize a ship mate. Hey Mick bend over and spread them...while Persians kidnap 15 of our own.. Nothing like ths smell of poo in the morning while your getting fucked ehhhh limeys 2007-04-02 00:46
5 Mohammed was a phag. Wasn't he? 2007-04-02 00:44
6 Muhammad_is_a_Phag With GWB at the helm and San Fran Nan telling him what to do..I don't think there is a chance in the world anybody is going to anything about the Persians. The Prez has turned into a coward. Meek feeble pussy. I mean really what do you have to loose by nuking the country....Ok 50 million people. But the left would feel good cause that is 50 million less people contributing to the carbon thingy... Hey and they have oil two... Wouldn't the 50 million dead mutant bodies contribute to the fossil fuel supply? Just a question I Muhammad_a_Phag to rough for this stalinist site... Got to watch out these days. You never know who could be tracking your mac.. 2007-04-02 00:15
7 Muhammad_is_a_Phag I here the French are floating the Up-Chuck DeGual out there somewhere... What does this mean? We get to sink a Gaul Aircraft Carrier and kill some little sheet heads. One can only hope... 2007-04-02 00:09