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17 21:53 Whiskey Mike [6] 
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1 15:18 Skidmark [4]
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6 21:55 Whiskey Mike [6]
7 19:36 Iblis [11]
3 14:53 Canuckistan sniper [6]
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9 20:03 vendaval [9]
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1 09:00 Glenmore [6]
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7 20:22 Skidmark [6]
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9 12:59 trailing wife [4]
3 13:44 Raj [5]
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17 20:42 Barbara [7]
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8 16:37 Mullah Richard [4]
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3 09:30 Procopius2k [3]
7 14:53 49 Pan [6]
6 20:32 Barbara [8]
13 21:33 charger [8]
11 20:34 Barbara [8]
Good morning
Posted by: Steve White || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [1 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Saw this young lady at the Bijou Theater a few years ago--good performer, good voice.
Posted by: JohnQC || 11/14/2016 7:00 Comments || Top||

#2  Too close a resemblance to Chelsea Victoria Hubble Clinton-Mezvinsky for my tastes.
Posted by: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy || 11/14/2016 10:45 Comments || Top||

#3  "I think she's a little too pretty...
And more than a little too witty."
"Oh, Mom, it's a movie!
I'm sure she'll be groovy
In 'Don't Cry for Me, New York City!'"
Posted by: Zenobia Floger6220 || 11/14/2016 11:21 Comments || Top||

#4  #2 - that was my first take as well
Posted by: Frank G || 11/14/2016 11:46 Comments || Top||

#5  Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, there is that uncanny resemblance.
Posted by: JohnQC || 11/14/2016 12:09 Comments || Top||

#6  maybe that's the look Chelsea was going for when she was getting "DeHubbellized"
Posted by: Frank G || 11/14/2016 12:45 Comments || Top||

#7  Chelsea Victoria Hubble Clinton-Mezvinsky

Chelsea was named after a telescope?
Posted by: SteveS || 11/14/2016 13:06 Comments || Top||

#8  Slip of the spellchecker.
Should read huMble.
Posted by: Skidmark || 11/14/2016 15:15 Comments || Top||

#9  @#7: Maybe, but, as you correctly implied, Hubbel. I am soooooooo busted! ;)
Posted by: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy || 11/14/2016 16:03 Comments || Top||

#10  Well, like the telescope, before she got "fixed," she wasn't much a "looker."
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 || 11/14/2016 19:14 Comments || Top||

23 ISIS militants including 13 foreigners killed in Afghanistan
[Khaama (Afghanistan)] At least 23 loyalists of the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group were killed in an Arclight airstrike in eastern Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) said the Arclight airstrike was carried out in Achin district of Nangarhar.

No further details were given regarding the Arclight airstrike and it is yet not clear if the raid was conducted by the Afghan Air Force or the US forces based in Afghanistan.

The loyalists of ISIS terrorist group have not commented regarding the report so far.

This comes as at least 13 loyalists of the terror group were killed in a similar Arclight airstrike carried out by the US forces in Nangarhar on Friday.

The Afghan forces and US forces based in Afghanistan are regularly targeting the ISIS loyalists and other Lion of Islam groups.

The US forces based in Afghanistan have increased Arclight airstrikes against the murderous Moslems after the B.O. regime granted broader role to them amid deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.

Posted by: Fred || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [3 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

3 Pakistani terrorists arrested before joining ISIS in Afghanistan
[Khaama (Afghanistan)] A group of three Pak Death Eaters were placed in durance vile
Don't shoot, coppers! I'm comin' out!
before they join the loyalists of the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group in Afghanistan.

The Afghan Intelligence, National Directorate of Security
...the Afghan national intel agency...
(NDS), said the three individuals were arrested from eastern Kunar province
... which is right down the road from Chitral. Kunar is Haqqani country.....
NDS further added that the detained individuals were identified as Sher Wali famous as Hanifa son of Fatah, Hamza son of Adul Rahim, and Noor Hamid Jan son of Hazrat Ali.

According to NDS, the three suspects are originally residents of Jandul village in Bajaur and were arrested from Asadabad city, the lovely provincial capital of Kunar.

This comes as the local officials in Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..
province earlier said the majority of the ISIS fighters in Afghanistan are coming from outside the country.

The officials further added that the residents of Orakzai Agency
... crawling with holy men, home to Darra Adam Khel, the world's largest illegal arms bazaar. 14 distinct tribes of beturbanned primitives inhabit Orakzai agency's 1500 or so square kilometers...
in Pakistain are forming the majority of the imported muscle comprising the ISIS loyalists in Afghanistan.

Provincial governor’s front man Ataullah Khogyani in July said the documents obtained from the dead bodies and those arrested during the operations in Achin, Kot, Haska Mina and other parts of Nangarhar, reveal that they are originally residents of Orakzai Agency.

