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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 27.
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1 Listen to Dogs Fuck that 2-bit whore LOTP for using 3 of my posted articles today without attribution. I gather material from 6 link sites that Whore#1 couldn't even dream of finding, you fucking skank. Any one who links with your 20 fuck-wad regulars' site will know what bags of shit you and your whore, Seafarious are. Fuck your Father. Fuck your Mother. Fuck your Pimp. Fuck you bastard spawn. And Fuck you. And you are Fucked, you wild animal. War On Terror, my ass; you are terrorists. Die soon you backwood's freaks. No more slumming. 2006-04-03 23:35
2 Listen to Dogs I recall throwing "whiner" at Cock-Sucker #1. Where is the tantrum boy faggot? How many people who matter actually read these threads? No more than 2 dozen glances. You actually give a fuck about getting the boot out of here. If you want to join something big, try death. That forum is full of good for fertilizer pigs like you. 2006-04-03 23:10
3 Listen to Dogs JM: Why the excitement? Only about a half dozen people will read your post. There might be 20,000 unique views here per day here, but most come for the news items. Few of the regular pukes ever post an article. And they are likely security-guards with obsessive-compulsive disorders. That is: life losers you wouldn't give the time of day to. .com won't post while i post, because he is a control freak and my presence disturbs his sandbox. His mother spanked him for shitting his diapers, thus began his control obsession. I have only been slumming here for a couple of weeks. The ones who tell you to take your meds, are on high doses of medication. 2006-04-03 23:04
4 Listen to Dogs WOT? 10 years ago, the government of Algeria launched search and destroy operations against the killers of Christian monks. Now there government is being forced to adopt kill-abandoners legislation, like the Neo-Talibanis tried to enforce in Afghanistan. Real WOT progress. For those who actually visited the WTC pre-911, this will be interesting: 2006-04-03 22:55
5 Listen to Dogs Do you carry a big Maglite, Bubba? Or are you handicapped like Robert Crawford? Why don't you run a similar lame website for dirt-for-brains ill-breds like yourself. If you want to jump off a bridge, I'll give you cab fare to get there you walking slum. 2006-04-03 22:52
6 Listen to Dogs FrankG: Who do we blame for your gutter language? Were your parents back-woods pigs like you? Why don't you stick to the SciFi forums like other security guards? Give everyone her a heart-attack by actually posting an article. It will show us that you can read, Bubba. For the intelligent, see this post on yet another trial of an abandoner of Islam. Time to put Islam and the WOT cock-roach class who dhimmi up to Muslims, on trial: How many open-minded, WOT-abaters will actually read this? Will .com end his adult tantrum and come back here under his own name, to puke up Hanritty's daily comments? 2006-04-03 22:31
7 Listen to Dogs People crap; countries crap. Lefties support the influxers; contrarian doormats delight the influxers. The dhimmis have announced their "Koufax Award" for leftist blogging. Good who's who (or who's fucked) material, but the late, great Southpaw, Sandy Koufax, was Jewish and a supporter of Israel. He wouldn't associate with these life-loser, brain-dead, spin-vomiters. What about Maglite Awards for latch-on WOT peasants (the security guard class) who make the lefties look good? Some zeros crap through their mouths. How many open-minded, threat-abaters will actually read this thread? Half-dozen? 2006-04-03 21:41
8 Listen to Dogs Mexicans use the phrase, "Me vale nada," in the same way that we say, "I don't give a shit." If the Aztlanazis use civil war tactics, then a little me vale nada should apply to their lives. 2006-04-03 19:57
9 Listen to Dogs Kurdistan - if I can call it that - is effectively run by strong-men ("warlords" doesn't apply) Jalal Al-Talibani and Massoud Al-Barzani. The thing is: they are our strong-men. When Iran was integrated to the civilized world, the Shah held the Mullah parasite class in check, and he delivered prosperity and relative liberty. Jimmy Carter chose to subvert the status quo by attempting to export untenable human rights standards. When the Shah was overthrown, Carter's special advisor referred to Khomenei as a "saint." After taking a human rights bow, Jimmy Carter did nothing while the Khomeneists operated a backward tyranny that destroyed the country. Strong-man governance of Iran will evolve into a Western type regime. But leave Iranians on their own, and they will rally around self-important control-freaks who are obsessed with maintaining power. 2006-04-03 19:50
10 Listen to Dogs I guess we all know where al-Sistani was born? Some of us, anyway. 2006-04-03 19:35
11 Listen to Dogs Our problem is: our leaders want Islamofascists to give up arms and seek electoral solutions, notwithstanding the fact that the enemy has been doing that since Maududi (Pakistan founder of Jamaat-i-Islami) fatwahed for same as a tactical means to achieve strategic annihilation of democracy. Take away the dhimmi-prop and al-Taqiyah and Muslims cede all sovereignty to their fictitious deity. By including Islamofascists in our democracy solution, their refusal to participate is not morally wrong; it is incorrect. We need to end all respect for what Muslim believe, and start telling them what to think. Once our (or their) dhimmi class is out of the way, we will act as superiors and Muslims will be treated as inferior savages. 2006-04-03 19:17
