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2003-05-02 Syria-Lebanon
Boom was planned in Damascus?
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Posted by Fred Pruitt 2003-05-02 9:03:31 PM|| || Front Page|| [3 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

09:20 raptor
04:53 R. McLeod
00:55 Uschi
00:51 Anonymous Troll
00:43 Anonymous Troll
00:19 tbn
22:52 tu3031
22:42 Steve
22:37 mojo
22:28 mojo
22:19 john
21:47 Frank G
21:44 True German Ally
21:22 Ed Becerra
21:20 Fred
21:17 Fred
21:16 Ed Becerra
21:12 Tresho
21:11 snellenr
21:04 badanov
21:03 marek
20:53 Tresho
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20:36 scott

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