Posted by: Fred || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [8 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Sher Wali famous as Hanifa son of Fatah

not that famous
Posted by: Frank G || 11/14/2016 8:55 Comments || Top||

#2  You would - if you were a resident of the lovely Jandul village in scenic Bajaur.
Posted by: Pappy || 11/14/2016 11:19 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Two soldiers dead, several injured in Mogadishu attack
At least one soldier was killed, and two others were injured in an attack at army checkpoint in Somali capital, Mogadishu on Sunday, a witness said.

Confirming the incident, an eyewitness said gunmen in a moving vehicle sprayed an army checkpoint run by Intelligence officers in Wardhigley district. A passerby civilian is among the two persons wounded in the ambush attack, which was the latest in string of assaults in Mogadishu by Al shabaab militants.

The gunmen sped off in their car, after the shoot-out, the witness said.

In a separate incident, unidentified gunmen shot and killed a Soldier, and seized his gun in Mogadishu’s Bakaro market. The gunmen who carried out the attack are reportedly fled the scene.
Posted by: Steve White || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [3 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Africa North
40 militants killed in latest North Sinai military operations last week: Army
[AlAhram] Egypt’s military launched a new campaign two weeks ago against Islamist hard boyz in North Sinai in response to a deadly attack against security forces.

Egypt’s army announced on Sunday that it had killed 14 armed hard boyz during a raid in several areas of North Sinai, bringing the total number of holy warrior deaths during the past week to 40.

In an official statement by the army, a front man said army and police forces were able to kill 14 terrorist hard boyz through a series of raids targeting hideouts in several villages in the vicinity of Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid in North Sinai.

The front man added that the security confrontations witnessed heavy gunfire between the forces and the terrorist elements who took shelter in buildings and farming areas.

He said that the forces were able to destroy areas that the elements were using to hide and prepare their operations, as well as detonating 10 improvised bombs (IEDs) and a four wheeled armoured van and other vehicles used by them.

According to the statement, the law enforcement forces were bolstering their control through enforcing a tight security cordon to stop the infiltration of the trapped terrorist elements in the vicinity of the areas.

This is the latest statement that the army has released on their ongoing new operations in North Sinai.

Egypt’s army launched a new security campaign two weeks ago against Islamist hard boyz in the governorate, killing over 50 in response to a holy warrior attack three weeks ago that killed 12 soldiers and injured six others.

Over the past week, the army announced it has killed an overall number of 26 hard boyz leading up to Sunday during raids on different weekdays..
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [4 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (IS)

Benghazi militants launch rocket attacks on Benina airbase after deadly LNA air raid on Ganfouda
[Libya Herald] Militants in Benghazi fired six shells at Benina air base today in reprisal for an air raid in Ganfouda by Libyan National Army aircraft in which a family home was hit, killing the one man and seriously injuring the rest of the family. Two foreign workers, an Egyptian and a Chadian are also said to have been killed in the Ganfouda raid.

There are no reports of any casualties in the Benina attack which did not penetrate the airbase. However,
today is that tomorrow you were thinking about yesterday...
according to Benghazi Defence Brigade which is linked to the holy warriors in Ganfouda, the man’s daughter was badly burned in the raid, and other members of the family were buried in the ruins of the house.

No further details about them have been provided but the girl was reported to be being treated at the bully boys’ field hospital in the besieged district.

Yesterday also saw air raids on Ganfouda and a shell landing near Benina while another also fell in Laithi. In both latter cases, there was again no damage done.

Posted by: Fred || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [6 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Suluq passport chief gunned down this evening
[Libya Herald] The head of Suluq’s passport department died late this afternoon in a hail of gunfire when assassins targeted him as he was leaving his office.

Eye witnesses said that Abdel Halim Sherif was attacked by gunnies in a black Nissan Maxima outside his workplace near the al-Jouda Alfaika flour company. Sherif was a major in the Interior ministry’s immigration department.

The murder in the town, 54 kilometres south-west of Benghazi, is reminiscent of the spate of 2012/13 killings of officials that finally triggered Operation Dignity.

However this killing may have been more targeted. The Libya Herald has been told that the murdered man’s brother is journalist Malik Sherif, who heads the information office of army chief-of-staff and Cyrenaica military governor Major-General Abdul Razzak al-Nazhuri.

Posted by: Fred || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [6 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

BRSC leader denies shelling Benina saying it is Hafter
[Libya Herald] A Benghazi Islamist myrmidon has accused the army and Khalifa Hafter of shelling areas of the city that are already under their control. In the last 48 hours, shells and rockets have been falling in and around Benina.

