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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 4.
 Posted byTextDate/TimeIP
1 Common Sense Frank G.: Put the crack pipe down. youre hallucinating. If the title of this article is true, then that means members of both parties think that President Bush is overstepping his authority. 2006-02-06 15:28
2 Common Sense Hail to Emperor Bush and his Imperial Presidency!! To Hell With The Sniveling Weak-Kneed Congress!! 2006-02-06 11:19
3 wxjames Arlen Specter is going to drop dead soon. God wills it. Stick your head up your ass, Arlen. That way we don't have to waste a casket on you. 2006-02-06 07:44
4 Chereng Uluper3625 They arent even funny, at all. I like the one I saw the other day of Moham screwing the camel, now that was funny. This is good therapy for the dune loons, the more they see that we don't really care if they like it or not the better it will be for them in the end. 2006-02-06 08:31