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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 4.
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1 2xstandard The nations that destroyed Hitler, the communist USSR, the Christian USA, and the Christian United Kingdom, did so for their own national survival. Jews were not a concern National survival is the reason all countries act the way they do and that would include Israel's motivations. If extra benefits accrue as a result of these actions/policies, than all the better. Not just Jews were murdered by Hitler. In Poland, 3 Million Christians were annihilated a fact which some Jews would rather not consider, as pointed out in an article posted here a day or 2 ago, because this fact might take away from attention given to the Jewish Holocaust. The millions of Christians that fought in WWII for national interest ended up saving alot of Jews from going into Hitler's ovens. Christian EU nations and the US were instrumental in having Israel established and due to these same Christian nations' tax supported largesse re: foreign aid to Israel over the years, Israel is a stable democracy. Jewish largesse alone could not have been enough for Israel to survive. To not be grateful for Christian nations' help for Israel and for liberating Jews from death camps in WW!! is despicable. If Israelis truly feel as spiteful and narrow minded as you feel, rwv, then perhaps they should have rejected the billions of foreign aid they have taken from gentile taxpayers the past 50 years. And lest you think of Jews as always and only in "victim" status, perhaps you have forgotten that the Jewish dominated Bolsheviks did their fair share of crimes against Christians. You have this nonsensical idea that Christians stood by in WWII twiddling their thumbs letting Jews get murdered, but the fact of the matter was most nations, including the US, had no miliary to speak of except for the UK and Russia, and most nations were still trying to recover from the Crash and Depression. If Jews and Israelis have nothing but contempt for Christians then I think they should stop pretending Israel is the West's best ally in the ME. Western nations, the USA in particular, are still by and large Christian dominated. If Israel wants to pursue what's best for Israel by attacking Iran with no regard to consequences for coalition troops in Iraq, then Israel should be prepared for losing the support of countries like USA, the UK, and Australia. Blame for the deaths of coalition troops in Iraq as a result of blow back from Israel's impetuous attack on Iran will rest on Israel's shoulders. 2005-01-23 9:03:55 PM
2 2xstandard The nations that destroyed Hitler, the communist USSR, the Christian USA, and the Christian United Kingdom, did so for their own national survival. Jews were not a concern National survival is the reason all countries act the way they do and that would include Israel's motivations. If extra benefits accrue as a result of these actions/policies, than all the better. Not just Jews were murdered by Hitler. In Poland, 3 Million Christians were annihilated a fact which some Jews would rather not consider, as pointed out in an article posted here a day or 2 ago, because this fact might take away from attention given to the Jewish Holocaust. The millions of Christians that fought in WWII for national interest ended up saving alot of Jews from going into Hitler's ovens. Christian EU nations and the US were instrumental in having Israel established and due to these same Christian nations' tax supported largesse re: foreign aid to Israel over the years, Israel is a stable democracy. Jewish largesse alone could not have been enough for Israel to survive. To not be grateful for Christian nations' help for Israel and for liberating Jews from death camps in WW!! is despicable. If Israelis truly feel as spiteful and narrow minded as you feel, rwv, then perhaps they should have rejected the billions of foreign aid they have taken from gentile taxpayers the past 50 years. And lest you think of Jews as always and only in "victim" status, perhaps you have forgotten that the Jewish dominated Bolsheviks did their fair share of crimes against Christians. You have this nonsensical idea that Christians stood by in WWII twiddling their thumbs letting Jews get murdered, but the fact of the matter was most nations, including the US, had no miliary to speak of except for the UK and Russia, and most nations were still trying to recover from the Crash and Depression. If Jews and Israelis have nothing but contempt for Christians then I think they should stop pretending Israel is the West's best ally in the ME. Western nations, the USA in particular, are still by and large Christian dominated. If Israel wants to pursue what's best for Israel by attacking Iran with no regard to consequences for coalition troops in Iraq, then Israel should be prepared for losing the support of countries like USA, the UK, and Australia. Blame for the deaths of coalition troops in Iraq as a result of blow back from Israel's impetuous attack on Iran will rest on Israel's shoulders. 2005-01-23 9:03:55 PM
3 Half How about a rental agreement Db? Apache looks like he'd enjoy the south. apache1 2005-01-23 11:27:33 AM
4 Half How about a rental agreement Db? Apache looks like he'd enjoy the south. apache1 2005-01-23 11:27:33 AM