In a clear reference to army attacks on Ganfouda, Wissam Ben Hamid said that Hafter did not mind shelling civilian neighbourhoods. Ben Hamid, the head of Libya Shield
...a conglomerate of pro-Islamist militias deployed across Libya. It reports to the Libyan defense ministry and is organized like a real army unit. Its commander used to head a Benghazi brigade called Free Libya Martyrs...
No. 1 and a major figure in the Benghazi Revolutionaries’ Shoura Council has told Al Jazeera that if his men had wanted to attack other areas of Benghazi, they would have done so long ago and their shelling would have been deadly and accurate.

The BRSC along with its IS and Ansar al-Sharia
...a Salafist militia which claims it is not part of al-Qaeda, even though it works about the same and for the same ends. There are groups of the same name in Libyaand Yemen, with the Libyan versions currently most active. Tunisia's Shabaab al-Tawhid started out an Ansar al-Sharia and changed its name in early 2014. It still uses the old name now and then, probably because the stationery's not all used up and the web site hasn't expired yet...
allies, both UN-designated terrorist groups, have been holding out in Ganfouda despite being surrounded and apparently blockaded by sea.

Ben Hamid said that the army had attacked parts of Benghazi to cover up its own air attacks on Ganfouda as well as the murders of detainees. He cited the two massacres of bound and tortured detainees, apparently of suspected myrmidon sympathisers last month and in July.

His denial that the BRSC has anything to do with the shelling and rocketing of the last 48 hours, does not square with a statement a year ago, when Ben Hamid vowed that his forces would continue to shell Benina as long as the Libyan air force were using the airbase for offensive operations.
Posted by: Fred || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [3 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Islamist militia chief’s son slain in Benghazi: report
[Libya Herald] The upsurge in fighting around Ganfouda has seen the reported death of the son of a leading Death Eater and the overnight launching of ten Grad missiles toward Benina.

Shahin al-Sharksi, the son of Mustafa Sharksi, leader of the Benghazi Defence Brigade, is said to have been killed in fighting in Ganfouda in the last two days. His father, who commanded a revolutionary force in Misrata in 2011, led an abortive attack from Ajdabiya toward Benghazi in July.

The army claimed to have destroyed that BDB column when it reached Magroun and killed Mustafa Sharksi, which the militia later denied publishing a picture of their leader sitting with his men. The group has since pledged its allegiance to Sheikh Sadek Ghariani head of the Dar al-Islam in Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of which is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
In the overnight Grad attacks on Benina, some 20 kilometres from Ganfouda, a number of residential building was hit but there are no reports of any deaths. The armed forces have struck back with Arclight airstrikes throughout today.

It was a earlier Arclight airstrike, in which a man was killed and members of his family, including children, injured that was given as the cause of heavy shelling yesterday from Ganfouda again onto civilian positions, mostly in Benina.

Posted by: Fred || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [2 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Iraqi Troops in Mosul Could be Trump's First Crisis
[Unz Review] The Iraqi armed forces are becoming bogged down in the battle for Mosul. Its elite special forces and an armoured division are fighting to hold districts in the eastern outskirts of the city against counter-attacks by Isis fighters using networks of tunnels to move about unseen.

"In one day we lost 37 dead and 70 wounded," said a former senior Iraqi official, adding that the Iraqi forces had been caught by surprise by the extent of the tunnel system built by Isis, said to be 45 miles long.

The Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS) and the Ninth Armoured Division have been trying for two weeks to fight their way into that part of Mosul city, east of the Tigris River.

Isis is sending waves of suicide bombers either as individuals who blow themselves up or in vehicles packed with explosives, snipers and mortar teams, to restart the fighting in a dozen districts that the Iraqi Army had said were already captured.

"At first I was optimistic that we might capture Mosul in two or three weeks, but I now believe it will take months," said Khasro Goran, a senior Kurdish leader familiar with conditions in Mosul, in an exclusive interview with The Independent.

He said he had changed his mind about the likely length of the siege when he witnessed the ferocity of the fighting in the outer defences of Mosul. He added that "if they [Isis] continue fighting like this then a lot of Mosul will be destroyed. I hope it will not be like Aleppo."

