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2006-12-08 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
Nasrallah: Weapons aimed at Israel only
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Posted by Fred 2006-12-08 00:00|| || Front Page|| [14 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Who else would you aim at Mr. Shit-for-brains ? Jordan ?
Posted by SpecOp35 2006-12-08 00:21||   2006-12-08 00:21|| Front Page Top

#2 Given these bastards propensity for lying, I would take his statement to mean that a coup attempt is imminent.
Posted by Anonymoose 2006-12-08 08:46||   2006-12-08 08:46|| Front Page Top

#3 The usual taqqiya bullshit (redundant, I know). Once Israel fell, the nearest infidel would be next in their crosshairs. Do not fool yourself.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2006-12-08 11:12||   2006-12-08 11:12|| Front Page Top

#4 That means the program of assassinating less than perfect Shiites and anyone else Hizb'allah doesn't like is continuing, but Sheik Nasrallah will not countenance shooting missiles at them.
Posted by trailing wife 2006-12-08 12:06||   2006-12-08 12:06|| Front Page Top

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