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2004-05-28 -Short Attention Span Theater-
Atkins dieter sues after heart op
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Posted by Jesika Espinola 2004-05-28 00:29|| || Front Page|| [1 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 "turned to the diet in 2001 when his weight increased to 10.5 stones (67kg)."

But how long did he wait to get medical attention - and the FIRST thing that the Atkins books sayis "SEE A DOCTOR".

"In October 2003, after three episodes of chest pain, doctors found that a major artery was almost completely blocked."

Yup - this damned fool waited 2 YEARS before getting looked at - after starting the diet alreay largely obese.

And get this:

"his favourite foods were cheese every day and cheesecake three times a week"

This idiot was NOT following Atkins if thats how he was eating. You're allowed 1 ounce of cheese a day - and cheesecake is LOADED with sugars and very much off limits.

I went on the Atkins diet, followed it to the letter. That includes the part about exercising regularly, and getting regular medical checkups. And eating leafy green vegetables or cruciform veggies (thats broccoli and cauliflower) as the primary source of carbohydrates.

Lost over 40 pounds, dropped my blood pressure back to the normal range, got my blood sugar normal again, and have my cholestoral and liver enzymes well into the healthy range.

But you have to follow the diet strictly - or you will just end up taking in a ton of fatty foods and enough carbs to keep you from burning it - meaning you put weight on and mess up your health big time.

And here's the clincher:

[Thr group funding this guy] Physicians Committee for Responsible Nutrition ... "a well-known vegan and animal rights group, has a long history of initiating these kinds of scare tactics that are designed to convince the American public to stop eating animal protein of any sort."

Professor Benjamin Zipursky, of Fordham University's School of Law in New York, said the lawsuit had legal shortcomings which he felt would prevent it succeeding "It really reads as if it were done by someone who is doing it for reasons of publicity rather than private gain"

I'm still on it - on the maintenance phase. And it works - but you have to follow ALL the direction, not just the easy ones that tell you you can eat a lot of meat. Vitamin and mineral supplements (and some optional herbal ones), regular and frequent medical checkups wiht your MD, and frequent aerobic exercise and resistance training are very important parts of this regimen.

You cannot blame the diet when you are doing stupid crap like not seeing your doctor regularly, and eating cheesecake 3 times a week (and probably not exercising or taking his vitamins at all either).
Posted by OldSpook 2004-05-28 1:42:11 AM||   2004-05-28 1:42:11 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 148 pounds is "largely obese"????
Aside from that, I'm with you on this.
Posted by Anonymous5027 2004-05-28 10:54:24 AM||   2004-05-28 10:54:24 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 What - Atkins doesn't make you immune from heart disease?! You're still mortal when you're on it?

These stories about people 'dying/suffering illness whilst on diets' are stupid beyond belief. People. Will always. Get. Heart. Disease. And it's not necessarily because of what they ate or didn't eat.
Posted by Bulldog  2004-05-28 11:11:33 AM||   2004-05-28 11:11:33 AM|| Front Page Top

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