A prolonged siege of Mosul with heavy civilian casualties and the possibility of Turkish military intervention is likely to be the first international crisis to be faced by the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump. The slow and heavily-contested advance of the Iraqi armed forces into the city means that the attack will still be going on when he is inaugurated in Washington on 20 January.
Posted by: Besoeker || 11/14/2016 08:11 || Comments || Link || [6 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

#1  Historically this situation would have been met by a siege.
Posted by: Glenmore || 11/14/2016 8:36 Comments || Top||

#2  and this is our crisis, how?
Posted by: Frank G || 11/14/2016 8:39 Comments || Top||

#3  Why? Just because you say so? It's a ongoing crisis for the Iraqis who elected a corrupted pol who made appointments based on loyalty not competency. Sounds like a self inflicted wound to me. Maybe if you really fought a war to win rather than an exercise to placate NGOs and their whining, it might not be as difficult as you make it.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 11/14/2016 8:39 Comments || Top||

#4  I believe I came to understand Arab militaries in 1980, when - while stationed on Israeli Egyptian border - I've seen an officer hit a senior enlisted on the face with a riding crop. Several times. The NCO didn't even try to cover his face, or anything.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 11/14/2016 8:46 Comments || Top||

#5  I'm with Frank G on this. Let them handle their own messes.
And just for the record, we need to make it a rule to shoot out of hand any and all who bring up reconstruction of a defeated enemy. And if they don't feel 'quite defeated yet', well okay then, keep shelling until they get the message.
Don't get me started on NGO's.
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 11/14/2016 9:56 Comments || Top||

#6  Doesn't help that the western side of Mosul was left unsecured.
Posted by: Pappy || 11/14/2016 11:22 Comments || Top||

#7  It didn't take the press too long to start pinning blame on Trump, did it? This is only the beginning.
Posted by: Raj || 11/14/2016 11:29 Comments || Top||

#8  Remember the period before the 2006 Mid-Term Election? The local rag newspaper had a Page 1 Above-the-Fold story every day, often with gory pictures, about the horrors unfolding in Iraq. With Democratic Majority achieved the next issue prioritized stories about a pink llama in the county fair (!?!) and local corruption.
The MSM will make it a Republican problem because that is what they do.
Posted by: magpie || 11/14/2016 11:42 Comments || Top||

#9  Tunnels are susceptible to gas and those compression bomb thingies. Think of this as an opportunity to acquire new skills, Mr. Goran. Consult the Israelis.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/14/2016 11:44 Comments || Top||

#10  Trump's crisis is the state of US physical infrastructure, manufacturing jobs, illegal immigration etc.
Posted by: John Frum || 11/14/2016 12:54 Comments || Top||

#11  Flame throwers and Jerry cans of gasoline worked wonders for my grandfather and uncles in the Pacific.
Posted by: Knuckles Whaising3001 || 11/14/2016 13:37 Comments || Top||

#12  Perhaps some carpet bombing is in order.
Posted by: Iblis || 11/14/2016 13:47 Comments || Top||

#13  Its elite special forces and an armoured division are fighting to hold districts in the eastern outskirts of the city

Foolish use of rapid deployment mobile forces.
Maybe not so elite.
Posted by: Skidmark || 11/14/2016 15:02 Comments || Top||

#14  Elite in relation to the regular Amy which probably isn't very effective
Posted by: John Frum || 11/14/2016 15:26 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Lone Ranger || 11/14/2016 18:15 Comments || Top||

#16  #11 Flame throwers and Jerry cans of gasoline worked wonders for my grandfather and uncles in the Pacific.

Yes, they did, Knuckles! Here is a pic of my dad's amphibian tractor hosing a cave on Peleliu in WW2. Dad drove an LVT with a Canadian Ronson flamethrower module placed in the bed. Flame worked wonders on neutralizing caves and pillboxes. However, one had to watch out for a pillbox and some serious ammunition and artillery round cookoffs.

Peleliu Amphib Flamethrower
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 11/14/2016 20:14 Comments || Top||

#17  Fuel air munitions, TW
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 11/14/2016 21:53 Comments || Top||

Mosul Offensive News
Iraqi forces in Mosul defuse 11 bombs

(IraqiNews.com) Nineveh – Iraqi security forces managed to dismantle 11 booby-trapped houses, in eastern Mosul (405 km north of Baghdad), Al Mada press reported on Sunday.

Al Mada press stated, “Forces from the Anti-Terrorism Directorate managed, this morning, to dismantle 11 booby-trapped houses in Hayy al-Quds, in eastern Mosul.”

“Members of the Islamic State planted explosives inside houses in Hayy al-Quds, to hinder the advance of security forces toward the group’s defense lines,” Al Mada explained. “Security forces managed to dismantle the explosives completely,” Al Mada added.

Iraqi forces capture Karkojli area in Mosul

(IraqiNews.com) Nineveh – Commander of operation “We Are Coming, Nineveh” Major General Abdel Amir Yarallah announced liberating Karkojli neighborhood in the western coast of the city of Mosul.

Yarallah said in a press statement, “Forces from the Anti-Terrorism Directorate liberated Karkojli neighborhood completely, and advanced toward the neighborhoods of al-Bakr and Adan in the western coast of the city of Mosul.”

