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2006-11-13 Europe
No longer a joke – France is having to take Le Pen's threat seriously
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Posted by anonymous5089 2006-11-13 08:39|| || Front Page|| [2 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 OT : Lol, this spoof ad cracks me up every time.

It is a rightwing response to a sign by the "gay rights activists" (leftists) from act-up, with their demonization of sarko seen as "too rightwing", with a sarko portrait and the slogan "Vote Le Pen".
Posted by anonymous5089 2006-11-13 08:51||   2006-11-13 08:51|| Front Page Top

#2 Le Pen is no joke. His anti-semitism and anti-Americanism appeals to the broad mass of the French public. That said, you could not find much breathing room between his views and those of the "mainstream" parties on either of those issues. The only difference his particular statism and French bigotry offers is the vague possibility of doing something about the elephant in the living room. Though it would not surprise me if Le Pen conjured up a brown-green alliance with his fascist fellow thinkers amongst the tiny fringe of Muslim extremists.
Posted by Excalibur 2006-11-13 09:54||   2006-11-13 09:54|| Front Page Top

#3 Could be. He's very ambiguous regarding islam and muslims, not to mention past his recorded links with saddam, or the MM.
There's this Farid Smahi fellow, FN political bureau member, who participated in a pro-hizbullah demonstration in Lyon, along with the commies, the antiglobos,... the ennemy being of course Israel and the USA. Yesterday, the stand up comedian and leftist antisemite dieudonné visited the FN BBR convention, a guest of Farid Smahi again.

This (tactical?) softness toward islam has not escaped everyone

And Martinez, the party (what's left of it after all the purges, anyway) ideologist, has made some surprizing declarations, hinting at rallying the antiglobos kids, the rappers,...
Posted by anonymous5089 2006-11-13 10:16||   2006-11-13 10:16|| Front Page Top

#4 Before being worried about Le Pen, first consider two things:

1) Most of what politicians do is normal, boring, and especially local. They truly give the people what they want at this level. The rest of what they do reaches beyond local to effect the rest of the world. But this is only a fraction of what they do.

3) In balance, what we as outsiders should consider, is "Will the good that Le Pen does in France outweigh the bad that he will cause internationally?"

Using these standards for Chirac, he is found wanting on all sides. He is a disaster for France, for Europe, and internationally. His only redeeming quality is his utter incompetence, to go along with his avarice, cowardice, corruption and treachery. He is almost on a par with Napoleon III for being a abject, belligerent fool.

Granted, Le Pen is anti-US. But what course will this take? Chirac has been an utter prick to the US, fortunately he is totally outclassed by the current administration. Le Pen may be an enemy we can get along with better than our "friend". At least he is honest enough to stand for something.

I also know that I am far enough away from French politics to not see if Le Pen really is an ogre, so I leave with the question: what will Le Pen do internationally? If it is just along the order of bringing back the Franc, telling the European Parliment to stick it in their ear, and expelling huge numbers of undesireables back to their own countries, then why should I care?
Posted by Anonymoose 2006-11-13 10:47||   2006-11-13 10:47|| Front Page Top

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