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2017-02-20 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
Islamic State slaughter 1500 POWs for the cameras. This is what we are up against in Mosul. The survivors?
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Posted by anon1 2017-02-20 01:05|| || Front Page|| [16 views ]  Top
 File under: Islamic State 

#1 This is from 2014.
Posted by Elmavish Panda1401 2017-02-20 02:13||   2017-02-20 02:13|| Front Page Top

#2 Don't mean it ain't real.
Posted by Skidmark 2017-02-20 09:24||   2017-02-20 09:24|| Front Page Top

#3 ...from 2014.

Good catch, Elmavish Panda1401.
Posted by trailing wife 2017-02-20 10:27||   2017-02-20 10:27|| Front Page Top

#4 And we are supposed to treat any captives with kid gloves, so they will treat any Americans they capture the same. Riiiiight!
Posted by Rambler in Virginia  2017-02-20 11:05||   2017-02-20 11:05|| Front Page Top

#5 Rantburg is only for current events, I don't know why this 3 year old news is here.
Posted by Elmavish Panda1401 2017-02-20 11:31||   2017-02-20 11:31|| Front Page Top

#6 Actually, Page 1 is for current events; Rantburg does cover historical issues for analysis and relevance. In this case, it should have been on Page 2.
Posted by Pappy 2017-02-20 12:48||   2017-02-20 12:48|| Front Page Top

#7 No wonder the rabid Nazis and many Muslims found a kinship during WWII.
Posted by JohnQC 2017-02-20 14:26||   2017-02-20 14:26|| Front Page Top

#8 thanks pappy, how do i make sure it goes to page 2 next time? should i put in "opinion" instead?

yes this was undated, could have been from any time. Reason it is posted is because right now Iraqi army (and US and Russia) is defeating ISIS

so right now the issue we will have is these mass murderers and trained killers either surrendering or fleeing and pretending to be refugees

so what are we going to do with them?

also we have the mass graves and body dumping sites to contend with, and the question that the people left behind may either be collaborators, sympathisers, Islamic State pretending not to be Islamic State, or else so damaged and traumatised they can't function
Posted by anon1 2017-02-20 17:05||   2017-02-20 17:05|| Front Page Top

#9 anon1, if you scroll down on the Liveleak page at your link you'll see

Item InfoLinks
Added: Jul-29-2014
By: Theodore Shoebat
In: Iraq
Tags: isis, iraq, syria, violence, executions


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Posted by trailing wife 2017-02-20 22:23||   2017-02-20 22:23|| Front Page Top

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