Iraqi security forces, backed by Army Aviation and international coalition continue the battle to liberate the city of Mosul from the ISIS control, after Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced launching the operation in 17 October 2016.

Iraqi forces report gains in Mosul

[ARA News] Duhok – General Command of the Iraqi Army said on Sunday that their forces have regained control of several neighbourhoods in the city of Mosul subsequent to heavy fighting with Islamic State’s (ISIS) militants.

“Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Units liberated the neighbourhoods of al-Orbajiyah and al-Qadisiya al-Thaniya in eastern Mosul after killing dozens of ISIS terrorists and destroying nine ISIS vehicles,” Commander of the Mosul Campaign Abdulamir Rashid Yarallah said in a statement.

The Iraqi forces also imposed a siege on the ISIS-held Adan district in Mosul.

In the meantime, the Islamic State’s Nineveh Media Office reported that ISIS fighters carried out three car bomb attacks, targeting headquarters of the Iraqi Army.

The attacks killed at least 38 Iraqi forces and led to the destruction of eight military vehicles.

Last week, the Iraqi forces were reportedly able to capture six neighbourhoods in Mosul City after hitting ISIS’ key positions there, forcing the group to retreat towards the city centre.

“Subsequent to clashes with Daesh [ISIS] terrorists, our [Iraqi] Counter-Terrorism Units liberated the neighbourhoods of Malayan, al-Samah, al-Khadraa, Karkukli, al-Quds and Karama.”

According to the Iraqi Army General Command, more than 2,000 Islamic State (ISIS) jihadists have been killed since the start of the battle for Mosul on October 17th.
Posted by: badanov || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [4 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

2 die in bombing in Kirkuk
(IraqiNews.com) Kirkuk – Two civilians were killed and seven others were injured when an IED exploded northwest of Kirkuk, targeting convoys of families escaping the Islamic State-controlled precinct of Hawija, Alsumaria News reported.

The bomb exploded on the Debka road, northwest of Kirkuk, a source told the network. “IEDs routinely explode at civilians fleeing everyday from ISIS-held regions,” he stated.

Hawija, along with several other neighborhoods in southwest of Kirkuk, have been under ISIS control since June 2014.

Iraqi forces and US-led coalition aircrafts continue with nation-wide campaigns to liberate ISIS-held cities, most significantly the city of Mosul, the last ISIS stronghold in the country.
Posted by: badanov || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [4 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Salahuddin Combat Courier
ISIS Diyala chieftain turns into a fine, red mist

(IraqiNews.com) Salahuddin – The so-called “governor of Diyala” at the self-proclaimed Islamic State militant group was killed in an IED blast on Saturday in Salahuddin, Alsumaria News reported.

He was killed along with one of his aids in a booby-trapped car explosion north of the province, a security source told the network.

“An IED placed by unknown individuals inside the car of the so-called ‘governor of Diyala’, nicknamed Abi Talha al-Ansari, went off this evening at the Hamrin mountains….leading to his death along with one of his aids,” the source stated. The pair was moving from Hawijah to the northern areas of Salahuddin, he added, on condition of anonymity.

ISIS have lost many of their leaderships in targeted attacks and ambushes at their locations, the source explained

Iraqi government forces, US-led aircrafts and popular militias are in continuous campaigns to clear Iraqi provinces of ISIS who took over large areas of the country since 2014 to establish their proclaimed “Islamic Caliphate”. The most decisive battle is now in Mosul, ISiS’s last stronghold on Iraq where forces continue operations that kicked off mid October.

3 die in ISIS chemical artillery attack on Sharqat

(IraqiNews.com) Salahuddin – Three people were killed and two others were wounded, including women and children, when Islamic State fighters shelled a village in Sharqat, Salahuddin, Alsumaria News reported.

ISIS bombed the liberated village of Khanouka on Saturday evening with more than 15 bombs, some of which contained toxic chlorine, according to a security source who asked not to be named.

ISIS, currently sustaining severe losses due to continuing, nation-wide security operations, occasionally wage suicide bombings and shellings targeting areas they had lost in battles.

The most notable battle is now in Mosul, Nineveh, where the group continues to labour in defense of its last stronghold in Iraq but only to lose more ground, according to security officials and news reports.
Posted by: badanov || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [3 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  An IED placed by unknown individuals inside the car of the so-called ‘governor of Diyala’, nicknamed Abi Talha al-Ansari, went off this evening at the Hamrin mountains…

I believe the correct term in this case is 'bomb'.
Posted by: Pappy || 11/14/2016 7:43 Comments || Top||

Baghdad Bomb and Bullet Bulletin: 1 dead

1 dead in bombing attack rear Sadr City,

(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – One person was killed and nine others were wounded when three explosions rocked different areas of Baghdad, according to security officials.

