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2006-03-24 Europe
Protest Turns Violent in Heart of Paris
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Posted by lotp 2006-03-24 07:59|| || Front Page|| [9645 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 "They have no jobs," he said. "It's not their fault."

Because unemployment means you can't be expected to refrain from violence.
Posted by Robert Crawford">Robert Crawford  2006-03-24 08:45||]">[]  2006-03-24 08:45|| Front Page Top

#2 As massively broken as the French system may be, it is EXACTLY what the Democrats here wish to re-create (for our own good, of course).

Behold the joys of near-universal union membership, job and trade protectionism, and a cradle-to-grave socialist welfare nanny state in which we are ALL perpetually discontented supplicants.

Behold our future.

Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2006-03-24 09:16||   2006-03-24 09:16|| Front Page Top

#3 They were visible at the extreme during last autumn’s violent rioting by young, jobless immigrants in the banlieus

I'm sorry to possibly ask a possibly obvious question, but I don't trust the way the French press portrays anything - their "spin" is far worse than ours could hope to be - so even though they say, "As students and trade unionists take to the streets , these riots seem to be organized in a manner intended to spark a bit more violence than just your average trade or student union would organize.

Are these French youths? or French "youths" realizing that they may not be able to rely upon the dole for life.
Posted by 2b 2006-03-24 09:24||   2006-03-24 09:24|| Front Page Top

#4 Absolute Entitlement breeds bad blood
Posted by bk 2006-03-24 11:32||   2006-03-24 11:32|| Front Page Top

#5 Basically, the leftist demonstrators were overhelmed by the "youths" who came from the 'hoods.

Important thing is all this happened in the center of Paris, near the power's centers. According to actual witnesses, adjacent buildings of the parliament were threatened, with police having to evacuate MP's offices and secure the employees on the roof, with armed republican guards on alert ; an old lady's apartment was devasted and sprayed with tags; about 200 cars were destroyed, and firefighters were attacked on arrival.

Also, a revival of the antiwhite rampage of march 2005, with students being assaulted and racketed in mass, complete with racist assaults, and "youths" parading with banners sporting the islamic crescent.

Funny and heartwarming note : the CNT (anarchist federation) order service members had their *sses handed to them by the bad boyz from the projects, lol.
Now the leftists ask for police (which was pretty much unable to cope anyway, and under orders by Sarko to be "supple"... to disrupt the mvt/weaken his archrival Galouzeau "De Villepin"???) to protect the demonstration, you can't make this up.

This is one further symptom of the greatly advanced state of decay of the Vth... remember, anyway, this whole CPE thingie is NOT a free-market inspired measure, it is A REACTION TO THE NOVEMBER RAMADAN RIOT, passed in the law for the "equality of chances"; target population are the "youths", so they can be employed more easily, since the diagnosis of theses riots was it was all due to the "racism" of french people and their social backwardness.

So, all in all, the gvt passes a law in reaction to the "youths" riots, the left stir up the process to regain the advantage, the "shock troops" of the left demonstrate, and they got their head busted by the ones who were at th eorigin of this (and for whoses interests supposedly the leftists are in the street)... lol lol lol lol!!!
Posted by anonymous5089 2006-03-24 14:08||   2006-03-24 14:08|| Front Page Top

#6 For thoses who read french, see
Posted by anonymous5089 2006-03-24 14:09||   2006-03-24 14:09|| Front Page Top

#7 thanks for telling us what's going on 5089. It won't get reported properly over here.
Posted by 2b 2006-03-24 14:28||   2006-03-24 14:28|| Front Page Top

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