12 Listen to Dogs Now, what could we do to turn Egyptians against their cleric class? 2006-04-03 18:56
13 Listen to Dogs And we all believe in freedom of expression with a Maglite. 2006-04-03 18:49
14 Listen to Dogs Security guards of a feather... 2006-04-03 18:46
15 Listen to Dogs The West is still waiting for Binny's trial for apostasy. He is apostate from Islam, isn't he? Maybe not. Malaysia prohibits Christian conversion from Islam, and promotion of same, and jails offenders for 3 years. Yet they allow Al-Qaeda terror tapes to be sold anywhere: I guess Binny gets the CAIR seal of approval. 2006-04-03 05:06
16 Listen to Dogs Erasmus proved that the more learned the academic, the more ignorant. For further proof, I submit 2 of the most learned jackasses ever to pollute Academia: Fred Halliday and Graham Fuller. Fuller claims to speak 16 languages, but that doesn't give him insight into offering solutions other than the West dhimmi up to Islamofascism. Before Martin Kramer took a hard line on the "what threat?" mentality, he wrote this on those 2 clowns: Paul Johnson and Niall Ferguson openly advocate a return to Imperialism and Colonialism, over those cultures that need to be re-worked by their superiors. They don't get invited to the same Anti-CLASH conventions where John Esposito, Karen Armstrong, Bernard Lewis, Fuller, ad nauseum, etc can be found. 2006-04-03 04:42
17 Listen to Dogs Let it break up. The Urdu language was supposed to unite the different nationalities. Only 8% claim to speak that useless language. Pakistan is: Punjab province and its occupied and oppressed territories. 2006-04-03 04:22
18 Listen to Dogs Bolivia should get some better roads. I travelled this one above 2000 foot sheer cliffs, to the village of Coroico. FYI: it is one way traffic for 2 hours; then they go in the other direction. Just as well, because there were fresh bus-plunge marks on the cliff when I passed it. 2006-04-03 03:07
19 Listen to Dogs Optimism means 140,000 US troops backed by Carrier groups and rapid deployment forces, close to everything pre-emptible. Pre-emption (Bush Doctrine) is another positive. 2006-04-03 02:52
20 Listen to Dogs With cultural-relativism in decline, and the spin-police in deep sleep, let me say it: Western Civilization is superior to Eastern savagery. Of course, I don't lump friendly Hindus with Muslim hot-headed knee-jerks and their dhimmi apologists. 2006-04-03 02:57
21 Listen to Dogs The problem is: Wahabism. They have supremacist attitudes to both disbelievers and Muslims. Blacks are universally referred to as "slaves" ("abds") in the Saud terrorist entity. In 1998, the US Congress reported Saud financing of over 80% of US mosques. Sauds pay; local jihadis play. 2006-04-03 02:32
22 Listen to Dogs Shariah permits trial in abstentia. The should do it, and wait to see how the aid givers respond. 2006-04-03 02:27
23 Listen to Dogs Muslims are required to believe that the Quran abrogates all prior scripture. The Quran has sections which at least imply an obligation to read Jewish, Christian (and Sabian) texts, but they are also required to believe that Satan re-wrote prior scriptures. The "Satanic Verse" episode (disclosed in al-Tabari; al-Tirmidhi texts, etc), reveals Angel Gabriel berating Muhammad after the self-appointed, pedophile "prophet" included Satanic scripture in his Quran terror manual, after he was supposedly possessed by the devil. Lesson: Muslims are spin-sotted savages void of objectivity, who you can trust as far as you can spit against a hurricane. Respect for freedom of conscience means: Occuping them all and cleaning the ideological dirt out of their brains: 2:087 PICKTHAL: And verily We gave unto Moses the Scripture and We caused a train of messengers to follow after him, and We gave unto Jesus, son of Mary, clear proofs (of Allah's sovereignty), and We supported him with the Holy spirit. Is it ever so, that, when there cometh unto you a messenger (from Allah) with that which ye yourselves desire not, ye grow arrogant, and some ye disbelieve and some ye slay? 2.091 PICKTHAL: And when it is said unto them: Believe in that which Allah hath revealed, they say: We believe in that which was revealed unto us. --- And I believe that Scarlett Johannsen could personally win the WOT: 2006-04-03 02:23
24 Listen to Dogs Turkish Kurds would do well to tone down the independentist movement until Iraq is stabilized. 2006-04-03 01:47
25 Listen to Dogs There are no "foreigners" among Muslims; that Ummah is the best of humanity. Yeah right. 2006-04-03 01:44
26 Listen to Dogs the real protest was propelled by other conditions in Pakistan which were unacceptable to the masses. Qazi's crap-for-brains illbreds torched school buses and a couple of KFCs. The "masses" have worse enemies (like Qazi). Maybe there is a silent Pak majority that would like to swing their cleric class from lampposts. 2006-04-03 01:42
27 Listen to Dogs Sipahis are a Deobandi terrorist group that doesn't think that Pakistan needs doctors: 2006-04-03 01:34