Saad Maan, a speaker for the Baghdad Operations, said, “An IED placed on the side of a road at Sadr City, east of Baghdad, exploded on Sunday, leaving three civilians wounded.”

“Another bomb planted inside a minibus exploded on the Mohamed al-Qassem road east of Baghdad, leaving one dead and two others injured,” he said.

“A third one went off inside another bus in Shaab neighborhood, causing the injury of four people,” said Qassem.

The United Nations said last week that 58000 people died due to violence since the self-proclaimed Islamic State took over large areas of Iraq in mid-2014.

5 wounded in bomb attack in eastern Baghdad

(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – Baghdad Operations Command announced on Sunday, that five persons were wounded in a blast that targeted a Husseiniyah March, in eastern the capital, Baghdad.

Spokesman for Baghdad Operations Command, Brigadier General Saad Moen, said in a press statement, “An improvised explosive device exploded, today, near a Husseiniyah March in Geish Canal road, in eastern the capital, injuring five persons with several wounds.”

“Security forces cordoned off the area and transferred the wounded to a nearby hospital,” Moen added.

Earlier today, a boob-trapped vehicle explosion hit al-Obeidi area, in eastern Baghdad, killing one person and wounding three others, while another explosion hit al-Sadr city, wounding three civilians.

Also, a third IED emplaced inside a minibus on Mohamed al-Qassim road, killing one person and injuring two others, in addition to a fourth IED explosion in al-Shaab area.
Posted by: badanov || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [3 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqi troops recapture site of Assyrian city
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Iraqi soldiers have captured Nimrud, the site of an ancient Assyrian city overrun by ISIS murderous Moslems two years ago, a military statement said on Sunday.

"Troops from the Ninth Armoured Division liberated Nimrud town completely and raised the Iraqi flag above its buildings," the statement said. The town of Nimrud lies 1 km (less than 1 mile) west of the ruins of the old city.

Fierce battles
Iraqi forces fought fierce battles against ISIS murderous Moslems on Saturday, east of djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
, after three weeks of fighting in an operation to liberate the ISIS-held area, Al Arabiya.Net reported.

Forces stormed the al-Salam neighborhood after heavy fighting with ISIS, during which dozens of murderous Moslems were killed, in addition to the destruction of boom-mobiles and heavy weapons that were found.

Special operations commander Major General Maan al-Saadi also revealed that the anti-terrorism unit advanced east into Mosul, with the aid of air raids by the international coalition.

Saadi also reported that have been able to evacuate civilians for a number of neighborhoods.

South invasion
...back at the wine tasting, Vince was about to start on his third quart...
in the southern, Federal Police captain Raed Shakir confirmed that his fighters advanced to the outskirts of Albu Saif area, and awaited orders to attack ISIS turbans.

Governor of Nineveh province also stated that the government has begun to look at relocating displaced civilians back into regained Mosul areas.

ISIS ’chemical’ attack
Amid the progress of the Iraqi forces and stationed in the south ready to storm, there have been several warnings of a possible chemical attack by ISIS. The warning comes after reports have emerged of ISIS using chemical weapons on civilians, south of Mosul.

Residents in Qayyara suffered from recent chemical attacks shortly before the current offensive began in on Oct. 17, Human Rights Watch
... During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011, HRW received a pledge from the Foundation to Promote Open Society, of which George Soros is Chairman, for general support totaling $100,000,000. The grant is being paid in installments of $10,000,000 over ten years.Through June 30, 2013, HRW had received $30,000,000 towards the fulfillment of the pledge....
confirmed in a report on Friday.
Posted by: Fred || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [13 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Southeast Asia
Molotov cocktail attack on Indonesia church hurts several kids
[AlAhram] Several children were maimed after a man allegedly threw Molotov cocktails at a church during a Sunday service in Indonesia, police said.

They were playing in the parking area of the church on Indonesia's Borneo island when the man threw the bombs from his cycle of violence.

It was the latest attack in the world's most populous Moslem-majority country against a minority group in Indonesia, which is home to significant numbers of Christians, Hindus and Buddhists.

"The man passed by the church and threw what we suspected was low-explosive cocktail bombs, causing light injuries on four children who were playing there," local police front man Fajar Setiawan told AFP.

The attacker, who was wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the word "jihad", has been captured and an investigation is underway, police said.

The motive of the attack was still unclear,
...though the t-shirt was a very, very strong hint for those with eyes to see...
Setiawan said, but the church as well as a mosque where the man went before the incident had been cordoned off for the investigation.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/14/2016 00:44 || Comments || Link || [6 views] Top|| File under:

Satellite images show Myanmar Rohingya villages torched
[Dhaka Tribune] Hundreds of buildings in Rohingya villages in western Myanmar have been torched, according to new satellite images released on Sunday as fresh fighting flared in the strife-torn region.

