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2003-07-26 Iraq
Sadr Tells U.S. To Leave Najaf, Saddam Hunt Heats
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Posted by Bruce 2003-07-26 6:08:28 PM|| || Front Page|| [4 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 possibly a harmless MOAB demonstration on the outskirts of town will change some minds
Posted by Frank G  2003-7-26 6:42:19 PM||   2003-7-26 6:42:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 listen foolish is their country,their land,their oil and their motherfuckin future you dont be mad they dont traet GIs as liberators but occupiers..remember it is American tanks on Iraqi streets and not vice versa....Iraqis come fast not Gis.....and today the resistance rightfully killed 4 marines..they bit the mighty dust (or sand,hey this is desert country). ...The Mehdi Army will never leave IrAQ......Americans will one day leave no matter what...and Sadr and all his supporters are very young ..sistani and his Ayatolah friends will be dead in less than a decade...they r in their late seventies....and Sadr will be a fully fledged Ayatollah...with no Saddam,no America and no Baath party to stop him jus a weak pro American puppet state which wont stop him......the future is not bright
Posted by stevey robinson 2003-7-26 10:12:33 PM||   2003-7-26 10:12:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 stevey stevey stevey: they RIGHTFULLY killed 4 marines?

Perhaps you think Iraq would be better off if the US reinstated Saddam and locked the dissenters up in prison again, reopened the torture chambers and reinstated the SS oops Republican Guards.

After all, being Iraqis according to you they are much more appropriate people to be running that country (into the ground).

If however you actually CARED about the lives of the Iraqi people (instead of PRETENDING to so you can attack America - your real agenda) you would be glad to see Saddam gone, and be hopeful that the Americans would STAY as long as it takes to set up civilian infrastructure, the rule of law and some civic institutions that did NOT revolve around the rule of thugs and violence.

The cycle of violence needs to be broken not by allowing a new thug, Islamicist or Baathist, to grow and take the place of Saddam, but to restructure society so that the rule of law is respected more than thug or power-hungry Imam.

You must realise that the only way a country can advance itself is to allocate its available resources towards improving the living standards of its citizens. That cannot happen under the rule of Mullahs and Thugs. Corruption and misallocation of funds happens there.

Iraq's OIL money needs to go to schools, hospitals, road and dam building, agriculture, factories: not Mosques, Palaces and the hip pockets of Thugs.

The only way that society will have any hope of bettering itself is if the US stays and smashes the Mehdi Thugs and others of that ilk.

The future is bright, Stevey, as long as the US doesn't give up in the face of a whinging defeatist media and moonbats like you.
Posted by Anon1 2003-7-26 11:01:43 PM||   2003-7-26 11:01:43 PM|| Front Page Top

01:35 Ernest Brown
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23:39 michael
23:34 Anon1
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23:19 whitecollar redneck
23:01 Anon1
22:50 Anon1
22:44 Steve White
22:40 Anon1
22:16 Anon1
22:12 stevey robinson
22:11 Anon1
21:30 Watcher
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20:08 Frank G
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19:04 Frank G
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