Northern Rakhine, which is home to the Moslem Rohingya minority and borders Bangladesh, has been under military lockdown ever since surprise raids on border posts left nine police dead last month.

Soldiers have killed several dozen people and arrested scores in their hunt for the attackers, who the government says are radicalised Rohingya forces of Evil with links to overseas Islamists.

Fresh fighting flared on Saturday with two soldiers and six attackers killed, according to the military who said they brought in helicopter gunships to repel an ambush.

The crisis and reports of grave rights abuses being carried out in tandem with the security crackdown have piled international pressure on Myanmar’s new civilian government and raised questions about its ability to control its military.
Posted by: Fred || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [5 views] Top|| File under:

Turkey backed rebel units close on Al-Bab
Erbil – The Turkey-backed Syrian rebels of the Euphrates Shield Brigades on Sunday got much closer to taking the town of al-Bab. Only 2km separates the rebels from the ISIS-hedl town.

“Turkey-backed [rebel] forces is only 2km away from liberating al-Bab. Land mines and IEDs planted around al-Bab by Daesh [ISIS] terrorists were defused,” leadership of the Euphrates Shield operation said on Sunday.

Ali Özkök, a Turkish Middle East Analyst, told ARA News that the Turkey-backed rebels could take al-Bab soon.“The Turkish air force has been striking ISIS positions in al-Bab for weeks, in support of the allied ground troops. Within two weeks al-Bab should fall.”

“1,500 rebels plus special forces, 40 tanks and 15+ apc’s are involved in a-Bab operation,” Özkök said.

However, the operation could lead to more tensions between the Kurds and Turkish-backed rebels.

Özkök said that after the operation the Turkey-backed rebels could either attack the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), ISIS-held Tabqa to go towards Raqqa, or Til Rifaat to cut of the Kurds from al-Bab.

“One thing is definite, offensive will not stop in al-Bab or Manbij. [The Euphrates Shield Brigades] started huge training programs. Erdogan speaks about a safe zone that reaches 5,000 km²,” he told ARA News.

According to Michael Stephens, director of the Royal United Services Institute–Qatar, the fight for al-Bab could endanger the recently launched Raqqa operation by the SDF forces.

“Northern Aleppo has been a very serious area of contention where it’s not clear what agreements have been made or what arrangements. There doesn’t appear to be a mechanism to stopping the Kurds or Turks to fight over it,” Stephens told ARA News.

“While al-Bab opens up options for Turkey, it shuts off options for the Kurds and puts Raqqa operation in jeopardy until there is a firmer framework for understanding how this operation is going to work. The fight for al-Bab by Turkey-backed rebels poses risk to the whole Raqqa operation that may fall apart,” he concluded.

In the meantime, the SDF spokesman Sharvan Darwish accused the Turkey-backed rebels of ethnically cleansing Kurdish and Arab villages around al-Bab, “which is a clear sign of that the Turkish operation is ultimately aimed at preventing Syrian Kurds from uniting their canton administrations in Kobane and Afrin.”

The Turkey-backed rebels taking al-Bab could also lead to more tensions between the Syrian government and Turkey. The Syrian government fears the Turkey-backed rebels could open up a new front in Aleppo city to save besieged rebels in eastern Aleppo from joint Syrian-Russian operations.
Posted by: badanov || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [10 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Clashes in east Aleppo after army warning
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Syrian government forces clashed with rebels on the outskirts of eastern Aleppo city Sunday, a monitor said, after residents received messages from the army giving opposition fighters 24 hours to leave.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britannia-based monitor, and an AFP correspondent in rebel-held east Aleppo reported festivities in the Karam al-Turab neighborhood and the village of al-Aziza just outside the city.

The AFP correspondent said the fighting could be heard in much of the rebel-held east, which is surrounded by government forces and has come under repeated assault since the army announced an operation to recapture it in September.

The fighting came as residents in east Aleppo received text messages warning rebels to leave within 24 hours.

"Gunmen in east Aleppo, you have 24 hours only to take the decision to leave," the message said.

"Those who want to save their lives must put down their weapons and their safety will be guaranteed. After the end of this period, the planned strategic offensive will begin," it added.

Syria’s government and army have regularly sent rebels and residents in eastern Aleppo text messages warning them to leave the besieged sector.

Posted by: Fred || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [5 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Terror Networks
The Beatings Will Continue: Iraqi and Syrian Editions

ISIS evacuates families to eastern Mosul

(IraqiNews.com) Nineveh – Islamic State militants are evacuating their families from the western areas of Mosul to the eastern side as the group continues to lose ground at its last foothold in Iraq to the successfully advancing Iraqi government and popular forces, Alsumaria News reported.

A local source in Nineveh told the network that ISIS “has suddenly given a greenlight to the evacuation of the families of its local fighters immediately from all neighborhoods in western Mosul to the east.” He added, on condition of anonymity, that evacuations were previously limited to the families of foreign fighters, the largest portion of whom moved to Baaj in Nineveh and Raqqa in Syria.

The move denotes a severe collapse in the group’s defenses at the western front, according to the source.

It, however, comes despite significant advances made by the Iraqi forces in the eastern side too. Scores of ISIS militants were killed on Saturday as the forces managed to liberate several neighborhoods on the eastern side of the city. Preparations are reportedly underway also to liberate the Mosul airport.

Earlier reports had revealed that ISIS blocked the Iraqi-Syrian borders in order to prevent its fighters from escaping battles to Syria. The group had also executed several fighters for delinquency on the battlefield.

Female suicide bombing recruits beg off

(IraqiNews.com) Nineveh – Female vigilantes for the self-proclaimed Islamic State are collectively escaping the city of Mosul after leaderships ordered them to ready up for suicide bombings, Alsumaria News reported, adding that the group executed one of those women.

The so-called “biters”
are collectively fleeing to other unknown destinations inside Mosul, and the group is searching for them in its strongholds at the eastern coast of the city to punish them for escaping recruitment for the planned suicide squads. The suicide teams are designed to hold off the advancing Iraqi government and popular forces, a local source told the network.

“ISIS has executed one of its biters in Dawasa, west of Mosul, for violating the declaration of allegiance to supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,” said the source, who added that the incident was unprecedented.

The ISIS “biters” force was formed to levy punishments on women who fail to commit to the group’s strict rules on public modesty. Vigilantes would bite the hands of violating women, hence the name.
Ick. What a humiliating thing to have to do.
ISIS is struggling to defend Mosul, its last bastion in Iraq, against the advancing Iraqi forces which launched a campaign in Mid October to retake the city.

ISIS executes 3 for desertion

[ARA News] Qamishli – The Islamic State (ISIS) radical group executed on Sunday three of its own jihadists on charges of attempting dissidence in Syria’s northeastern Deir ez-Zor Governorate.

Local activists confirmed that ISIS has beheaded its own militant fighters for trying to desert the group’s ranks.

“The ISIS-led al-Hisba Police arrested the three jihadists near Margada town on Deir ez-Zor’s northern administrative border with Hasakah Governorate,” an informed source told ARA News, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The Sharia Court ordered their execution in public on charges of committing ‘high treason‘.

“The three ISIS members were beheaded in front of hundreds of people in central Deir ez-Zor on Sunday evening,” media activist G. Jarbouh told ARA News.

ISIS has reportedly raised its security measures in Deir ez-Zor for fear of similar dissidence attempts among its militants.

“The group has deployed dozens of its security forces at the exists of Deir ez-Zor to prevent any suspicious movements,” Jarbouh reported, citing an ISIS official.

ISIS considers any of its jihadis who leaves his post without a permission as a traitor and enemy of its alleged Caliphate.
Posted by: badanov || 11/14/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || [5 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  So the punishment for not being a suicide bomber is death? How's that work?
Posted by: Glenmore || 11/14/2016 8:45 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2016-11-14
  Turkey backed rebel units close on Al-Bab
Sun 2016-11-13
  Rangers kill Jundallah chief in Hub
Sat 2016-11-12
  Iraqi forces massing to break into Mosul airport
Fri 2016-11-11
  Iraqi forces capture Zahar district of Mosul
Thu 2016-11-10
  30 al-Qaeda fighters die in security operation in Yemen
Wed 2016-11-09
  Two ‘LJ militants’ held for killing Amjad Sabri, army personnel
Tue 2016-11-08
  German police arrest five in raid on 'IS network'
Mon 2016-11-07
  74 die in rebel Aleppo offensive
Sun 2016-11-06
  Human Shields, Barricades Slow Iraqi Advance Into Mosul
Sat 2016-11-05
  Ten-member jihadi cell linked to ISIS 'led by fundamentalist preacher was planning attacks on Sydney'
Fri 2016-11-04
  12 Die In Rocket Attack At Faryab Wedding Ceremony
Thu 2016-11-03
  Top Haqqani network commander killed in Paktika province
Wed 2016-11-02
  Mali: One branch of Mourabitounes pledges fealty to ISIS
Tue 2016-11-01
  300 Syrian "Cubs of the Caliphate" said killed fighting for IS in Mosul
Mon 2016-10-31
  19 Lashkar-e-Taiba Terrorists Killed In Airstrikes In Afghanistan

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